Sunday, July 23, 2023

3 Butterflies

 Hi everyone. I hope you're doing something fun or maybe you are relaxing  a bit this weekend.  Whatever, I hope it's a good one.

Last week was a mostly home week for me. It was great except for 3 things. The dogs had a minor skunk encounter (oh stinky 😩). My clothes dryer stopped heating so therefore I couldn't dry  any laundry, but luckily it was a cheap part on Amazon and my husband is a very handy guy ❤  so let's hope that fix lasts at least for awhile. (This is the 4th time my husband has fixed something on this dryer. One of these days I will need to actually buy a new one but the prices of them are a real ouch and they don't seem to last all that long on top of it.) And finally my hammock ripped while I was on it and I fell straight through landing with a thump on the porch floor . I'm fine, but I was more disappointed I had to order a new hammock, which (the good news) arrived quickly! 😀  I was toughing it out for a few days sitting in a chair-smile-hee hee- because I really love my hammock on my screen porch.

I am getting off track here so let me get to the main part of this post.

Today I want to share this butterfly page for Alison's Come Fly with Me challenge at Art Journal Journey

My page today began when I took this piece of 8x8 inch paper and die cut 2 butterflies. The rest of the paper wasn't enough to do too much with but also seemed like too much to waste, so I decided to use it as a background for my page.

After I inked the actual page in my journal, I attached my die cut paper scrap. I glued it down, but I also  framed it with some washi tape.  Then I took one of the butterflies that I die cut  (this die embosses at the same time) and rubbed a bit of black ink on it so the details would stand out. Then I added that to my page.

I've been so busy this summer that I still haven't cleaned off some bits and pieces from June's AJJ challenge (which was numbers) from my worktable. Since I liked how these pieces worked,  I added them onto my page. It does seem a little "bare" without words,  but on the other hand, I think words would make it feel more crowded, so I called this page finished.

This month Alison is hosting at Art Journal Journey, and since her theme is Come Fly with Me, this page works perfect for that challenge.

I'll finish off my post with  some actual butterflies that I saw in a native butterfly pavilion at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens back almost 2 weeks ago.

I'm not good at identifying butterflies (something I need to work on) but I believe the top one is the back side of the wings on a mourning cloak and below is a monarch.

This next photo is a Painted Lady butterfly, which I learned is one of the most common in the world.

And here's the only butterfly that stays in new England throughout the winter.  This one is a mourning cloak..

Although as the guide in the pavillion said, this  butterfly was a very old mourning cloak, reaching the end of their life.

There were quite a few monarchs. The weird background is the screen  that creates part of the butterfly house structure.

And this black and blue beauty is an Eastern Tiger Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly.  Thanks David; I know I need a good butterfly book.

There is also a moth in this next photo. A moth has "fuzzy" antennae, and usually comes out at night, but doesn't have to only come out at night. I can't remember what moth the guide said it was, but I believe she said it was a Polyphemous moth. 

Last time I visited the garden there was no butterfly structure. I really enjoyed  this, even though it isn't the biggest butterfly house I've ever been in.

I'm also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting my blog. And enjoy the rest of your weekend and start of the new week.


  1. Good morning, Erika: The butterfly you have identified as an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is in fact a Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus Philemon). It would not be found in your area, being resident farther south, but of course you were visiting a butterfly conservatory. Your butterfly page is very attractive and pays homage to your visit. We too need to seriously tackle the issue of replacing our washer and dryer sometime soon. As you say, the prices are out of sight and people routinely tell us that we’ll be lucky to get three years out of them. Hugs - David

  2. Beautiful butterflies, both art and the real thing! That black and blue one looks so gorgeous!

  3. Am I glad we have wooden floor - all year round I can simply hang the clothes in the living room to dry.
    But yay to a handy Hubby!
    WHAT? By golly, I bet the expression on your face was priceless on that fall (since you were not hurt, take it with humor, right?).
    I sure love my frog - 8 inches > 20 cm :-) I´ll never learn that...
    Great page, beautiful.
    Again not a single butterfly here.
    To a great Sunday, likely on your hammock (the neighbors have one on the balcony, but it´s mostly in the corner, no idea why). Hugs

  4. ...butterflies are few and far between this year. Enjoy each one that you have.

  5. Good on hubby fixing the dryer and oops on the hammock. Lovely page and stunning butterflies

  6. Gorgeous butterfly art and photos. Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles.


  7. Good morning beautiful journal page, and I loved seeing your butterflies-have not seen the black one before.
    Oh my, what a shock to be on your hammock and have it fall-hoping you didn't get too bruised from that.
    I do allot more online shopping now too-easier and amazon ships really fast-love that. I started stocking up on a few canned goods by the dozen now too.
    Happy Sunday and new week
    Hugs Kathy

  8. Hey! I'm just glad you're okay after all of your adventures with the hammock! You're very lucky. Your husband is a handy guy. That's fantastic! Thanks for sharing these beautiful butterflies. Aloha!

  9. Hi Erika, so sorry you fell through your hammock, that was surely a shock. Glad you got a new one. I don't have a dryer, but there is one downstairs in the basement and we can used it for 1€ a load, so in winter I sometimes use it. I LOVE your butterfly page, and the butterfly house you visited is super. You had great butterflies in your garden, too. I saw a lot here when I walked into town, I love butterfly time! Have a good, new week, hugs, Valerie

  10. They are so pretty. Tonight at the antique store there was a butterfly, I think it went on a necklace, not for sure. Was pretty though.

  11. It's good that nothing happened to you with the hammock and it's nice to have a new one!
    Enchanted butterfly journal page! The photos of the butterflies are so pretty!
    Happy week, hug Elke

  12. I've had my usual catch up Erika, fantastic art and photos you shared recently. I loved seeing the butterfly close up shots and the ones of the trolls in a previous post made me smile. I hope you didn't hurt yourself with the hammock incident, I may have had a smile if I'd seen that happen.
    Have a safe rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  13. those are all bad-week things. But trust me -- there is no such thing as a minor skunk encounter. Just not tragic ones!

  14. Oops to the hammock incident, glad you weren't hurt. Think I would need a safety net to get in one.
    I do like your blue background. In some places it looks as if it is folded over although we know it is only an illusion. The butterflies look good on top and I do like the way you framed it all with washi tape.
    Thanks for the information on butterflies (I love seeing them) but I am not so keen on moths, especially as one ate a hole in my favourite cardigan recently.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your hammock Erika, I hope you didn't get too many bruises.
    I don't use a dryer, it seems such a waste of expensive electricity to me. My washing goes outside in the summer, and the heating in the house dries it in the winter.
    I love all the butterflies, your page is beautiful with its Washi frame.
    Hope you're having a good week.

  16. I love a square layout and your yellow and blue butterflies are lovely. So sorry about the "skunking" and I hurt all over reading about you falling through your hammock. Hope you haven't been too sore! Sorry I'm behind, had a little health hiccup but catching up now. XOX


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