Friday, July 7, 2023

More Bees

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday.  It's almost the weekend. That means the weather here in New Hampshire has (once again) high chances for rain and storms. It seems this summer our weather is stuck in a pattern of a couple of sunny days and then several rainy or high storm possible days will follow. 

My post's theme today is bees. I have a tag for Pinky's Hot Colors challenge at Tag Tuesday. It has some faces for Nicole's Friday Face Off , and it also works for Gillena's Friday Lunch Break

I inked my tag with some hot colored inks. The sun is an Art By Marlene punch out, and the flowers and bees are some die cuts. I finished my tag by creating a border and adding a TH quote sticker.

And while I'm on a bee theme for the day, let me add another page from my bee journal. There's a really clear face  for Friday Face off on this page. And since bees fly, this page also works for Alison's  Come Fly with Me  at Art Journal Journey.

I started with a purple inked background  that I then stenciled a design onto with some yellow paint.  And don't you love this big bee and flower photo I cut out of a bee supply catalogue? 

I also added some yellow plastic gemstones to make the page feel brighter ass well as a punch out quote from an Art By Marlene book.

This next photo is not lightened at all so the purple looks darker than it really is. But you can see the quote better here, even if it has a white background not blue.

And here's a few bee photos from the last time I checked out my hives. I can see where the cliche "Busy as a Bee" comes from.

This hive has so many bees and so much honey I've needed to add an extra box onto  the top called the honey super.

And how about this cool close up with the bees heads in the comb. They are definitely busy bees.

I'm still worried about my other box of bees that doesn't have very many bees in it, and lately I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I should do. The bad part about this information quest is I keep getting a lot of conflicting answers.  

That's all for me today. Have a fantastic start to your weekend.


  1. You can definitely never have too much Happy!

  2. The bees look so healthy and beautiful! Page No.1 is my favourite.

  3. I was thrilled when I read your topic is bees. I never get tired of seeing your bee art and especially your live bees. I think you are amazing for raising them. Here, on the Oregon cost, anyway in my back yard bees are hard pressed to come by. However, this year, with the colder weather I have more bees in my garden. Not many, maybe 1 or 2 a day. That is more than we have had in past years. Thank you for raising bees and for sharing with FFO. Have a lovely weekend.

  4.'s great to see that your bees are doing well, it's a sweet thing!

  5. Love your bee art and photos! Bees are special to me and to everyone on this planet!

  6. Very cool bees and bee faces. I have a friend in SC who is also keeping bees. She went to bee school. I can put you in touch if you'd like? Stay cool today

  7. Wonderful bee art, love the journal page and of course the gorgeous, hot 🔥 tag! I have bee earrings, for one ear there's a bee on a leaf, and for the other one a honey pot and spoon, I must post a picture! Happy Friday, hugs, Valerie

  8. Good luck with your bee box! I especially love your purple pages.

  9. I was wondering about your other box of bees. I can see that you're still worrying about them, and getting conflicting answers doesn't make it easier.
    The pink tag is 100% cool!
    Have a lovely weekend, Erika!

  10. I do like your bee art.
    The bees in your photographs look good, hope the others will be okay.

    Have a lovely weekend, whatever the weather does.

    All the best Jan

  11. great bee post, glad you have the one hive doing really well-hoping you discover what needs to be done for the other hive. Love your bee journal Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  12. Wow on your art and real bees! To happy!
    I hope the ones in the other box make it, too!! Amazing creatures!
    Have a wonderful weekend, hugs

  13. They are indeed busy, Erika, and it looks like the one hive is really doing well. Be sure to let us know when the season is over what the yield of honey was. Looks like it will be a bonanza year. Hugs - David

  14. Nice tag and page and I'm happy that your bees are doing so well, even though that one hive is problematic. Your weather pattern is unfortunate but I hope it breaks long enough for you to get in some hammock time on that fabulous porch, xoxo

  15. Great art work ~ all lovely and fascinating bee photos ~ hope the hive situation gets resolved soon ~ Weather pattern is same here in MA ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I love your bees! Next year will you collect the honey and use it? I know last year you left it to build on but it sounds like they are super productive! I hope your smaller hive makes it.

  17. I agree; you can never have too much happy

  18. So many summertime delights... that uplifting tag, and the amazing bee page (that photo!), and then on I went and found your hives... what a glorious insight into an extraordinary species, thank you.
    Alison x

  19. You certainly can't have too much happy Erika!! Love your gorgeous tag. I am amazed at your hives!! Thanks so much for taking time to join in my theme this fortnight at Tag Tuesday.

  20. Beautiful art and a wonderful sentiment Erika!
    Great to see your bees doing their thing, I hope they do well.

  21. Lovely art and photos. (Do you have the same flood watch that all of CT has, for Sunday into Monday? We're supposed to get heavy rain due to pop up thunderstorms.)

  22. Love your tag and your journal page ... I love bees and especially bees who bring positive messages. Your hive looks so healthy and yes, busy and your photos are wonderful. As for your other hive I suggest you listen to the advice and then do what makes most sense to you. I am guessing you will figure it out :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  23. That's a cute tag, Erika, but I really, really LOVE the bee on the flower you created for Alison's theme at AJJ. It is precious.

    Your one box of bees is doing well. I hope the other box survives. I know nothing about bees, but I am surprised the bees haven't mingles between boxes more. I guess each is loyal to their queen and return to the correct box each time they leave the box.

  24. Oh dear, I do hope you sort the bee problem out. It must be a worry for you. But saying that the other hive is so busy, i had no idea there would be so many bees in one hive. Fabulous photos.
    Also your beek journal - lovely page, great background and the bee photo is fabulous.
    Also I do like the tag at the beginning, what a cute sunshine that is.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  25. Bees are amazing. I also post some creative things over my blog.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  26. I especially love the huge bee! Great to see your bees working hard, Chrisx


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