Monday, July 31, 2023

T Stands for Last Week

 Hi everyone. It's already time for T again.  And it is hard to believe it's August (or if you read this Monday night it is just hours away from August).   It used to be ( for me) that August first always meant the countdown to going back to school. Being retired, I am happy that the first of August doesn't mean that the end of the summer is looming just a few weeks away. 😏

Last week was busy but also a good summer week. First of all I was very excited as I actually got back to Pop's for dinner one night. I haven't been there since May and before we went to Iceland. We did try to go a couple of times in July, but both times the line was so long we decided to skip it. We went last Thursday night, which we hoped would mean a shorter line since it wasn't the weekend and since the sky looked rather ominous. We hoped those 2 things would keep people away. And happily, the line was shorter, with only 1 family in front of us.

But just as our food came out, the sky opened up and it poured. Luckily we had ordered our food to go, and the hubby had already gone back to get the car so he could pick me up right up front. The food stayed dry, but I was drenched by the time I ran the 10 feet across the parking lot and slid into the front passenger seat.

It was worth being wet though because I had one of the best lobster rolls.

I don't like that Pop's went over to these plastic food containers for lobster rolls, but on the other hand, it did keep my sandwich dry while I ran to the car. If you look carefully you can see water droplets on the top of the plastic container.

The rain didn't last too long, so by the time we finished eating it had stopped. Where the clouds were moving out the sky had this strange color. Yet we did have a rainbow, even if the sky color somewhat overpowers it in this direction.

And when I looked west, you could see the sky really clearing. No strange colored sky there.

A few minutes later the sky color had changed again.

We could see the other half of the rainbow as we started driving home.

Also last week my friend from North Carolina was up visiting. We went out to Cisco Brewery in Portsmouth one day for lunch.  That's where my drink for T this week is from. I am linking this photo up to Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog for this week's T day.

I did not have the whale's tail pale ale like the glass says, but I had a strawberry lemonade beer. It was very refreshing, and it had an interesting taste. It was great seeing my friend, and we talked about doing another weekend getaway at some point.

In between all the busyness I also enjoyed some summer  downtime last week.  Finally by Friday my new hammock could get some use. 😀
I hope everyone has a great start to August. And a happy T day too.


  1. It used to be for me as well that August 1 started the countdown to back to school. I am VERY happy that this is no longer the case - I really don't miss high school at all. It's a shame that they serve such delicious food in those plastic containers - I simply don't understand this addiction to plastic. Yes, it's cheap, but the environment (and eventually we) will be paying a much much higher price. Here in my city it is not allowed anymore to sell take-out in plastic, it has to be cardboard or paper. I think this is a step in the right direction. Your sky and rainbow pictures are beautiful - what a light! I hope the orange shade didn't originate from wildfire smoke. Happy T day, my friend!

  2. rainbows without rain!

  3. Oh wow, your lobster roll is so much better than mine!!! Yum, Yum, Yum. One day I am going to get one like yours.

    Love the rainbow pictures - you and Valerie are lucky to have seen such pretty ones this week.

    The beer is one I would try for sure!!!

    Happy T-day and hugz to you, Erika.

  4. Those sudden rainstorms have been showing up here in Michigan as well as where you are. It's so hard to decide whether to wait or to run for it. Your lobster roll looks fabulous!
    best, mae at

  5. Beautuful rainbow; magical

    Happy Monday
    My linky today is HERE


  6. Glad you enjoyed your beer.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  7. Great photos of the rainbows! And yay for having lobster rolls. And how neat is Whale Tale Ale? Happy T Day.

  8. My mouth is watering terribly at that lobster roll!!!! Beautiful rainbow shots!

  9. Such a happy day!
    Ha, here satellite is dead right now due to rain. And I´m hungry. But Ingo is on holiday and still asleep, so I keep my feet still (waiting for a colleague so I have a few minutes Off).
    Crazy sky but yay for rainbows!
    The beer looks good, too (but here it´s rather time for a hot tea soon).

    Long queues for food. Sweet (well.. hearty!) memories when we still had food trucks here. Somehow since COVID there was no such festival here anymore.
    Anyhows: To yours, happy T-Day, hugs

  10. How nice that you finally got your lobster roll at Pop's. What a harrowing experience, Sorry you got drenched, but it sounds like it was worth it.

    I was taken by the sky shots, but also by the electric and phone lines everywhere in your photos. Goes to show how we live in the states. No underground wires here. Beautiful rainbow, though.

    I can't begin to imagine a strawberry lemonade beer. That is just WRONG (grin). Thanks for sharing your photos of the sky, your lobster roll and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  11. Here is the answer to plastic at that restaurant and it is so simple it is mind boggling. Simply tell the owner that you cannot eat there as long as they use plastic containers and disposable cutlery. If everyone did that for a week, and his business dried up, you’d see it change in the blink of an eye. But it won’t happen, because no one cares. In the meantime, mother’s milk now contains micro plastics and we keep adding more plastic to the earth and the oceans. Modern Homo sapiens is the dumbest species to inflict itself on this poor finite planet.

  12. Just a short, generic comment today, as I am not up to much just now. Happy T Day and have a great week, hugs! Valerie
    I saw the rainbow!

  13. Glad you were able to eat at Pop's. I have never had a lobster roll. Even though I live on the coast we don't have seafood eateries here. Well they try but the food here is so bad, and lobster is nowhere to be found. It looks good though. Love the photos. Have a great day today.

  14. When I was a child school didn't start until after Labor Day. It's hard for me to realize some schools have already started.

    That was some rain! What a rainbow!

    Happy T Tuesday

  15. That lobster roll looks so good. Wasn't the light of the sky after the storm weird and wonderful. I couldn't see a rainbow when I went out to look and take some pictures. Your photos are just awesome. Happy T Day

  16. Your lobster roll has enormous chunks! It looks SO delicious! Glad that you finally got to Pop's again this summer, despite the rain. It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over.
    Love the rainbow!! They are always spectacular.
    Happy Tea Day.

  17. The sky pictures are wonderful Erika. So pleased you got to Pops for your lobster roll even though you did get soaked. Love the name of the beer. Happy T Day, Chrisx

  18. We have rain here too...but then the sun comes out again...and the weeds grow higher! The food looks lovely although I'm not keen on lobster! Happy T for Tuesday, late as always

  19. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at Pop's! The photos of the lobster roll look delicious as well! Beautiful rainbow and sky pictures too.Thank you for sharing.
    I hope you have a fantastic day today filled with good vibes and delicious treats. Take care and have a great T day too!

  20. Oh, I'm so happy for you that you've been able to get to Pop's and treat yourselves to a lobster roll! I know how much you loveit. And I must admit, this one looks super delicious!
    Raun! I wish you could send some over....

  21. Those sky photos are amazing. And Pops -- that lobster roll looks beyond delicious! I'm probably not going to catch off from a short blog break but hopefully now I can keep up!


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