Monday, July 10, 2023

T Stands for Pizza

 Hi everyone. Happy T Day again. 

I spent the end of last week and this past weekend down with a weird head cold. I say weird because I had a slightly stuffy nose (more runny than stuffy) and a slightly sore throat. All I really wanted to do was sleep. And since it was hot and humid, that's what I did . (Thank goodness for a screen porch and my hammock, but this wasn't how I planned to use it-smile.)  And yes it sounded a bit like covid, but I tested. It was just a cold, and luckily a quick passing one too. 👍

Over the July 4th weekend we had  a lot of rain and one day  the sun eventually came out for the whole afternoon. That was  the day "the guys" planned to rebuild the old and collapsing dock up at my mother-in-laws.

You can see the old dock in the above photo.

The 4 guys working on it were my husband (in the white and blue striped sun shirt in this next photo), my son-in-law (to the right of him), the niece's husband (standing in the water) and also the chef brother-in-law who didn't make it into these 2 photos but was there working. (That was his head in the above photo with the broken dock.)

My sister-in-law, my daughter, the niece and myself sat on the dock and supervised. 😉

This is as far as this piece of the dock was completed on that day, but this past weekend my husband was laying down the decking. You can also see Mr. Peter's head in this photo. The dogs actually liked the broken dock because they could walk in and then sit on it and get wet rather than having to swim which they need to do if they go down the stairs. 

And if you remember me mentioning how my mother-in-law was in rehab for a nasty fall, she is now newly moved into a Memory Care Assisted Living facility, which has been a lot of stress and worry for everyone, but especially my husband and one of his sisters. 

And since it's T day, here's my drink sitting all alone on the dock at the end of the day. This is my ticket this week for over T over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog

And yes it's a plastic bottle of Diet Coke. I like these smaller plastic bottles because I can never drink a whole bottle in one day, and that way I don't get totally flat soda the next time I go to drink it. Earlier in the day I had some water  (in my big fillable jug) and also a can of hard cider but they never made it into a photo. I did recently have a bottle of Diet Coke  this size that said it was made from 100% recycled plastic, but finding them seems to be an exception more than a rule.

Now you might be wondering why I called this post T Stands for Pizza. After the dock building was completed for the day, my brother-in-law the chef was demonstrating his new wood-fired  pizza oven.

You can tell he cooks professionally because he made a whole lot of pizzas to bake. (Way more than was needed, that's for certain.)

You can see one finished pizza on the cutting board in this next photo and also my pizza which is yet to be cooked on the bottom of the photo. The deal was that we each brought our own pizza supplies, and he would bake the pizza. My hubby was the one who put together the pizza supplies, and his taste runs traditional, so you see onions, peppers, and pepperoni on mine.

And Miss Maddie knew where the best seat in the house was too. Mr. Pete is on the other side of the photo because he's pretty sly about food too. 

The chef still had the bugs to work out with his pizza oven as this was only the second time he used it. He was cooking the pizzas on a sheet  of aluminium foil. I can only speak for my pizza, but the crust was delicious and bubbly, but my bottom was still on the raw side by the time the crust was done. Perhaps the tin foil was the issue, not letting the bottom brown up? I never read the instructions and have never used one of these types of pizza ovens so I really don't know how to get the bottom to cook better. I  didn't eat the middle of my pizza so Miss Maddie and Mr. Pete both had a little treat.

That's all for me today. I have a busy week ahead again. At this rate the summer is going to fly by at the speed of sound. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. ...I would want your husband's job, every job needs a supervisor.

  2. Sorry you ended up with a bad cold-perhaps all the traveling and then coming home to allot of rain.
    That's nice the family was able to gather together to build a new dock. and the pizzas look delicious. I always wondered about those pizza ovens. does that bottom have bricks or metal? may bake better right on that.
    Happy T wishes Hugs Kathy

  3. Such a big task to build a dock but that was great that everyone lent a hand. It is always better with more hands.
    That pizza oven sounds like fun! If we ever get to renovate our outdoor area, I would love one of these ovens. Looks like it was a lovely feast but I am with you, no "soggy bottoms."
    Isn't summer nice, you can lie around when you are under the weather. Glad you are recovered.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. The new docking will be great I think. It's wonderful when everybody (i.e. the guys) help and the women have the task of supervision - I like that. Your dogs are adorable and they did deserve your pizza middle. The pizzas look tasty. We once did a German Scbhool board meeting at the board president's home and he had a "real" wood fired pizza oven. The pizzas were absolutely delicious (and delayed the start of the meeting by almost 90 minutes...)

  5. It is like an old Barn raising, only Dock raising. Great when so many can get together to do and then eat wonderful pizza! Happy T day.

  6. Sorry about the cold. Not fun at all. Glad you got some rest thought. The dock looks great and hey you know me, give me pizza any day. These all look so darn good. Have a great evening.

  7. Sorry about the pizza but they looked good. All the best to your mother in law.

  8. Sorry to hear about you having cold. It is not that easy with a stuffy nose. The dock project sounds interesting too and finally, the outcome is great! I like that when ladies supervise when the gents are working on some big project :)
    Happy T Tuesday!

  9. That's a lot of pizza :-) Good job with the dock!

  10. Glad it wasn´t Covid - ack, the ever-returning fear of that!
    Can you send your gang over here? Our balcony could need a redo (there is already moss on it!). I would be willing to supervise ;-)
    Thanky ou for the dock-earworm... Great pic for that!

    OMG - you have me drooling over those Pizzas!!!
    I need to make a pan Pizza. Need to.

    To a happy and yummy T-day, hugs

  11. It is an honourable tradition that women supervise men’s construction projects, otherwise how would it all get done right? With four of you to fill the role I am sure that nothing was missed, misplaced or misnailed. Soggy pizza sounds like a bit of a disappointment, so perhaps supervision was needed there too! Hugs - David

  12. Glad you ladies were able to direct the men and tell them what to do. They have done a great job! I think that's enough pizza for an army of hungry builders, yummy! Sorry to here about your MIL, and hope she soon settles in. The dogs had a great day, too, and the always know how to find the best place for catching some food! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  13. Super impressed with their dock and pizza making skills! Wow. Glad you are feeling better! Happy t-day. I am not posting this week but wanted to check in on you. Hugz

  14. My husband can attest that I am a very good supervisor!

  15. Glad you are feeling better. Hope you are well soon. That dockis turning out great. Helping hands are always welcome. Looks like they knew what they were doing, at least.

    I'm surprised you didn't use some of that amazing basil I didn't have a chance to comment on in your last post. Basil is great on pizza. Sorry your pizza wasn't done completely, but they all look so good and different, too. Loved seeing the diet Coke on the dock, too.

    Thanks for sharing your dock building, the new pizaa oven, your pizza, and your diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  16. I'm glad you're feeling better. That was a strange bug!
    Supervising is always the best job! You supervised well because it looks like the guys did a wonderful job!
    It's good to hear your mother-in-law is in a safe place now but I can also imagine it has caused a lot of stress, head aches and heart aches. Well done though. I hope she will be happy. Is it permanent or just temporary?
    The pizzas look delicious, and a new fangled oven would have teething problems. I'm sure ´chef´ will figure out what went wrong.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. Your outdoor areas are like a dream: a dock (]meaning you have access to water! and a pizza oven. I suspect you will figure out how to get the bottom well cooked. We do it on a stone in our regular oven and heat it for 1/2 hour first.
    best, mae at

  18. I had a cold that sounds very much like yours...runny nose , sore throat and tired.. i put it down to allergies of some kind but who knows.. It took a while but its finally clearing up... Your gonna love that new deck! And the pizzas look wonderful.. sorry to hear they didn't cook up well.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  19. That sounds like great teamwork! And a lot got done. Dinner looks to die for! I take my diet coke in those bottles too because of the same reason -- I don't always want the full one -- sometimes even just a couple of gulps. So it serves the purpose. Here in Michigan we have recycle for soda bottles so I don't feel so bad about the plastic.

  20. Wow! This looks like a good team task and with pizzas to follow I hope you have more success next time! Happy T Day, I'll be on catch up soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. Hi Erika, just trying to comment in my craft room and dripping wet, my ipad isn't playing ball, love the photos of the boys working together and the tasty looking pizzas, Have a great week Jan S

  22. GlD to read that the cold was a short lived one, Erika, and nothing “wrong” with recovering on the porch in a hammock. The dock project looks like it will really turn out well. Hope you MIL will adjust to her new residence as it must be quite the change from being independent. The pizzas looked good and getting the crust to be done has always been a challenge for me as well.

  23. Those pizzas look delicious - how lucky to have a chef there to cook for you. I had to titter when i read the work of the women - of course you always need a foreman on every job - or four.
    Looks like it was a good day for all of you.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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