Friday, September 15, 2023

Early Halloween Art

Hi everyone. Happy middle of September to you. This week sure flew by; even though I was busy it's not like I was that busy. Smile.  And since today is Friday  I am posting for Nicole's  Friday Face Off  and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break .

Last week I pulled out my box of Halloween craft supplies out of the attic.  It's a pretty big box because I have years worth of ephemera and some rubber stamps in it. I really need to use some of that ephemera so I can put a smaller box in the attic-grin. I am not a spooky or creepy person, but I love making Halloween inspired art. I think it's my chance to let my inner spooky, creepy person come out.😈 Plus, it is really  just fun to play.

 I have a stack of bingo cards that are made out of light cardboard. They came in a home bingo game my daughter had when she was little, and being a craft supply pack rat, I saved them when she was done with the game. Time to use at least some of them. Smile.

I decided I'd make a Halloween journal using the cards as my base.  I haven't bound them together yet because this way I can work on many cards at once (since in a bound journal if the pages are wet  you can't easily work on other pages).   These all have various faces, so let me share a few today.

Yes those set of boys are the same, only one image is actually bigger than the other. And I also know that the "bug" in the spider web is not a spider.  But maybe I need to add a spider.

And since there are a couple of mini black cats on the first page and also the third page features a bigger black cat image, I am also linking up to Elle's Books, Cat and Tea challenge at Art Journal Journey.

That's all for me.  We're still on the hurricane watch here. Actually more like the effects of the hurricane here since as of this morning when I post, I think Lee has moved further East into the Atlantic and will not be hitting us directly in NH. Hopefully  it weakens so wherever the storm makes landfall there is only light rain and winds.  Take care if you are anywhere along the storm's path. And thanks for visiting. Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. ...Halloween seems to come earlier every year.

  2. When my daughter was a little girl Halloween was a big event for her, but we seem to have little to do with it in recent years. Most of the people on our street have lived there for twenty-five or more years and there are so few young children in the neighbourhood very little trick or treating occurs. Maybe I’ll get dressed up in a costume and go door to door and see how that works! Hugs - David

  3. Love your Halloween art, especially the boys in the spider web and the grinning black cat!

  4. The Halloween journal will be a fun book. Love the Ink Bingo card. Glad Lee isn't brining much rain or wind to my area. Also glad that Lee isn't effecting the Southeast Connecticut coast. I didn't want to miss the retreat on Enders starting on Sunday. Have a great day!

  5. The spider nest one looks really great!

  6. Ohhh you know I love this post. Creepy comes in many different disguises and I love you fun creep. Perfect for FFO, thank you for joining in and have a lovely weekend.

  7. Love what you have made! This will be another fabulous album. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Creepy pages 🫣 The first is least, so it's my favorite 👍
    Happy weekend 🧡

  9. fI love your Halloween art. You have mastered the vintage and the beautifully done! Fingers crossed you don't lose power or get too much rain/flooding as an aftermath of Leo.

  10. I'm always ready for Halloween. I especially like that last ghosty one :)

  11. Your early Haloween art is fantastic.
    Thanks for linking up at AFFF


  12. Hi Erika, hope y'all are battened down and ready. Please know I'm on Hurricane Watch right along with you, thanks to my mom. If I know someone in one, I'm on alert, lol.
    I love your H'ween journal idea and your pages are fab! I actually think the bug goes better with those rascally boys than a spider, might be from their collection, lol. Can't wait to see more pages.
    Prayers for y'all to come through Lee's west side havoc like champs. Just remember, you are on the good side!

  13. Happy Halloween early. You must be a fan. Hoping you will escape the storm.

  14. I love your Halloween pages, Erika! I'm not into really creepy gory Halloween projects. I had many years of Halloween fun with my second and third graders. I'm glad that you're in a safer spot regarding the passing of Lee. The eye is passing right over my family in Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia. I have many friends, relatives, and close family members in its direct path. Fortunately they will all be as prepared as they can. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. I will start decking out for Halloween, when I get back from California.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  16. What agreat idea to use the old bingo cards. I sent most of mine to Cindy who uses them as great backgrounds, too. I was surprised you covered over the Bingo portion of the cards, though. I am sure these are going to be great and I know when you finish you will have a wonderful book. Thanks also for sharing this with Elle's theme at AJJ.

  17. Spooky. It's great that you have found another use for the bingo cards.

  18. Love all of your art (what else ;-)...)
    Got some ghosts here, too, and pumpkins (certainly I got a "handicapped" light-chain with one missing) and a cat!
    To a happy Halloween soon (not really here in Germany, Ingo did his best. One kid showed up. One....)

  19. As you know I am on holiday at the moment but loved seeing your pages,such variety too! Glad to know Miss Maddie is recovering well! Moving on to son's place tomorrow- hit and miss internet connections! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. Love your Halloween art Erika, I do love Halloween crafting. A few years ago, I bought a whole heap of TH Halloween bits and pieces and THEN didn't use them at all because they all arrived too late to be useful for Halloween! They are still in a box because I keep forgetting they exist lol but I need to do something with them, they are only taking up space that I could use for something else. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  21. What a great post this is. I love handmade books (and making them) and this one is super for Halloween. Those two boys are perfect, you were so lucky to have them in your pack - and two images of them - someone was looking down on you.
    Love all your pages and as you point out, some are great for Elle's challenge.
    hugs, Neet xx


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