Monday, September 4, 2023

T Stands for Lakeside Mornings

 Hi everyone. It's time for T again. Happy September to those  of you who I only "see" for T day. And to all my blog friends from the US and Canada,  I hope you had a great Labor Day long weekend that has just wrapped  up.

Today (as I am writing this on Monday night) was my last day of my summer Lake Hosting job. You might remember I've mentioned my summer job and showed photos a couple of other T days. I am ready to  be "unemployed" again 😏, but I will  go back next summer if it works out.  

Last week on Monday and Tuesday mornings at the lake we had a lot of fog, and that fog made some dramatic photos. Let me share a few with you.

The spider webs on the ramp's boat dock were much more visible.
And no spider either.

The fog moved (like Carl Sandberg's poem states) on little cat feet. One moment it was so thick you could barely see.

Later the sun tried to burn through the clouds, and that took quite a while. If anyone saw me in my fleece shirt, sweatshirt as well as being wrapped in a blanket, they would probably think I was camping there. The dampness was really chilly.

The sun was trying to burn it's way through.

And then the fog would thicken up again.

It took a bit, but eventually the sun burned through the clouds and the day brightened. 

Since it is time for T and I need a drink photo, I staged this view later in the morning when the sun and most of the clouds had cleared up.  Here's my drink ticket for T this week at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Some of you may have read on my blog the other day that Miss Maddie had an accident on Friday while jumping out of the boat. In the process she tore a small hole in her bladder and took some water into her lungs. To avoid surgery to fix the hole in her bladder, she's been catheterized (don't want any more urine to leak into her body cavity) and sedated at the doggie hospital. The point is to get the bladder hole to heal without having to do surgery. 

And we have good news. Things are improving! In fact, hopefully she'll be home tomorrow (Tuesday). The hole has healed, or much of it has. The regular veterinarians just want to have the  veterinary surgeon, who has been away on vacation but  due back on Tuesday,  to take a look at Miss Maddie. If she thinks all looks good, then Maddie will be home by the time T day ends. 😀

That's all for me. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. These photos are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
    I'm also glad to hear that things are looking up for Miss Maddie! It must have been a worrying time for you. Hopefully, she'll be back home soon. Sending warm thoughts and well wishes for Miss Maddie's continued recovery!
    Happy T day to you too!

  2. Oh I'm so thrilled that Maddie will be okay! This is just a lovely lovely post and I feel happier and healthier for having visited today. Aloha

  3. ...fall creates magical mornings.

  4. I'm so glad the news on Maddie is good and hope she'll return to you tomorrow. Love all your fog photos -- it's mesmerizing, isn't it?

  5. Love the mystery look of the foggy lake views. Sad that summer is over.

  6. Where is Charlotte?
    I sure miss fog. Here in the city it´s near to never there. When I still drove to work I would stop often at the bridge to catch fogs and webs.
    The lake is beautiful. Is that a seagull on the pole?
    Thank you, that was a wonderful read to start the day
    And yippee for Miss Maddie, too. Hugs and happy T-Day!

  7. Wow, I had no idea a dog (or anything) could have an injury like that from jumping. This is why I don't jump (I would say lol but this is no laughing matter). So glad she is doing better. The fog reminds me of the Stephen King Fog book and movie. Super spooky. Very cool.

    Glad you are unemployed again!

    Happy T-day and hugz

  8. I am sure that both you and Maddie will be glad to be reunited at home. Happy days ahead. Hugs - David

  9. Beautiful photos of the lake, so sorry to hear about Maddie, hope she heals quickly and I hope it hasn't put her off going out in the boat.
    Happy T Day Jan S

  10. Love your foggy photos, so beautiful. For frost and fog I even get up early to go out and take pics! I'm sorry your job is over, but this will give you more time for other things. How are your bees doing? Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  11. Hope Madies is soon home with you, poor girl! Hugs!

  12. Those fog photos are out of this world. My favorite may be the bird on the pole in the water. That was award worthy in my opinion.

    Nice to read that Miss Maddie is on the mend. Sorry you are now among the unemployed (grin).

    Great shot of that diet coke. Thanks for your amazing fog shots and your drink you shared with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  13. Good to hear that your dog is healing!

    For the record, the poem is by Carl Sandburg. From Poetry Foundation:

    The fog comes
    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.

  14. Ohhh Maddie. I am so glad she is doing better and will be home soon. Your photos are magnificent. Have a good day today.

  15. Great spider web photo, and the fog photos are atmospheric. Nice!

    I'm glad to hear Maddie is healing and will be home soon. She will be so happy!

  16. That's good news to hear about Maddie. Your fog pictures are awesome especially the second photo with the reflection. The sun looks like an eye. No fog today. I'm enjoying back to Summer. Happy T Day

  17. Beautiful lake photos. Fog is my favorite!
    So sorry to hear about your sweet doggie. Hope she is feeling better soon.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. Pleased the news on Maddie is good.
    I did enjoy seeing your foggy photographs, makes things nice and atmospheric.

    All the best Jan

  19. I've had a long catch up today and had to stop by here and say how I loved seeing toe photos. Also its good news that Maddie is getting well after her stay in Vet Hospital and will be home again soon.
    Yvonne x

  20. That's very encouraging news about Maddie and I love your new header. XOX

  21. Love that spider web photo especially, still playing catch up. Happy belated T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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