Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Camera Gear

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. I hope your first week of October is going well.

Today I have a journal page to share for Neet's In Gear challenge over at Art Journal Journey

My page today is about how I love taking photos. My camera has always been one of my most valued possessions. Do you still have a film camera? I have my old film one squirreled away in the attic, but now my camera is digital. If you own(ed) a film camera,  do you remember picking out the right type of  film from all the available choices?  And of course nothing was instant like it is now also. I don't miss having to pay for film developing, and I definitely like being able to play with my photos on the computer now.

My page today is made with printed paper. I used one sheet for the background. It was missing an edge (because I cut something out of it) so I used a scrap of coordinating paper to fill in the gap. This lady is cut out of another sheet, and the camera and film image is also cut out from some printed paper. The 3 large quotes in the middle of the page are from one of my favorite old sets of 7Gypsies stamps. To finish off this page I added a quote sticker and 3 chipboard gears that I colored to look  old.

And speaking of taking photos, last Friday morning I went for a short "hike" with 2 friends. None of us had been to this trail before, and it was really quite lovely. We walked down to the Isinglass River in Rochester. Rochester is the New Hampshire city just a couple of towns away from where I live. 

My friend's pink fleece really popped in the forest.

There was even a small waterfall.

And a rope swing with this scary ladder. 

And there's just a touch of color coming on the leaves here.

These tree roots among the rocks look almost like a sculpture.

Time to walk back to the car and go get some breakfast. πŸ‘

Hope your week is going well.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. A beautiful walk. As you say, your friend’s pink fleece left no doubt as to her presence there! Hugs - David.

  2. Lucky that you took cameras to Isinglass River in Rochester. It looks wild, naturally foresty looking territory.

  3. Oh, yes. 100.. 200 iso? Will the film survive traveling in the car throughout Australia (they did).
    She sure has the right gear in!
    The ladder and rope... to be young again! Hugs - to a great week!

  4. Love the trail you walked - did you try the rope ladder?
    Love the journal page, great take on gear. I still have all of cameras. Last year I sold one on E Bay, an old Leica - really old, and broken, and I got a lot of money for it, I could hardly believe it. Hugs, Valerie

  5. ...I just got back from the Adirondacks and these images look like what I saw. Now I'm in Rochester, NY and things don't look a thing like that!!!

  6. Not sure if I would ever use that ladder...the page looks so lovely with that beautiful lady.

  7. I was never really into photography. I didn't have a "good" camera. Just and instamatic and a Polaroid. You forest shots are beautiful. I love the feel and texture you captured. No need for fleece today. I wish the weather would stay like this all Winter.

  8. Beautiful page! As you know, I love photography too so this is perfect and a great way to include those gears ❤️. Looks like you had a lovely walk with you friend, nice to see that the leaves are just starting to change too. Take care and happy wishes 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  9. I remember my first camera back when I was in elementary school. Sweet!

    I would love doing that hike. Looks lovely there.

  10. Lovely page, and how lucky you are to have a waterfall nearby. Lovely hike.

  11. A fabulous page Erika, and beautiful photos of your hike.

  12. Thanks for the Fall photos.
    In Gear page

    Happy Wednesday


  13. Another beautiful page, whatever you did to those gears, they do look quite old! I no longer have my old DSLR with all the many attachments and lenses, I do still have the last camera I kept in my purse along with my camera-less cell phone before getting an iphone. It's a Canon Powershot, lol. Gosh, seems like a lifetime ago. I still have decades of processed photos in boxes, remember getting free doubles at the development place? Ugh, still have those too, lol. Again, so sorry to have caused the stoopid wrong comment on yesterday's post. I'm blaming fibromyalgia brain fog, lol. XOX

  14. Dear Erika,
    I'm like you on this subject, I love taking photos, I like editing my photos on the computer and I'm happy that I no longer have to pay for film development. I never had a film camera, but now I make unprofessional mini-films with my cell phone, for example to film my grandson and his development as he grows up or just for the blog and for fun. Your nostalgic journal page is super beautiful! Your hike took you and your friends to a great area. I love waterfalls! Am I right in assuming that you didn't use the rope swing and the scary ladder ;-))
    What you told me about your experience with the educational film sounds funny :-D
    All the best from Austria and happy October days
    πŸπŸŒ»πŸ‚ 🌻🍁

  15. ... and a happy middle of the week to you too :)

    I do like your page and really enjoyed looking at your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  16. What a fun journal page and a unique take on Neet's theme, Thanks for sharing a new idea (for me) with us at Art Journal Journey and Neet's theme.

    Ny goodness you live in a beautiful area. Striking beauty, trees, and waterfalls. Nothing like flat dry Kansas. I can see why you love it there. Your photos show how awesome your area is.

  17. Just read the comment you left me. You are right. I am still a tomboy and would love to be dressing in tight fitting pants. However, I have a real problem and have had for a few years, It came on suddenly, just like I can't have anything metal against my skin. I wear loose fitting dresses. No waist. I just can't stand clothes next to my skin, but I put up with clothes when I go out. In winter I wear nightgowns, never PJs. I find winter hard because I MUST wear clothes next to my skin in winter. Thanks for asking.

  18. Fabulous photos of your walk, what a beautiful place to go, especially with friends.
    As for your journal page, there is so much to see, I could look at it for simply ages. I notice the different craft on the water, and one is a ship with sails. I bet they had gears to turn something on the deck, I am sure I have seen sailors in films struggling with a great big wheel and rope.
    Such a good idea to use a printed page and work on it. Especially with one of your favourite things, photography.
    This is a very industrial piece, perfect to illustrate gears, yet it adds femininity with the softness of the colour and the lovely lady.
    Thanks for such a great page for AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Super cool page today Erika! Yes I still have some old film cameras (and some old film!) and I use my DSLR camera because it does more than my phone camera can do (although my new phone has some good features) I did some photography electives at uni and did a lot of black and white developing in a dark room that my housemate and me set up in the laundry room at home. Elle xx.

  20. This really is a pretty layout -- I like it; loads of te4xture. And your walk looks like a fun one -- very beautiful out there these days!

  21. Lovely page Erika! I still have my old camera but it's so easy to use my iPhone. You found a great trail -- love that there's a little waterfall. Hugs, Chrisx


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