Monday, October 23, 2023

T Stands for a Few Random Things

 Hi everyone. It's T day again over at   Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Today  I have an assortment of random photos to share.  Let me start with all the heirloom chrysanthemums blooming right now in my garden.  I got my original plant from my mother's garden, and her plant came from my grandmother's garden. I love that these flowers bloom so late  in the season (which it is now here in New Hampshire).

The honeybees are very excited by them also.

On one of my regular walks, I veered off  my road and onto a logging road. The logging road  was cut into our town forest a couple of autumns ago when they were trimming back dead trees and doing normal forest maintenance.  The headwaters of the Cocheco River begin in this forest, and I was now able to walk right up to the banks of the river.  From my road you can only look down a steep bank to the river.
 The reflections are pretty.

Along the road on this same walk I noticed some milkweed seeds not quite free of their split open pod. I hope many of them grow into milkweed plants for Monarch butterfly food during their caterpillar/larva stage.  

You might remember the bigfoot wooden "statue" my husband is making. It will go  in the backyard, looking like Bigfoot is walking out of the woods.  Even though I said I would paint it, he insisted it was his project, and he's working on the finished painting. I think it is coming along nicely. It's his first art project.

Last week before my allergy shots appointment, I went by the beach with the dogs for a walk. Because it wasn't a beautiful sunny day, the beach was not crowded. No one was at one end of the beach, so I let them lose  for a few minutes so they could run into the water and play.

I know the horizon is  far off, but I love how much sky you can see at the beach. We're very forested in New Hampshire, so the view is usually trees. The cloud cover was interesting that morning.

I made a pumpkin quiche last week. If anyone wants the recipe let me know in a comment, and I'll post it. 

Sadly this past weekend's  rain and then wind brought down a lot of leaves, but here's a few views before the weekend. This first one is the road into my mother-in-law's house from when I walked in one day.

This next one is looking off my deck down into the woods along the side of the house. We own a way into the woods, and then there are more woods that belong to our neighbor. We can't ever see the neighbor's house, but sometimes we hear things like their lawnmower.

Here's my yard. I am standing in my big flower garden looking towards the picket fence that surrounds my veggie garden.

In this view, I'm looking down on my beehive. Near the bluebird house is my bee garden which, in the summer, is full of a few cultivated plants (like irises since it gets lots of sun here) and lots of wild flowers. The pole standing with nothing on it is for a bird feeder. I haven't put this feeder out  since bears haven't hibernated yet. I have put out the ones closer to the house, but I take them in at night when bears are more likely to be out. (Even though they could visit anytime.)

And here's another view of the heirloom chrysanthemums in my big flower garden. This garden is going to take a lot of work between now (which I've started) and next spring as it's getting too wild. I need to separate some plants and pull out some overgrown ones. 

Last week when our lovely hostess Elizabeth was sharing the Spice Market, she mentioned how I liked the happy face mugs she had shown. This week for T let me share the happy face mug I  have. Mine is from the Red Arrow Diner in Concord, New Hampshire.

This is my ticket for T this week. I'm steeping  some green tea with ginger and pineapple ( from Republic of Tea)  in this photo. 

That's all for me this week. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. The woods and gardens surrounding your house look just beautiful! Your photos are delightful.

    best, mae at

  2. ...Eika, you live in a lovely area!

  3. The heirloom chrysanthemums are amazing, so beautiful. They're definitely something special orginitating from your grandmother's garden. I'm surprised the deer don't eat them - here, I couldn't have them in the front garden because the deer would just eat them like salad (sadly I know this from experience). But maybe these ones are not to their liking. I like the area around your house a lot, but I can also see that it involves a lot of work. Have a happy T day, Erika.

  4. Love those beautiful autumnal scenes...your dogs were having a ball at the beach :-) Love those blooming chrysanthemums!

  5. Oh, how wonderful with the chrysanthemums! I have wood-strawberries my Mom collected in the woods with me when I was 2 years old. I plan to give some to my Nieces as Bro sadly let his "gardener-friend" remove all in our family´s garden in Seesen!
    Was in a café in the city with a friend yesterday - there were loads of bees outside!
    I never knew of/ saw milkweed plants. Beautiful.
    Looking forward to see your Bigfoot!
    Beautiful beach pics. And nice you think of people like me who are afraid of dogs, too!

    Recipe (for Ingo) please! He loves pumpkin and - believe or not, I bought a cup-pumpkin cake yesterday!
    You indeed have lots of woods (not a fan, old "childhood-trauma").
    Bears... wow.
    To happy faces and a great T-day! Hugs!

  6. What a beautiful array of heirloom chrysanthemums, each blossom carrying a legacy from your mother and grandmother's gardens. These blooms are so pretty. Exploring the logging road and getting closer to the Cocheco River's headwaters must have been a serene adventure. Those reflections sound truly picturesque. Thanks for sharing these wonderful moments! Happy T Tuesday!

  7. Some lovely views of fall in the northeast, Erika, the reminder that we need sometimes to reinforce the simple fact that we inhabit a beautiful part of the world. After all, where else do you need to take in your feeders at night so the bears don’t destroy them? Hugs - David

  8. Happy faces are always good, on mugs and in real life. And your dogs surely had happy faces when theyy were playing in the water! Your garden is huge, love it, so may beautiful flowers and plants. And of course the bees. We don't have bears here, are they shy of people? And I'm looking forward to seeing Big Foot standing there! Happy T Day,, hugs, Valerie

  9. Beautiful mums, Erika. So glad they grow so well where you live. Love all the photos around your home and the bee hives as well as the wooded areas.

    Great photos of the beach and the dogs. Beautiful shots of the awesome trees that are still gorgeous in your area, too. Kudos to your husband for wanting to do the entire project himself.

    LOVE that happy face mug. It is unlike any I have seen before. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous area, your beautiful home, and your mug and tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  10. Your flowers make me want to drive up there and beg a start of it off of you :) How wonderful to have something in full bloom now! I could help you with your fall garden maintenance in trade ;) YOu do have such a wonderful space there -peaceful, with such pleasant scenes to look out on.

    I'd never've thought to praise a logging road lol, but having access to the water like that is a definite benefit. I'm wondering if anybody will mistake his Bigfoot for the real thing :) I'm still finding myself envious of you beach access. Your woodland photos, though, remind me of here. Woodland walks are my favorite thing.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Lovely tea and enjoyed the fall photos. The quiche looks good.

  12. I would have just said Daisies, but I do believe daisies and mums are same family. I love that they are truly and personally heirloom. With that many, I'd be cutting and vasing them all throughout my house, lol. I'm glad they cut the logging road, now you have somewhere else to walk. Love that diner mug too. Happy week to you, xoxo

  13. Dear Erika,
    you show wonderful autumn impressions of flowers visited by bees, beautiful forest areas with and without reflecting water and also from your garden. I'm amazed at HOW CLOSE you live to the wilderness when you even have to watch out for bears... (I've been here - at first scared - and then completely happy and thrilled when a deer was standing in the field next to our garden fence! That happened once in 20 years. But a bear... that's a different caliber.) The dogs are so cute as they frolic through the water. And the Big Foot will be great - big compliments to your husband!
    Happy T-Day and all the best from Austria, Traude
    🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

  14. Love your chrysanthemums! I had a yellow mums plant that I got from my uncle. It bloomed profusely in the fall for 3 years. Sadly, it didn't come back this year. We have no colors here in SE TN. It's been too warm and dry.

    Have a great week!

  15. Wow! These are fabulous photos. Thank you for sharing them.

  16. Beautiful images, Erika. Those chrysanthemums are fabulous and I'm impressed with Bigfoot! You're getting some lovely color and I like seeing the hives and garden. Sigh -- playing with the dogs at the beach.

  17. You already have some beautiful Autumn colour in your woods. The chrysanthemums look fabulous. Glad to know the birds are being fed, it will be better when you can leave he feeder out all of the time. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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