Monday, October 2, 2023

T Stands for a Second Look as well as A Walk, A Hawk and Lunch

 Hi everyone.  Happy first T day in October to you. I hope the new month has started off in a good way for everyone. It's also October Second, so I am linking up to Second on the Second where you share something you've already posted at some time in the past.

Today I'm combining  Second on the Second with an early T Day post. You'll find both of these challenges over at Bleuebeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

For  Second on the Second. I'm sharing 2 autumn themed art pieces that I originally posted in October of 2019. 

 I chose these 2 pieces to celebrate the new month.  
And here's another autumn themed page, this one is from October of 2021. I'm including this one because Neet's new challenge at  Art Journal Journey is In Gear. This page included lots of clocks, which of course used to have a lot of tiny little gears in them. 

For the T day part of my post, I have something new. Last week I went walking with a friend and then we went for lunch at a new-to me place.

The Fat Dog Kitchen was a tiny  place, but I love the funky feel it had. They served breakfast and lunch, and everything on the menu was named after someone's dog.

This restaurant is located in downtown Dover, New Hampshire, as you might have noticed the sign on the wall that says Hate Has No Home in Dover.

My friend and I both had Dulla's BLT. Dulla is one of the owner's dogs. She told us that Dulla is a 70 pound snugglebug, and she pointed out Dulla's photo on the wall. Sadly I can't share that photo because I never took a photo behind the bar  where this pup's photo was hanging.

In this next photo you can see I had my BLT on marble rye. You had a choice of homefries, chips or potato salad. My friend and I both had the home fries that were as amazing as the sandwich.

This BLT was a bit different (for me) as it had fried green tomatoes not red tomatoes. And it had a yummy slightly spicy mayo.  And my drink for T this week was my glass of water.

Earlier that day, when I arrived at my friend's home, I saw this handsome hawk. He/she was sitting on the garage roof.

My Merlin app tells me it's a Cooper's Hawk, but I'm not certain about that.  With the various feather morphs, hawk identification is not my strong suit.  If anyone is good at hawk IDs, or if you happen to read this David, can you confirm or tell me what this hawk is in my photo.

Before lunch at the Fat Dog Kitchen, my friend and I walked in a local cemetery.  It was one of those historic Victorian cemeteries that's full of some ornate tombstones .

This one even had an (American) Civil War area complete with cannons.

What's strange is how the leaves on many of the trees were just turning brown and falling off. With all the rain we have had, the weather folks keep saying we should have great leaf color this autumn. Hmmm. I'm not sure what this is all about.

That's all for me today. Have a great start to the new month, week ahead and of course T day also.😀


  1. Hi Erika: Your bird is a Cooper’s Hawk. Great sandwich you had, although I am not sure I could have finished all of it. I haven’t had marbled rye in years and your picture brought back memories of a kosher bakery I used to visit in Thornhill, ON. Everything they made was nothing short of superb, and their wood-fired bagels were clearly the best in the entire world! Hugs - David

  2. That food looks delicious. The hawk photo is wonderful.

  3. ...Fat Dog has a fabulous sense of color!!!

  4. Fab pages. Fat Dog Kitchen looks like a fun place and you had a nice day for a stroll through the beautiful cemetery. We had a hawk land in the yard last week, but I couldn't tell what kind of hawk. Looks like we're in for some Summer weather this week. Fine by me. Happy T Day

  5. Lovely autumn page and gears page! Lunch looks good too.

  6. Beautiful art for 2nd on the 2nd. Your food looks great, it looks real, and that is something these days! I love visiting old cemeteries here, too. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  7. I remember the board book and the two page spread. That frame is still nice and the image on the right was fabulous. I also remember that tag. I can truthfully say these are great second looks for me. Thanks for sharing this second look on the 2nd, dear.

    Fat Dog Kitchen sounds wonderful. I LOVE marbled rye and the BLT sounds different but fun and delicious. LOVE the potatoes.

    I love visiting old cemeteries, too. I enjoy the old monuments, mausoleums, and gravestones. Thanks for sharing your meal at Fat Dogs and your visit to that old cemetery with us for T this week, dear Erika.

    You asked about the black piece under the angel. As I mentioned, this was an old deconstructed cordless phone with a "motherboard" and the speaker is probably what you were asking about. It is not an earplug. It is the speaker from the same phone. Hope that helps.

  8. I'd enjoy eating there. Cute concept, and the food looks good.

    The old monuments and tombstones are always interesting. Little history lessons.

  9. The fall pages are beautiful, I love esp. the first one. And my, that sandwich looks amazing!

  10. Happy second on the second Erika, definitely a first look for me and I love those autumnal pages. Also love the name of the cafe, haha how cool. Wonder what kind of dog Dulla is? That marbled rye looks amazing! Happy early T day also.

  11. I love the name of restaurant and that they honor dogs on their menu Your food looks soooo delicious.
    Enjoyed all the fall pages for the second look too.
    This was a neat looking cemetary too.
    Happy new week and new month hugs Kathy

  12. I love that kind of potatoes and also BLTs so your lunch really wonderful to me. I’d like that restaurant.
    best, mae at

  13. Hm, when I see your art I might make up with fall (a bit).
    Your art is beautiful. Here all is still green! (yippee).
    I love steampunk! Do you know the series "Castle"? There is one episode on just this!
    Cute idea naming menus after dogs!
    Wonder what mine would be. A falafel, maybe, or something with mango (her name was Inka - and I wanted a cat, in Cairo I had a real, fresh, yummy mango-drink).
    The place looks like a "Jugendherberge". Or a place where kids are sent to to gain (or loose) weight.
    Bad memories. Made friends with a "big" boy, none of us changed weight hence, LOL! We got food for our "needs" and traded when seating, LOL. Sadly lost contact.

    Ohhh, even with photos!!! Cute idea! There should be more restaurants like this!
    And green tomatoes again! I think I need to visit you!
    That is a real hawk??? Wow.
    Cemeteries make me sad. And even a bit mad.
    Bro has to take care as he lives nearby. Time, money...
    I sit here in Braunschweig and have pics of my parents when they were healthy and happy. Now... what is the better way?
    When I still had a car... I maybe stopped 4 times and went to the grave. I felt sick afterwards - what is that good for. I always offer money, Bro never takes it.

    Ingo´s Grandma´s ashes are... "somewhere". She is still in our hearts.

    Such war-graveyards sure show the "waste of life" but people just do not learn, just look at Russia.
    And I bet most Russians do not even want to fight.

    To no fighting! Happy T-Day and hugs! From a country that celebrates Unity today!

  14. Wow, I would totally have loved that restaurant! Yum!!!

    I would have loved the cemetery too. I love the ornate headstones and hubby loves the war memorials.

    Fun stuff in next of the woods.

    Your new journal page for the gears challenge is fab. Loving all the details.

    Great older artwork too - loving the fall colors.

    I am like you and hoping we have some leaves to change color with the drought. Our little creek has dried up and our paths are so dusty no one wants to walk them. Our pond is still doing well but that may change if we don't get some rain.

    Happy t-day and hugz

  15. Your food looks delicious, I do love a BLT, we usually share one at the cheesecake factory in Union Square as they are huge,
    Happy T Day. Jan S

  16. A fabulous post. I really like the look of that restraunt too. Funky is good. That BLT is amazing. I have never had it like that or on that type of bread. Wonderful photos too, however, your art is just stunning. I love it. Have a great day today.

  17. Those BLTs look very yummy indeed. It's making me hungry.
    Autumn, we don't get much of it. Autumn in southern Spain means the temperatures go down to pleasant temperatures, what in northern Europe would be summer temperatures. It stays nice like that until around Christmas, then it gets really cold and winter starts. We can usually have christmas dinner on the terrace. (in the evening it gets too cold).
    I'm impressed with the hawk. He seems to be posing for you.
    Happy T-Day,

  18. I love a good cemetery -- and that restaurant looks like a good one. Color is weird here, too. I don't get it.

  19. Great Second on the 2nd. I love the latest page for Neet's AJJ them. The Fat Dog Kitchen looks like a great place to eat. What a treat to see that hawk. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  20. How did I miss this post? So sorry. Was just telling hubby about the bees and then went on to talking about the scenery you often show which is spectacular so did a bit of a recap and came across this post. Oh and the food. I get quite twitchy when I see what you have beeb eating because it reminds me of the times we spent in America with my friend and visited all those fabulous restaurants for food. None here in the UK match up to them - but don't tell any Brits I said that.
    Love your two autumnal themed pieces, the colours are fabulous and I just adore berries on cards or layouts. They really remind me of walks in the woods and nostalgia creeps in.
    The page for my theme at AJJ is lovely. I like how it is kind of transparent and I can see through things like the clock, how you have overlapped various items instead of having them standing alone, that makes it far more cohesive to me.
    The gent standing there in his bowler hat and suit is in sharp contrast to other items on your page and I love the autumnal leaf which draws the eye to the Roman numerals and the words chosen.
    Thank you for a very interesting page for my theme at AJJ, so sorry I did not see it at the right time.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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