Monday, October 9, 2023

T Stands for Taking Out the Dock

 Hi everyone. It's another Monday night/Tuesday and time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog . 

We've started our winterizing chores. It's that time of year already.  Back on the last day of September it was time to take the dock out of the water at my mother-in-law's home. It needs to come out because otherwise the ice can damage it during the winter or even more likely, crush it when the ice comes out in the spring. During ice-out you get a lot of moving sheets of ice, and they can slam into the dock hard enough to do a lot of damage. Some people run bubblers ( pumps that circulate water) so ice won't form around their docks, but the dock at my mother-in-law's is built to be removed. It just takes a couple of people.

That Saturday was a really nice day to remove the dock. The air wasn't too cold; the water was beautifully calm, and you can even see some of the leaves were just starting to turn.

My daughter and her husband came to help us take out the dock. The dogs had to be part of the excitement also.

Once all the top boards were removed, the frame and the stairs had to be pulled out of the water. This required someone to get wet.

Here my daughter is giving Miss Maddie some attention, and my son-in-law was unscrewing the dock frame so it could be lifted out. There's even a bottle of Diet Coke on the table for T day. 

 Mr. Pete was jealous of Miss Maddie getting all of the attention, and he had plow his way in for a pat or two-smile.

The hubby was the one who went into the lake this year. He said it wasn't even that cold yet.

Then the dock frame gets yanked out of the water and stored on land until next season.

Here's a portrait of the back-to-normal and healthy Miss Maddie. ❤ You might remember she had an accident getting out of the boat back on September 1 during which she popped a hole in her bladder as well as inhaled some salt water. I'm very happy she's all healed and back to herself. She even goes back to doggie daycare on T day this week. She'll be thrilled to see all her doggie friends. 

Below she is wondering (now that the dock is gone) how she is going to use the stairs to get in and out of the lake. Well, who knows what she is really thinking about, but she's definitely a dog who might think about that. 

And then we pulled the stairs out, and I guess Maddie was disappointed.  Grin. Not that the missing stairs will keep her out of the lake. She goes down the side of the hill and just walks in along the rocky shore. In fact, she'll go in the lake as long as there is any open water, including when there is still ice on the lake (in the spring) and there is some open water right on the shoreline.

When the dock was out we all went to grab a late lunch at a nearby restaurant, except obviously the dogs who had to wait in the truck.

Here you can see some drinks on the table including my husband's beer and some waters.

I  had my  pumpkin head beer with a cinnamon sugar rim which is seasonal and only available in the fall.   

And here's my lunch/dinner, which was also my dinner the next night. I had a shepherd's pie (yes made with lamb) and a caraway seed muffin. You can also see my beer, some waters and the empty sangria glass my daughter had.

It was a good day, and nice to have my daughter and son-in-law visit.

I hope everyone has a great T day and week ahead too. 


  1. Hi Erika, Looks like quite the project, glad you got some help too and I enjoyed the photos. your drink sounds perfect for fall hugs Kathy

  2. A removable dock sounds like a great way to avoid an electric bill all winter. Thank goodness there are strong men to do the job. Your Shepard's pie looks delicious. It is one of my favorite meals.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. I intended to get back to let you know I read your book "report." I will visit there soon.

    Taking that deck apart each year and putting it back can be a day of real work. So glad you had help. Your SIL is a godsend.

    I've never had Shepard's pie, but now I want to try one. You certainly gave us a plethora of drinks to choose from. Thanks so much for sharing your day taking the deck down and your trip to the Irish pub with us for T this week, dear Erika.

  4. That's a lot work! Thumbs up for you guys getting that done. And the view is amazing!

  5. ...I'm glad that I don't have a dock!

  6. Wow that is a job for sure, Erika. Wonderful photos and I love seeing you. I have some photos of me and my dogs on our dock years ago. It just seems so natural dosen't it? You have a nice evening.

  7. Quite a project and it looks like you all had fun, humans and dogs :-)
    And, mind, you, it´s but 05:38 and I am hungry already seeing your pie!
    Hmft! Once in the canteen at Volkswagen I said to a ... I can´t recall the dish´s name, I said, "hmmm, baby-sheep" - the men all laughed. The female secretary - who had it on her plate, too, already half-eaten - never looked at me again.
    Some people...
    I would so love to taste that beer with cinnamon!
    Have a happy T-Day, hugs

  8. Oh, I know you enjoyed seeing your daughter, it's been awhile. What a cool pub! I can't ever get used to what yous guys up thar eat sometimes, though. LOL I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Now for the burning question: are there really rattlesnakes on Rattlesnake Island? XOX

  9. Your day looks like a lot of work with a lot of fun! Glad your dog is all well.
    best, mae at

  10. Looks like you got the dock out without much problem. Glad Maddie is back to her old self. She looks so cute. Pete made me laugh. He's just like Quill. Quill gets jealous when Calli gets attention and has to barge in. Morrisey's looks like a quaint restaurant. I loved Shepherd's pie with lamb! I don't care for beer, but I'd be tempted to try the pumpkin head beer just for the cinnamon sugar rim. Stay warm and dry today. Fall is definitely in the air. Happy T Day

  11. That looks like a lot of work. I had never thought about what damage the ice could do to structures like this. The restaurant looks welcoming. Happy T Tuesday

  12. Check out those reflections! I'm glad you had a good day for this -- you never know. It's a lot of work but I loved that pub and glad you got to celebrate after. Maddie is looking fantastic!

  13. That is quite some work to get the dock out. How nice your daughter and son-in-law were able to help. I bet the dogs love to be on the lake. The restaurant (pub?) looks very nice and you had some great drinks and food. Caraway seed muffin sounds delicious! Have a lovely T day!

  14. You got me at shepherd's pie, yummy!And you all deserved from nice food after all that hard work. The dogs were having fun, too. My dogs always loved water and swimming. So glad Miss Maddie is completely healed, that's great! Happy T Day, have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  15. Great to be getting your chores done for winter, that took quite sometime I imagine but it looks like you had fun catching up with your family too. I love pumpkin beer with cinnamon sugar on the glasses, we didn't have time to make any this year maybe next 😊. That shepherd's pie looks delicious too, it's the perfect comfort food for this time of year - yum ❤️. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Well there's something new I learned - I had no idea docks could get dismantled for winter or that they would need to be. Very interesting. Glad Maddie is healing nicely. I like shepherd's pie but without the meat! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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