Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Trains Keep a Rolling

Hi everyone.

My page today for Neet's In Gear challenge (at  Art Journal Journey) has a very light image on it. My black stamping ink was definitely shot, and  the image that I stamped came out very light. But, since old steam engines have been replaced by modern trains, I thought this image still worked, it being somewhat of a ghost from the past. 😏

And yes, I have since bought a new  black in pad. I  never have very good luck re-inking old pads, and I make such a mess attempting it anyhow, that I'll happily spend the cash for a new pad.

I didn't restamp over the old train image for fear it could come out double, so here's the ghostly train page. I first inked my page with some light brown and grey ink pads, and then I stamped the train. Next I took a small dot stencil and used a blue paint pen to add the dots.  The scrap of printed tissue paper was sitting on my work table so I added that, and I liked this old filmstrip piece so that went on next. The gears on the shaft was another scrap on my work table so I also added that, and finally,  that little TH dog looked just like he was waiting for someone to come home so he went on next.

I finished off my page by stamping the 3 railroad crossing signs (in brown though it's hard to tell in this photo), and then I stamped the 2 phrases and cut them out before glueing them down.

In case you didn't stop by my most recent T Day post, last Saturday my husband and I took a scenic train trip up into the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was a nice day, and the foliage had some nice color too.  Here's a  few more scenic photos from our adventure on the train.

It was amazing how many people were watching the train go by, especially hikers. Some of them got awfully close to the tracks, which didn't make the train employees very happy. 

And just to explain what happened when the train "turned" around, as some of you on my T Day post asked about that. The train didn't actually turn around, but they took the engine from what was the front of the train going north and moved it to the other end of the train.  Going south, what had been the back end of the train became the front. 

That's it for me. I hope you're having a great week so far. 


  1. It certainly is beautiful country and fall perhaps shows it at its best. I would certainly enjoy hiking in that area, and it appears that many other people did too. Hugs- David

  2. Beautiful foliage, as expected this time of year in NH. I miss it. I wish I hiked more over there When I lived in Boston :-(

  3. I do like the ghost train!
    LOL, I have a similar picture tomorrow, too!
    Have a great day, hugs

  4. Wonderful photos. I've already earlier thought that we live on quite the same geographic latitude, as our weather is same kind often. Now as I see your photos the scenery is very likely as our northern part of Finland. Thank you for sharing!
    Your train is like a ghost train, but no matter, as it's near Halloween time ;))
    Have a nice day xx

  5. A very beautiful place with lots of gorgeous Fall colours!

  6. A beautiful place.
    Love the autumn colours.

  7. ...beautiful scenery. We are in the Adirondacks today and it's noe time for the beech to put on a show.

  8. My dad worked on the railway many many years ago so I understand about the engine changing. He used to get cheap and free travel for the family back in the old days and so we often went to places like Scotland for our holidays.
    I do like your train in your journal page but rather than a ghost train I took it to be coming through the smoke it was belching out as it chugged along.
    I love the touch you gave it with the little dog sitting by the track, perhaps his owner is on the train and he comes down to meet him ekach day.
    Great background with all the train memorabilia and the film strip with the blue dots works so well with the music reminding me of the record I once listened to that was train sounds.
    Thanks for another successful entry for my theme at AJJ Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. You picked a good time of year for this trip.

  10. Love your ghost train...Hopefully the train you went on was NOT a ghost train. The photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie

  11. I'm glad you showed more photos. What a terrific ride. They must have a roundabout at the end where they can disconnect the engine and it takes a round track to reposition? Interesting.

  12. Beautiful photos Erika, and I love your ghostly train!

  13. That definitely looks like a ghost train alright, lol. If the train stamp is rubber, I would have opted not to stamp it again. Highly annoying about rubber stamps, you stamp them blind and I'm too lazy to set it up on my Misti platform. As for the re-inking, I stamp so much in my cardmaking that I have to re-ink not just my black pads but also my Distress and Versafine Clair color pads, so I just keep old credit cards handy to distribute the ink, then just let it sit and sink in, lol. Don't have any mess, thankfully. And yes, some of those people are way too close to the train! Geez! Hope you are having a good week. XOX

  14. I'm playing catch up. Love your ghost train. It is beautiful. It goes so well with the amazing photos from your train ride. It is a really lovely area and I loved how the colors are so bright and brilliant. Thanks for sharing the train with us at AJJ using Neet's theme, as well as the beauty of your autumn.

  15. I love the faded look of your train - its good that some have been rescued so that we can still go for nostalgic journeys. Hugs, Chrisx


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