Sunday, November 19, 2023

Autumn Days

 Hi everyone. I hope your weekend is going well. 

Today I have another page for Jo's Nature challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am also linking up to Creative Artiste's Mixed Media challenge blog   for their Anything Goes challenge #99.

Although I couldn't get this page to lay flat, I still really like it.  It definitely feels like a New Hampshire November. 

I started by ripping up some deli paper that I used as a "drop cloth" for some painting I did on another journal page. I tore up the deli paper and  glued down some bits on this page. You might remember back in my T Day post how I had  mentioned cleaning out some craft supply bins. I had a lot of stickers in one bin, some of them going way back to my scrapbooking days in the 1990's.  Most of those stickers went into a mailing box. One of these days I'll  list them on either eBay or Etsy so maybe (if they sell) they'll go  to someone who will actually use them. (Or if you know anyone who wants some stickers just for the cost of shipping  I'll be glad to send them out.) Before I boxed them up I pulled out a few that I wanted to keep. The leaves on this journal page were on a sheet that was half used. I decided not only to keep them but to use them on my page.

I  added this die cut deer. After that I used an older Penny Black stamp several times to create this base of dried grasses. I then used a piece of washi tape to even off the bottom. I also cut out part of the words from an Impression Obsession  autumn themed stamped quote.

I wet the foam part of an ink sponge and ponced some light blue stamping ink to create the sky. Finally, I finished my page by stamping the dream word 3 times.

I'll finish my post with a few late autumn views from a walk I took last week  at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth (NH).

Here's an old family graveyard. Usually here in New England they are surrounded by stone walls, but since this is a public space, there is a more sturdy fence. 

The shadows on the bottom right were really catching my eye.

A little bit of color is really noticeable on the bare branches.

 And I kept looking up.

And when I looked down I noticed this.

Someone is building something. It reminds me of the forts we used to build when we were kids.

At this spot the water looked so bright blue compared to the neutrals of the tree. 

 I am also joining Gillena's  Sunday Smiles  .

Enjoy whatever is left to your weekend and/or have a great start to the new week.


  1. Beautiful photos and art Erika. I love the leaves and the deer.
    I have a ton of stickers too 😊
    Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week.

  2. The bare branches with red fruits look really beautiful. Continue to enjoy your beautiful autumn weather!

  3. ...thanks Erika for taking me along to see the views. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Great it´s your favorite time of the year. I struggle a lot today with the dull grey.
    I am kinda "glad" I live too far away from my parent´s graveyard...
    Thumbs up you can enjoy this, hugs

  5. Beautiful art and photos. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  6. Thanks for sharing your November. I am always looking up. I spend time in my back yard watching the sky changing and the sun rising. My grateful pleasure
    Happy Subday.
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles


  7. Beautiful nature page, your love of nature shows through. Enjoyed your autumn photos too.

  8. Love the journal page, we were both on a deer trip this time. As kids we used to love to build forts, In London their were many bomb sites back then, and we loved climbing around the rubble. I don't think we realised then that people had probably died there.
    You had a wonderful walk, glad you enjoyed it. Happy Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  9. Good morning, beautiful post Erika. I love fall so enjoyed the photos, woods similiar to our woods home, and I really like your journal page very much too
    Hugs from the lake Kathy

  10. What a great place for a walk. Lovely scenes. I haven't been out in the woods in ages. I really should go before the weather gets too cold...

  11. You know I love that art with the buck on it! Great autumn pictures, and I bet that wood structure is/was some kid's fort. We used to build them back in the day as well.

  12. I do love to see deer in projects and yours is so elegant standing there amongst those leaves. A great journal page - thank you for sharing with us at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. I enjoyed looking at your part of the world with all those wonderful photographs.

  13. Your art journal page looks so much like autumn in the wildnerness, well done. Nice photos of your walk/visit, too. Hope your week is going well, xoxo

  14. It's beautiful and stark in your autumn world. I finally called the gutter people -- the leaves are as down as can be and time to get those clean.

  15. Wow, such a beautiful page for our nature challenge! Loving that background and those leaf stickers with the beautiful deer - perfect 😊. I hope you're having a lovely week and thanks for the AJJ inspiration ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  16. Such beautiful photos of the woodland, I can see where you got the inspiration for your journal page from.
    I love the background you have made and the leaves at the top look such an integral part of the whole. The stag is perfect as are the colours chosen. It looks like a lovely autumnal day - unlike here where it is wet, dull and dreary.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. I love your Autumn page for Jo's AJJ theme. The colours are so 'Sunny Autumn day' That woodland area looks an amazing place for a walk! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. I was instantly drawn in by the words my favourite time of year, so meaningful to me.. A time to recharge.. Lovely created scene with the stage standing proud amongst those pretty found sticker leaves, so many things to discover amongst our hidden creative things. Beautiful and meaningful Erika and a favourite for me.
    Your pictures are fantastic, there's much I would be inspired by to paint.
    Thank you for sharing and joining us @ Creative Artiste this November.
    Happy creative Sunday Hugs Tracey xx


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