Friday, November 3, 2023

Some Random Recent Photos

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday.

 Nicole is not posting for Friday Face-Off this week, but Gillena is still posting her Friday Smiles, so let me share a few  very random photos from October and these first few days of November.

This first photo is taken on Main Street in my town, not Abbey Road in London. I couldn't get the 4th turkey in the line in my camera's field of view, so what I saw through my windshield doesn't really work for this photo. All I could think of was the old Beatles album cover as I stopped to let these 4 ( or the 3 you can see) wild turkeys cross the road.

In Barnes and Noble one day, I was trying to get ideas for a 2024 adventure.  The Greek Islands would be nice, wouldn't it? (dream...dream...dream).

Here's a bread baking bowl I did not buy but liked at King Arthur Flour. I may try the actual ceramics shop that makes this bowl to see if they sell them  as this bowl is made not too far from my house.)

Here's some interesting morning shadows in my house.

I stopped for a drink at McDonalds on one of my road trips.  I may not Jump for Joy being at McDonalds, but it's a good way to approach life. 

I liked the stonework around this drainage pipe. My road goes over it which you can see better in the  photo after this one.

I also like how this tree lost its leaves.  It almost looks like someone decorated it.

These clouds around the full moon made an interesting view.

Here's the front of my house in this next photo. Yes the front of my house is not finished. When we bought the house it was already 15 years old and not finished. It's on our list to finish it. Someday.

 I took this next photo since my big fall project has been to clear away the saplings that have been sprouting up close to the house. I weed wacked, used loppers on some saplings too big for the weed wacker, and I also  took the pruning saw and chopped down a few younger trees over in the woods. I still had a bit left to do when I took this photo. Maybe next spring we will get to putting in front steps and a walkway.  ๐Ÿ˜ I don't want to do anything more with this space though as no one ever uses the front door-even if there were steps, and I have so much going on in my backyard that I don't need any more yard maintenance. (But I also don't want trees growing up right along the foundation.)

While out working I also  spotted this huge hornet's nest on the outside of the screen porch. That needs to be removed so that to the list. ๐Ÿ˜

And finally, we just recently had our first cold nights and frost.
I love how the hydrangea leaves get those beautiful purple color before they die and fall off.

Some leaves that have already come down get some pretty frost coverings.

And when I walked yesterday morning, I noticed there was already some ice starting to form in this little brook along the roadside.


  1. I was delighted to see the Wild Turkeys and then I saw a plastic lid and a plastic straw, and that changed my mood in a hurry. Thanks for featuring the turkeys, anyway. David

  2. Some really cool pictures! That tree looks lovely, but that full moon shot is my favourite. Is that bread bowl also with a cover?

  3. Hi Erika, enjoyed seeing the fall colors in your area and I suspect that when I walk through the nearby park this weekend, most of the leaves will have fallen (sigh). That is a huge hornets nest and hopefully it will be vacant when knocked down as these are my least favorite insects, quite nasty. The Greek Islands are a nice place to dream about now that cold weather is coming. Of course, we had our share of rain and chilly temps on our UK trip.

    We returned home late on Wed and so have catching up to do here art home. Blog commenting and posting will be on hold for awhile.

  4. You've been super busy on your property. The sapling project looks like a big one. I just LOVE your Anna Lees!

  5. Interesting photos, never noticed a saying on a mcd lid -Christine

  6. Wow. Turkeys are reall big!!! I never saw one for real, just at The Simpsons ;-)
    The shadow sure fit the deco (is there something special about the bread baking bowl?)
    Haven´t been at Maccas in ages.
    Love your positive look at the tree - I´ll try to adapt this and smile.
    Beautiful moon/clouds-shot.
    Super. Great way to handle the house!
    Your place would be way too cold for me! Enjoy (?) hugs and to a great day.

  7. Thanks for posting your photos.
    Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday


  8. I had to look twice at the turkey photo. We have a group of wild turkeys just like that. They frequently cross a 4 lane road but as far as I know everyone stops for them. I've even seen a police car block traffic until they get across. Amazing to see them like that isn't it?

  9. Lovely to see the wild turkeys, we dxon't have them here. You have been very busy once again doing work around the house, perhAPS sooner or later the house will be finished. And when not, then not, that's okay, too. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  10. We have quite few turkeys here. Hopeful one of these days I will get good picture of them.
    Coffee is on

  11. What fun photos! Hope you can find the bread bowl. the frosty leaves are so pretty. They're gritting the roads here tonight--getting chilly :-) Good luck with the yard work and home tasks--I hope you can get everything exactly how you want it.

  12. Turkey Rd. ๐Ÿคฃ You should have grabbed one for Thanksgiving dinner. Really nice views of your area. We had a frost yesterday. Is it July, yet? A bit of a warmup this weekend. That should be nice. And no rain!

  13. Dear Erika,
    First of all, thank you very much for your lovely comments and sorry that I'm only now getting around to visiting you too. I hope you had lovely birthday parties for your husband and daughter!
    The turkey photo is very funny (even if the birds probably just wanted to get away before Thanksgiving becomes a danger ;-)) Funnily enough, a few years ago I had a similar idea with 4 zebras crossing the road in Etosha National Park - if you want, you can watch them in this post:

    I see you bake bread, too? My husband and I took a bread baking course shortly before the pandemic - I CAN bake bread now, but it doesn't really satisfy me, but my husband DOES it - with enthusiasm, and he's very good in it. (By the way, you can also use an enamel cooking pot as a baking pan.)

    Oh, you already have frost! Then I hope you can keep yourself warm. I think it's a good idea not to let tree roots too close to the house. Even though I love trees, I think there could be too much damage.

    All the best - I hope you've had a good start to November,
    ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿ‚

  14. I liked the culvert picture with the creek and the turkey picture. The frost and the ice sure changes the looks of things doesn't it? So beautiful!

  15. Great assortment of photos. I think I had a frost about the same time as you. The first one was "light" but the second one was a hard frost, like your leaf photos.

  16. What a good collection of random photographs, I enjoyed seeing them all.
    My favourite was the clouds around the full moon.

    All the best Jan

  17. A great selection of photos Erika! Love the nature shots.
    Hope you're having a great weekend.

  18. Wonderful series of photos ~ awesome nature shots! Sweet turkeys photo ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Love your random photos. Wild turkeys are not in this area of the countrym, but are in southeast KS.

    I've read once a hornet's nest is abandoned, they don't return, but build a new one elsewhere next year.

    That ice is scary and it's a bit early, too.

  20. Turkeys! I love them. That hornet nest looks scary!


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