Monday, November 6, 2023

T Stands for Food and Drink from Last Week

  Hi everyone.

It's time for T again over at   Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I'm sending a big hello to all the lovely ladies and anyone else who stops by this post.

Last week flew by as I was busy for a couple of days and feeling under the weather for another. One of those busy days I had to go to Maine for a doctor's appointment. The Maine border is only a couple of towns away from my home so it's not like I had to go very far,  and I've been seeing this doctor since I was in my 20's. She was a new doctor when I started going to her.  Since I've been her patient for so many years  my appointment is always a time where we catch up on our lives. I am going to miss her when she decides to retire.

That was a lot of writing to get to  my  food story for last week. After my doctor's appointment it was lunch time. In this small city where my doctor's office is located is a restaurant that sells lobster rolls for $9.99. You have to pay for any add on, like chowder or French fries. You have a choice of your lobster in mayo or in butter, and this time I went with butter rather than mayo.

It's not a bad lobster roll for $9.99, especially since most restaurants are still charging almost  3x as much. Even though it's not as stuffed full as a Pop's lobster roll, it was certainly enough for lunch, especially since I added fries. I also like how they didn't overload you with fries either. 

This restaurant is actually at an ice cream factory, and I was very tempted to get a cup of some after I ate my sandwich. I used all my will power and refrained-smile!😏

Since this is T day I also need to share a drink. Ever since I visited the Bigelow Tea Plantation in Charleston back in May, I get emails about their various tea products. Last Monday I got an email about a seasonal tea collection they were selling, and since it sounded pretty good, I decided to treat myself. It was at my house by Friday, which is pretty fast shipping too.

The lighting made it hard to not get any glare, but this collection came with 8 tea flavors and 8 bags of each. There's pumpkin spice, cranberry, caramel apple, salted caramel, hot cinnamon, eggnog, peppermint bark and gingersnap.  I like how there's flavors for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I also like how there's 8 bags of each. Sometimes in sample packs you only get 1 or 2 of each flavor, and if it's something you really like, it's gone pretty quick. I suppose you could go buy a whole container of that flavor, but for seasonal flavors, sometimes you don't want a whole container.  You might know what I mean.

The first flavor I tried was the salted caramel, which was pretty tasty. I wanted to show my mug of tea and also my tea bag holder because our lovely hostess Elizabeth mentioned last week how she has a whole collection of tea bag holders. Tea bag holders are a fun thing to collect.  I hope you share yours one day for tea Elizabeth.

I know my tea bag holder is not very impressive. But I think even if I had a tea bag holder I would probably forget to take it out and just use a spoon. Smile.  😏  

I've tried all the fall flavors, and I like them, especially❤ the cranberry.   I'll drink the fall flavors this month, and the winter/holiday  ones next month. Unless I get too curious and can't wait to try them-smile.

 I'm hoping for another fairly quiet week, and this time one without a lot of wind, since now that some of  the leaves are down, I have round one of the raking to do and yard wrap up to do.

Round 2 of raking should happen in another week or 2 when all the oak leaves come down.  As was said in the conversation when my doctor and I chatted the other day, think of raking as upper body exercise. 😏
(You have to think of something positive about it.)

Have a wonderful T day and week ahead.


  1. ...I've never had a lobster roll!

  2. That lobster roll looks amazing -- and the price is doubly amazing. That's less than I paid this weekend for a very ordinary turkey sandwich (and I mean sliced processed turkey, nothing fancy. And it didn't come with any sides either!

    Lucky you.
    best, mae at

  3. Lovely tea! I sympathize thinking of your doctor's imminent retirement at some point. -Christine

  4. It sounds nice to have a Dr. that is also a friend. Nowadays, the Dr.'s aren't that personable, at least the ones I have been too. Catch up with a friend and a lobster roll sounds like the perfect outing, even in the guise of a Dr.'s visit.
    Your tea collection looks and sounds yummy! That salted caramel especially. I will have to keep my eyes open for these flavors.
    Happy tea Day,

  5. Your lobster roll looks delicious, Erika, and 9.99 is a really good price. I'm also glad that it is not served in plastic but in a cardboard container.
    I think raking can count as exercise. I don't have a lawn, so I don't rake. The leaves from the tree I just let lie where they fall - it's good for the soil.
    I'll pass on the tea - but wish you a happy T day.

  6. Hi Erika, your tea collection looks great. I hope you will have a wonderful time with different flavors. Also, a spoon is always my tea bag holder too. However, I love to collect different tea bag holders, even though I may not use them other than for a photo. :) Your lobster roll looks delicious too. Thanks for all these shares. Happy T Tuesday!

  7. Lobster sadly is not for me but I look forward to fish and chips in our holiday by the ocean!
    Ohhhhh, the tea sounds very, very good! I love salted caramel!
    I have but two teabag holders and I think I shared them already :-)
    LOL, yes raking sure is sportive - glad, though, here the city takes care.
    Have a very happy T-Day, hugs

  8. That sounds like a good price for lobster rolls. Since I can't stand mayo, the hot butter would be my choice.

    Had to laugh at your tea bag holder, Erika. Clever. Nice mug, too.

    I never rake my leaves. I mulch them. They make good compost fodder for the next year, too. Thanks for sharing your lobster roll, your lovely back yard, and your tea and teabag holder with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  9. I forgot to mention, my favorite tea would be eggnog. ANYTHING with eggnog (grin).

  10. Cranberry sounds good. Someone sent me a box of salted caramel tea at Christmas last year -- I haven't opened it yet (and pumpkin spice, but I gave that away as it's not my flavor.) I love the idea of a 9.99 lobster roll!

  11. Wow! $9.99 lobster roll! When Teague and I were in Ogunquit in May, we went to dinner at the Piano Bar. I had a lobster roll that was $39!!! What a difference a few months make! 🤣Enjoy the warm up today, and Happy T Day

  12. I have never had a lobster roll, but it looks really good, and fries as well, yummy! Glad you treated yourself to some nice food.Here the leaves are everywhere, too, even on my balcony! Enjoy all you flavoured teas! Hapy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  13. That lobster roll looks delicious and would be more than enough for me. I'd be picking the butter, too :)

    I'm laughing at "tea bag holder" lol I have one, but I sometimes use one of my little glass oatmeal bowls we used to get in oatmeal boxes when I was a child. An advantage for yours is that it won't need to be washed ;) Cranberry sounds like a nice tea flavor. I'll have to look for it.

    I don't rake, having so little space. I sweep leaves away from the doors and call it done.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Love the box of teas, hope you have lots of fun exploring that! Twinings used to do a salted caramel green tea that I really loved and then they discontinued it :( I found my teabag in a cupboard just yesterday, I forgot it even existed. It's never used. I think it was a gift. Those chips look good! Happy T Day! Elle xx

  15. A lobster roll - never heard about that. We don´t serve this here in Austria - as we don´t have lobsters here :-).
    I hope it tasted fine.
    Have a happy T-Day and thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Wow, looks good. Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe!

  17. $9.99 for a lobster roll is a steal ... drooling just thinking about it. I was in the Cape Aug last year; a burger was $24 at any place, let alone any seafood.

    You're lucky to have a good doctor you trust. And yes, any yard work is good exercise.

  18. Erika, hope all went well with the checkup. That lobster roll deal sounded great, but ignoring the ice cream factory is something we could not do ourselves😋. Do let us know the location and name! Also, I have been enjoying several of the Bigelow teas you mentioned for years. Favorites include salted caramel and cranberry.

  19. Hope the doctor's appt went well and no bad news. Glad you got a lobster roll since you do like them so much. If it were piping hot and the bread roll was grilled, I could definitely go for it in butter, only thing missing would be pasta and you'd have a full evening meal! That tea sampler looks delish and you had me there for a minute about the holder. And yes, you have it down to a science with the spoon so why change? Totally with you as well about the leaf raking, ugh, my favorite chore to hate, so glad we have a yard guy every two weeks. I must tell you every time I see a photo of your cute little fenced garden, it reminds me of a church or family graveyard, lol. It's always my first thought, then I remember just a garden. Hope your rest of week is good and no wind, xoxo


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