Monday, November 13, 2023

T Stands for This and That about Last Week

 Hi everyone. Happy Monday night/ Tuesday to everyone, especially to the lovely ladies who join in for T. It is already time for T once again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Last week was a good week for me. It was a nice mix of having some time to myself and  some social time too.  I also started  a cleaning project which maybe wasn't the smartest thing to do seeing my daughter announced she was coming home for part of the weekend and that meant I had to push the whole project into a corner so she would have a bed to sleep in.  Plus we even had a little bit of snow one day. I'm definitely not ready for winter, but Thursday's precipitation was a reminder it is coming at some point. 

Let me start this post with  2  T related views for this week. Last Wednesday I went out with a friend, and we had a sandwich with a cup of   tea  at a coffee shop in a nearby town. They had this hand-drawn poster on the wall that I thought you coffee lovers might enjoy.

Down the street from the coffee shop is a wine bar, and  at this wine bar there were these fun scarecrows at a table outside. They even had some wine-like substance in the glasses.  The pumpkin lady looks like she is enjoying the sun on her face, but I think the pumpkin man might have been the one to drink most of the bottle-hee-hee.

Of course I forgot to take a photo of my chai tea latte. 😞

And as I mentioned, last week we had our first snow too. Just a little over an inch (2.5 cm),  and it mostly melted the next day.

The day before it snowed we had a lot of wind, and that brought a lot of the leaves down off the trees.  Since there are mostly oak trees in the woods around my house, oak leaves are everywhere.

I read an interesting article about oak leaves recently too.  In order to use them as compost, they must be shredded. Otherwise the leaves stick together and form a thick mat that the plants underneath (i.e., those shooting up in the spring) can't easily  break though. (Yup, been there, know that.)  Other leaves decompose much easier than oaks. Here's the article if anyone is interested: Garden Myths-Oak Leaves.

I don't know if anyone remembers, but when I visited Iceland this past June I bought some yarn for a sweater. I think I showed you part of a sleeve I'd started knitting. Now that the weather has cooled off, I am cranking away on this project.

Icelandic pullover sweaters are knit in the round. I like to make the sleeves first, that way when I get up to the armpits on the body, I can then insert the sleeves and finish up the sweater. I will share more when more gets completed.

The other thing I worked on last week was the cleaning and purging project I mentioned at the beginning of my post.  My mess is an oddball collection of some books I cleaned out  quite  a while ago  as well  as some clothes.  I will donate these.  However, I also had 4 bins of craft supplies that I never emptied. These bins were packed up almost 2 years ago when my husband and I redid the spare bedroom (which is my craft space.)

I had piles all over in my daughter's old room, and then she called and said that since she had last Friday off for the Veterans Day holiday she was going to come home. I ended up pushing everything  into a corner so she'd have some room.  What a mess.

I did a great job purging lots of the old craft supplies. I figured that if they'd sat in a bin for 2 years, and I didn't miss them, then I didn't need them. I thought I would separate them into  big  lots (filling a box), and I would first try listing them online for sale. I may not get them listed until after the holidays, but I sorted and boxed them up. 

Oh  boy!  Hopefully this week I can take care of some if not all of that mess-😏

That's all for me this week. I'm wishing everyone a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. Neat coffee poster. Love the first snow photos.

  2. I didn't know that about the Oak leaves. Funny, I just read a plaque, in my downtown, on Nov. 11th, that this soldier, after the destruction of these mighty oaks during the battle of Vimy Ridge, he collected the acorns and brought them home. I think he was from Manitoba and he planted the acorns. Oak trees came from them and now there are many Oak trees and one of the young ones was planted in my downtown. I think that's pretty cool.
    I love the knitted areas you have made so far. Those scarecrow people are great.

  3. Your photos of snow on the roses are very lovely. Such a fleeting moment in the changing seasons.
    best, mae at

  4. ...since I'm not a coffee drinker, I didn't know that there were great things about coffee.

  5. I got stuck on the Icelandic sweater. I've done some stranded knitting, including Icelandic mittens. I have thought of trying a sweater someday. I will be following along to see your progress. I like your colors.

  6. Love the pumpkin lady and man...the coffee poster is pretty fun, though I don't drink either coffee or tea...just plain water. I hope we would get some snow far, just lots of rain.

  7. Great coffee-poster. So sad my stomach says no to this...
    Fun pumpkin-couple :-)
    Yuck. Yet... pretty snow-pic! Pics...
    Why does Mother Nature do this with the Oak leaves?
    Oh... my knitting days are over, I think!
    The spare bedroom-project was two years ago???? Help, stop the time from running! That was yesterday, I swear!
    I think I´ll end up putting all stuff in the street, though some is just too precious! I´ll ask colleagues...
    All the stuff we gather over the years, huh?
    To a refreshing T-Day, hugs!

  8. The poster is correct. Coffee is at the centre of the world... and at the centre of my soul as well :)

  9. Sounds like a fulfilling week! Balancing alone time, socializing, and taking on a cleaning project is quite the juggle. Capturing the snow on the roses seems like a magical moment.
    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful moments.Happy T Tuesday!

  10. I loved that coffee poster. I agree coffee is magic. Had to laugh at the wine bar scarecrows. The guy looks like he's had one too many. Thanks for these great additions to T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

    The roses in the snow are stunning. Such beauty that is frozen in time. I mulch all my leaves, but had NO idea about oak leaves. I guess I'm lucky there are very few oaks in my neighborhood.

    That is going to be a beautiful sweater. You DO have a mess. I am amazed at all the wood mount stamps you have. You have more in one box than I own (grin).

  11. Now you are wondering how you ever had time to go to work! That's what it's like to be retired. Always busy, always a project on the go etc.
    I love your Icelandic sweater. I'd love to knit one myself, but I would have to find the right kind of wool. (So it can be an outdoor sweater).
    I hope you have a great time with your daughter.
    Happy T-Day,
    PS: I just got my phone back. It's charging as I speak (write)

  12. Hi Erika, I'm glad I'm not the only one to have piles of mess and un-used craft pieces. Love the 2 figures at the wine bar, too funny. Your sweater looks good, the wool looks wonderful. And YeSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! That coffee poster is wonderful, love it! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  13. The coffee poster is great, I love it! Everything on it is true! The scarecrow people are awesome, she definitely enjoys the sun on her face, but he better gets home and goes to bed! The snow sure looks beautiful on the roses, but I totally understand that you're not ready for it yet. Good luck with your cleaning project - I just a few weeks ago gave a some of my Halloween craft items to the young family down the street. In or neighboring town there is a craft thrift store where I donated lots of my craft items - the store supports a senior center. Have a good week, Erika, and happy T day!

  14. Purging the craftroom... I do that ever so often but i never get very far... i want it ALL! lol And i always plan to do everything... I guess when i'm gone they can get rid of everything i did not get to.. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. I shared that coffee image on FB :)

    An inch of snow would be huge here, especially this early. It looks so pretty.

    Good luck selling your supplies. There must be a market out there. Happy T Tuesday!

  16. What a gorgeous sweater. I love the colors and the pattern
    I didn't know that about oak leaves. I will check the article out.
    Pushing boxes to the side is all too familiar. I have an entire family room full of boxes and stuff to dispose of.
    What a fun coffee poster, If I drank coffee.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Fun poster. The roses looks so sad under the coating of snow. We got .25 in. of snow last night and made the news. I'm crying. Way to go on your purge. The sweater colors are so pretty. Finish up so we can see. Happy T Day

  18. Hi Erika, the colours you chose for your sweater are beautiful, looking forward to seeing it when it’s finished. We had a massive clear out here, toys and books of the GSs! Great photo of the figures sitting at the table , some people have great ideas.
    Happy T Day. Jan S

  19. Your jumper is going to be gorgeous and so warm! I finished something today and needed to look in the yarn stash for some more yarn - I found so much in there I'd forgotten about. I really must do something with it. I was peering at your boxes, are those wooden stamps? I like to see when people have them on display, maybe you should create some wall decor with them if you have a spare wall. I've had a box full of inkpads sitting in the spare room waiting to be donated for probably two years too, and still they sit there. My craft space is also still in chaos, every time I try to improve it, I seem to make it worse. I've donated so much and yet still no space - do they multiple while we sleep? Happy T Day! Elle xx

  20. I have to go through some supplies to put together for kid projects to take down when we babysit the kids this weekend. I don't think I can reduce the inventory too much but one can try! I love those scarecrows outside. Well done on your purge!

  21. I love the coffee poster. The drunk scarecrow and his companion look so funny! Your sweater looks like quite an involved pattern but will look great when it's finished! Good luck with the tidying - I think this Winter lots of my old craft stuff must go!! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx a

  22. Great idea with the coffee poster but the scarecrows made me smile the most. What a fab idea to attract customers.
    Thanks for reminding me `I have some craft stuff boxed up that i never use - but where and what do I do with it? I've been given the task of giving away craft things from an old friend who is no longer with us and it is proving a problem. nobody wants it these days.
    Well done on your purging.
    Hugs, neet xx

  23. I have to think that coffee wall art was created by a programmer or engineer, lol. A delightful sidewalk cafe scene, we have a few in our old downtown area along with an iron sculpture art walk like in one of those gardens you visited. The big thing now apparently is to spruce up old downtowns with art. Meanwhile, our water/sewer systems and streets need repair, oh well, not as fun I guess. The roses look so pretty in the snow. Good luck on your purging. And great progress on your knitting. Down here, We well know that oak (and pecan tree) leaves make great weed block when first starting a bed. People drive around looking for bags of leaves, by the time Spring comes they are all decomposed and the bed is weed-free and ready to plant. Since we don't do a lot of bulb-planting here, it works out well for most. But most folks just mulch them into the lawn when they mow, since we only get about a month or two respite from mowing in the winter, and that's after the leaves have all fallen. XOX

  24. What a delightful post, Erika. Love the coffee poster, the wine bar scene, and the glimpse into what is going on in your life. I can't believe there has already been snow - I am kind of jealous but not as jealous as I am of your knitting skills. Beautiful project already. Hugz


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