Thursday, December 7, 2023

Christmas Carols

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

I hope everyone is having a lovely week.  I thought/hoped I would have a week with nothing going on, but that didn't last beyond Monday night. That's when my walking friend asked if I wanted to walk with her on Tuesday. I could have said no, but it's hard to say no to having someone to walk with. Plus, there really isn't any reason not to go. Life is short, and  my upstairs cleaning projects aren’t  going any place. 😏

My art today for Wendy's challenge at  Art Journal Journey is the front and the back of one of my Christmas alphabet book pages. Wendy's AJJ's challenge this month is Above Us Only Sky.

I won't keep reshowing the old phone number directory that my alphabet book pages come from, but just in case you didn't see this photo last week, I will share it one more time. Otherwise the shape of my page might be confusing.  Last summer I salvaged an old telephone directory from my mother-in-law's house. It was going into the trash, and I thought I could use it for some art.

As I've mentioned, I had hoped to make art using the metal covers, but sadly, that didn't work. Instead, I'm snipping out the pages and making art on them. Today's art is the front and back of the letter C in my alphabet book. (Here's a link to the original post and the letter B art if you're interested: Traditional Christmas. And no, I haven't shown the letter A yet.)

C stands for Christmas Carols
Here's the front.

I used the moon because I always think of Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. I think it's because when I was little my parents used to always play Christmas music on their big old fashioned stereo console on Christmas Eve. At the time I didn't appreciate all their old fashioned style of music, but now, those old Perry Como, Bing Crosby, and other  crooners from my parents' generation are some of my favorites. 

The page background is inked and then I used a white music rub on over the bottom half. Along the top I added some washi tape. The tape covered where I cut the page to remove it from the metal directory. The moon and stars are a TH die cut that I inked and painted. The stars have a bit of glitter glue also. Finally I stamped and fussy cut the quote and added a die cut letter C.

And here's the backside.

I used some Christmas music paper to cover the entire page. Some of the images were already on this paper. The owl  is a stamp by Lynne Perrella, and the wreath around it,  as well as the pine cones, are fussy cut from an image book. Then I stamped  the designs above and below the wreath, and finally I added an old sticky button with some music on it.

The big moon should work for Wendy's challenge, but even if it doesn't, the owl image definitely does.

Today I have to fight the urge to make art and get my upstairs picked up. Hee hee. Until next post. 


  1. ...I remember those telephone directories!

  2. Good decision to go for a walk. As you say the cleaning projects can wait. One more day isn’t going to make a difference and walking with a friend will make the whole week seem better. All the best - David

  3. Maybe you don´t see a connection but Freddie Mercury´s Christmas songs will be played here after I saw your beautiful art!
    Again, this is such a great way to re-use the phone book. To a wonderful advent-time, hugs

  4. Somebody to walk with, that's motivational! I don't usually keep music on, but that changes during the Advent/Christmas season. My Spotify playlist is 26 1/2 hours long 🤣

  5. I totally understand the commitment to a walking partner, it's a two-way street after all, heehee. You are retired, ToDo Lists are your enemy, ha!
    I love love love your front and back pages. There's that crescent moon, he's a popular fella. Don't know about you, but this theme is challenging beyond a few pages, but I will keep it in my head for ideas that fit into my themed journals that I need to finish. It may come down to song lyrics in my Book of Wisdom journal, which is ironic because that's what the theme title is. I was tickled pink to read that Brenda Lee's 1958 Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree finally hit Billboard's #1 and she is still alive to see it and enjoy. I read she recorded it originally when she was just 13! That's my Christmas miracle for this year. Congrats to Brenda! XOX

  6. Clever way to recycle and use the address book phone pages. Too bad the covers didn’t work out. I really like that man in the moon. I’m staying warm today. I have on my new Heat Holders socks. I hope you’re staying warm;, too.

  7. These Are Incredible - Well Done - Bing Crosby Filled The Living Room Last Week While Standing Up The Old Fake Tree For My Mother To Decorate - Stay Crafty And Enjoy The Weeks To Come

    Big Hugs ,

  8. Dear Erika, I think you made a good decision to walk with your friend. Cleaning projects really (and unfortunately) don't run away 😉
    The idea of artistically changing your mother-in-law's telephone directory is great - I really like what you did with it, on BOTH sides!
    I like the old Christmas songs now too - when you're young and "modern", such music doesn't mean much, but now it's associated with nostalgic memories.
    All the best, Traude

  9. I had a similar fight earlier. Blogging won.
    Lovely page and I do like the idea. Christmas Carols takes me back to when I was a child and the local Prize Ban used to travel all around the area playing Carols on Boxing Day. Mum always filled up with O come All ye Faithful and dad like Silent Night.
    The old songs, especially Bing Crosby ones were another firm favourite of dads and instilled his love of the man in me.
    Love your ages for "C", makes a lovely change from a blue background and I always love music sheets being used.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. I can't come up Christmas song I don't like.
    There all good.
    Coffee is on.

  11. I don't ever see pine cones here, so I am quite intrigued by their perfect shape.

  12. Lovely -Christine

  13. Two gorgeous pages Erika, love the music idea and of course the moon and owl. Thank you, have a great weekend, hugs Wendy.

  14. Just stunning work and really inspiring! Vicky x

  15. That are wonderful journals! Have a nice 2nd Advent!
    HUg Elke

  16. These are all wonderful pages. I love the idea of using your mom's telephone directory.

  17. I love both of these pages Erika! That owl is a beauty! I would choose a walk with a friend over cleaning any day! Hugs, Chrisx


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