Monday, December 4, 2023

T Stands for the Holiday Season

Hi everyone. It's time for our first T day of December. I know it's been December for a few days already, but I'm still surprised it is once again the holiday season. It doesn't seem all that long ago that I picked up and put away the holiday decorations. Now I've taken them all out again. 😏

Last week I had a few things going on, and one of them was decorating my house for Christmas.

I bought one of these little retro trees last Christmas because it made me think of my grandmother. She used to have one of these trees. The 2 little Snoopy pieces on either side of it were from my daughter. When she first moved out we would get her a piece or two for Christmas each year. I guess we couldn't remember all the ones we bought because we happened to get her these 2 twice.  😜

Over Thanksgiving weekend my husband and I went to the Christmas tree farm in my town and cut down our tree.

One thing I like about going to the Christmas tree farm is that it is up on the Ridge, a part of my town that sits  higher in elevation than most of the rest of the area At the ridge top there is a beautiful mountain view. It doesn't photograph very well because to get the whole view it looks too tiny and to get a partial view it doesn't look very outstanding. Here's one of those partial views. It's what you see as you head  down the road.

The white peak in almost the center of the photo is Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeastern United States. It is 6288.2 feet/ 1916.6 meters tall. Not tall as far as many mountains go but it still has some of the worst weather conditions in the United States. It holds the record for the highest wind speed not associated with a tornado/cyclone or hurricane. In 1934 a wind speed of 231 miles/hour/ 372 km/hour was recorded. The top of the mountain, as you can tell from the snow on it, is much colder than  other mountain tops in the area.

Speaking of snow, this morning (Monday 12/4) I woke up to some more snow. This is the view out of my bedroom window looking down onto the road.

We didn't get a lot of snow, and it will probably disappear if it stays at  our current temperature. I needed to shovel this time however.πŸ˜’ It does make it really feel like Christmas. πŸŽ„

Last week while out running errands  I also made a stop at a small market in my town. This is a specialty market, more of a meat, prepared meal, bakery and beer/wine market. They're actually associated with the one restaurant in my town. They had a couple of interesting beers displayed on the top of the meat coolers, and since it's T day, let me share them.

This St. Bernadus beer is next to a normal sized beer bottle. If I had a lot of money to kill, I think I would throw a party and  try it, but at $250, I just took a photo.

My budget would prefer to try this beer as it's holiday appropriate in a silly way. 

Instead of buying beer,  I made myself a big mug of tea when I got home. My mug isn't empty, but I had drank half of it before I decided to set up a photo with it under my tree. This is my ticket to T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

You might remember I bought a holiday tea sampler from Bigelow Tea Company awhile back. I still have a couple of flavors left to try, but  I really like is this one. It's a warm, wintry spice mix as you can probably guess from the name. (This is a photo I took off the internet, not my sampler box.)

I've also still been knitting up a storm. I haven't shown you my sweater for a couple of weeks, so here's where I'm at.

I've just gotten to the point where I've added the sleeves to my body and have started the yoke. It's knitted in the round (so no pearling), and I've just started the colored part that will form the upper sweater. 

Now that I'm into the final phase,  I'm really excited to finish my sweater. I'd love to say I've finished it by Jan, 1, and hopefully I will. The yoke requires quite a few rows of patterned knitting.  Let's see what happens as this month gets rolling along.

That's all for me this week for T. Right now my calendar for this week is empty until Saturday. No appointments nor scheduled fun time with friends. What's the chance it will stay that way? Hopefully 100%. I'm so excited to not have to be anywhere, but I do have a long to do list of things around the house to fill my time. 😏

Have a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. ...the sweater looks like it's going to be a beauty.

  2. What a beautiful post! The white mountains I understand were taller than the Rockies but they are so old that they have been worn down to what we know today. Too bad the old man of Franconia notch is no longer there. I like your retro Christmas tree also. It does evoke something. Have beautiful holidays friend. Aloha

  3. I like your decorations. Cute mug and lovely art too! Lovely views in your photos.

  4. I love that retro X'mas tree...I have never seen a blue bottle beer..just brown, white and green over here. Sweater is getting ready :-)

  5. I think the sweater will be beautiful, Erika, and the way it looks right now you have a good chance to finish it by your deadline. I love knitting in the round, especially when you have to do color work / color stranding. So much easier when you just have to do knit stitches and no purls.
    The beer looks fun, although I'm not sure I would be so excited about Santa's butt. Happy T day!

  6. That is one of the best wreaths I've seen! Gorgeous! I like seeing your holiday decorations.

    So much snow! I'd be in heaven! Especially since I don't have to get out πŸ˜‚ That view is impressive. It's flat here. The closest mountains are hours away

    I have a Grinch mug similar to yours. I get a kick out of drinking my coffee out of it. Happy T Day!

  7. I still wonder where Dad got our Christmas trees from. It remains a mystery (my Brother is younger than me and does not know, either).
    250??? No, thank you, that is hilarious. Cool cuppa! Hmmm, ginger!
    And wow on your sweater. To a great T-Day, hugs!

  8. Wow, lots to see in this post. Those little ceramic trees are all the rage on social media this year. You are "in style". Wish I could handle a real tree and a wood fire too. But my allergies say nope. Great progress on your knitting, hope your week remains 'all yours'. XOX

  9. I can't imagine ever paying so much money for a beer, no way! But Santa's Butt is a funny name! The Ridge where you get your free is beautiful, love the view. And your sweater is coming along very well! Have a happy day and a great week, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Beautiful post Erika, doesn't feel like December at all for me-and we are still enjoying warmer fall type weather too-which I will not complain about
    I am just going to put my candles out this year-I have little battery tea lights I put in the wall of windows, and I also found large candles that I have on the woodstove that are also battery operated-love those.
    Your sweater you are making looks so soft and cozy already Happy T Kathy

  11. YOu do live in a beautiful location! How great that you have made such good progress on your sweater.
    Best, mae at

  12. Very festive. Everything looks beautiful. Lovely photos of the tree farm. I also love the naughty cup. Wonderful knitting too. Have a nice day.

  13. I just sent a tiny, ceramic green tree to the Young One as she said they didn't really have space for a tree. The one I got her operates on batteries. I don't want to see the view out of your window. The Santa's Butt made me laugh. But my eyes turned green at your Grinch mug. Love it! Happy T Day

  14. Dear Erika, I feel the same way, I also think that Christmas isn't over for so long after all... My grandma also had a little artificial tree like that, but not with colorful lights, but with white ones, and it had little red bows. I also feel more Christmassy than usual because we have snow here. I'm as happy about it as a little child, even if it's inconvenient ;-)
    I don't think I want to climb Mount Washington when it's so windy...
    $250 for a beer? Is there gold in there? Or diamonds?
    Your sweater looks chic - I'm looking forward to "finished" photos on the woman! :-DD
    All the best and Happy t-Day, Traude

  15. Such a great mug! We just watched the newer Grinch movie and we prefer it to the people version! It's so funny. Have you seen it?
    Love the label on that bottle, very old fashioned Christmas looking. My grandmother, aunt and parents each had ceramic trees just like that. My aunt made them when she was taking a class. It must have been a trend.
    I love the Ginger snappish tea. One of the only holiday flavors from them that I have tried.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. What a beautiful wreath! You've reminded me to order mine. I had completely forgotten. People don't have wreaths here so I didn't see any to remind me.
    Those beers look very nice (and very expensive!)
    Santa's butt made me smile. And the Snoopy story too.
    The views from the tree place are to die for. Very stunning.

  17. This year has flown - I was sure my annual eye check up was earlier this year - nope!!! I hope to get up some Christmas decorations this weekend - I like to come home to them on my birthday. Yours look great! I would go to a tree farm if they had views like that. You have made real progress with your sweater. I posted late last night then fell asleep so apologies for a late visit, belated Happy T Day, Chrisxxx

  18. You're making great tracks on your sweater -- barring unforeseen circumstances, I'm sure you'll finish by January 1. As convenient as faux trees are, I love the idea of a real tree and sort of miss that Rick doesn't do that anymore. The trip to cut it would be fun and it looks like a great day out. Your wreath is a beauty and I love your vintage tree with the Snoopy ornaments. Who doesn't adore Snoopy? Those chandelier bells are pretty too. Such a fun and festive season -- even a bit of snow (though I confess, I hope it holds off for a bit here!)

  19. How I envy you and my German friends who also go and chop down their own tree. it is something that sounds like a tradition with families at Christmas time, beautiful view!
    Love the knitting and the shots at the beer on sale. I love looking at labels on beers and wines, I would go for the label if i drank either.
    Great decorations and that Grinch pot is fab!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Thanks for visiting for T this week. I am sorry to be late visiting, but I have just been released from the hospital where I have been since Monday night. Before you ask, I DO NOT have Covid. I will be back tomorrow to visit each person who dropped by this week.

  21. My plan on Friday was to visit the international T Tuesday participants first, while it was Friday in their world, then those who live in the states where it would still be Friday in THEIR world. That didn't happen, although I was able to visit a few before my young fur baby got sick. As much as Bleubeard tries to stay away from Squiggles, he was (seemed) actually concerned for once. Now Squiggles has been looked at and taken care of, I am back to visit. And even though I am on hiatus until the new year, I will be here every Monday afternoon my time to spend T time with you, dear Erika.

    I usually decorate my home the Friday after Thanksgiving, but was late this year. I finally got my little table top trees out on Sunday.

    My friend Dana makes those ceramic trees, She even has her own kiln, so she can make them any time she chooses. I have never wanted one, even though I no longer put up a floor standing tree. How funny that you duplicated those Snoopy decorations. They are adorable.

    I love how you cut down your own tree each year and decorate it. And I love that you take us with you when you do. The bells on that chandelier are a fun addition.

    Your snow shot is nice, but it is a mere drop in the bucket of what I got at 8 inches. Now mine is gone and has been replaced by rain. And not once did I venture outside to take a photo of it.

    Your sweater is amazing and you are doing so well with it. I'm impressed by the amount of yarn you use on your needles at one time.

    WOW. That is some expensive beer. I got a laugh at Santa's butt, though. Your Grinch mug is so cute and is also perfect for T, too.

    Thanks for sharing your week with us for T, dear friend.


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