Monday, December 11, 2023

T Stands for More Pre-Holiday Chit Chat

 Hi everyone. It's time for T day once again where we share our drink and other things over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

What have I been doing?

For the last few weeks the upstairs of my house was an absolute mess. Every time I would start to pick up parts of it there would be a reason I couldn't finish. The worst of it was my daughter's room. Maybe you remember this photo?

I still had those boxes to take care of along with my clothing seasonal change over, some clothes I was donating, as well as my Christmas gift pile,  so I had quite a mess. I didn't think to take any photos, so you will just have to believe me. The good news is that last week I got that all picked up and sorted, and my daughters room is now back to normal. πŸ˜€  I'm happy to have removed that mess-finally. ❤  And I'm happy to get my clothing change-over finally done too.

I also did some baking last week and made a non-marzipan stollen. In fact the cookbook*  I used  said
this is a Bavarian style stollen, and I know some of you would know about this much more than I do. If my cookbook is wrong could you let me know.

I had all the dried fruit the recipe called for except on the day I went to bake I could not find the dried currents I bought. Instead I substituted some dried cherries. When I soaked the cherries in orange juice they of course made a dark liquid, which, when I added them to my dough, made it darker like a whole wheat loaf. (It is  made with white baking flour.)  The cherries added a great taste, and I'm  glad I used them. And still haven't found the package of dried currants I bought.

 I've also done a bit more decorating. I have a collection of Santa's that my daughter gave me through her childhood and that I usually put out, but this year I decided not to. 
However, I remembered I had this set of jolly snowmen that I haven't put out for a few years, and I decided this would be perfect in place of the Santas.

In fact I really like them, and I wonder why I haven't put them out for awhile.

I also managed to get the living room fireplace mantel decorated.

In the living room we have a live tree, but in a dark corner of my dining room/kitchen area I have a thin artificial tree. I usually put this tree up right before Thanksgiving and leave it up until the end of January/early February because it helps light up a dark space.

 This year I bought myself a new ornament that I liked. We finally finished  winterizing my bees so this ornament (I hope) is my good luck charm that they'll make it through the winter. 

And some of you probably know I get a kick of Bigfoots and Yetis, so here are my  toppers on this tree.
They have names; they are Eddie and Betty Yeti. πŸ˜‰

Before this post gets too long, let me share my actual T day drink. How about another take like last week only with a different mug and different tree decoration.  My mug is not empty; I partially drank some of my tea before I decided to take this photo.

 My mug has some Bigelow ginger-snappish tea in it once again.

Before I sign off, I want to share my latest sweater knitting update. I like sharing my progress, and it  also makes a great week by week timeline for me to see how far I have  gotten during the previous week.

I'm still knitting away on the yoke. The first several rows had the most stitches of any part of the project since it is body and sleeves. I'm now slowly decreasing to make it more narrow around the neck. I'm more or less following the pattern for this sweater, but I'm also throwing in a few pattern changes as well as picking my colors (from what I bought) as I go. 

That's all for me this week. Have a super T day and week ahead.

*Here's the cookbook I got my stollen recipe from ( and no, it's not a formal citation): The New German Cookbook:More Than 230 Contemporary and Traditional Recipes Hardcover – October 13,1993 by  Jean Anderson (Author), Hedy Wurz (Author)


  1. Wow! That sweater is totally dazzling! Well done, Erika. Can't wait to see it on you! What a day that will be. And the bread looks delicious. I'll bet the cherry liquid makes it extra delicious.

    I love your decorations and tree. The new bee ornament is perfect and I'm wild about the people on your mantel. The Yeti couple is really cute! Love their names. I'm glad the snowmen made a return visit! And anytime I see Snoopy, I'm happy!

  2. house sure looks festive, I have a rhubarb pie in oven! ☃️ πŸŽ„ ❄️ πŸŽ…πŸΌ

  3. You have certainly been busy, Erika. Just cleaning that mess you had in your daughter's bedroom would have taken a week for me to sort. I am in awe of all the products you have in those boxes.

    Your stollen baked loaves are beautiful. I bet the cherries were better than the currants.

    Your snowmen are adorable, and I love you paired them with bottle brush trees. Your mantel is gorgeous. Truly lovely. Very festive and well put together. Your bee ornament is charming. I hope it brings good luck and the bees survive the winter. And I absolutely adore Eddie and Betty Yeti.

    Tiy are really doing well on that sweater. It is really coming together nicely.

    What a fun mug for your tea, dear friend. It is so cute. Love the stuffed Snoopy, too. Thanks for sharing your baking, organization, new stollen, sweater update, decorations, and your lovely tea mug and tea with us for T this nearly Tuesday, dear Erika.

  4. Lovely decorations -Christine

  5. Stollen can be made differently in different parts of Germany, and non-Marzipan Stollen are not unusual. I think yours looks fabulous, Erika, but I was a bit surprised that you soaked the cherries in orange juice. Usually, the dried fruit is soaked in rum (if at all). What I find more difficult for German recipes to adapt to America is the flour, since the flour in Germany is different from the flour here. Even in Germany we use different kinds of regular wheat flour for different baking recipes.
    I LOVE your Snoopy mug - living in Snoopyville (as we call Santa Rosa) I simply have to like it, do I not? Have a very happy T day!

  6. Your decorations are wonderful. I love your trees, Eddie and Betty, the snowmen. The bee ornament is awesome. I haven't gotten any decorations up except the Advent tree. Happy T Day

  7. Your Christmas stollen looks scrumptious. I feel as if I should get one!
    best, mae at

  8. We love Snoopy too!
    Love the decluttering
    and getting things
    Also, super cute snowmen!

  9. The stollens look GREAT and so tempting and your house is so festively decorated. I just have a small plastic tree, which my cats are going to destroy at the end of the season.

  10. Dear Erika. Since weeks parcels sit in our tiny hall. 3 times I grabbed one, went outside, early morning and... rain set in.
    Took it back home, they all still sit in the way. I am where you have been! And what does Ingo do? Order stuff that comes in... parcels and the paper and plastic bins are full.
    The only marzipan I would eat would be in stollen, so, sorry, I am no help!
    But on Thrusday I get Christmas-specialities from Dresden!! East Germany, famous for that (have a colleague from there).

    Your stollen looks great. Expect Ingo ringing your door-bell.

    Ohhh, and Snoopy! Plural!!
    And your pullover looks so cozy!
    Happy, yummy, T-Day and hugs!

  11. Good morning, I am in love iwth your snoopy mug! I enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations-the snowmen look so happy too.
    Always a good feeling to get things sorted and into their proper places or donated.
    I haven't made a stolen in a very long time-I have a friend's family recipe from many years ago I hadn't heard of the orange juice darkening things before but they look really delicious.
    Happy Holidays Hugs Kathy

  12. Oh and I love your sweater, you got a lot done on it since last time

  13. I am sure that like everyone else I am looking forward to the picture of you in the finished sweater. Soon to come? All the best - David

  14. I love seeing the progress on your sweater Erika.. I'm crocheting an afghan for my Granddaughter.. I meant to post a pic this week and forgot.. I'm so slow.. its going to take me forever.. Your Snowmen surely do look jolly ... lol Decorating for the Holidays should make you happy and not be a chore in my opinion so decorate as you like . It all looks lovely . Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. The stollen looks delicious! I'm glad you took a chance with the cherries.

    I do love those cheerful/cheering snow people. I trust the bee ornament will bring you luck. The Snoopy mug looks like one that'd bring Christmas cheer. It's making me smile :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  16. Wow! You have your place looking very festive. I really love everything. Your knitting is wonderful and your mug is perfect. Have a nice day.

  17. Those snow men are too cute!
    I'm really impressed at your knitting prowess. The jumper is looking pretty good. Can't wait for the finished object. Well done.
    I like the bee.
    The stollen looks good. I must admit, I've never had stollen without the almond paste. But it seems you've made your own version and I'm sure it is delicious.
    Happy T-Day

  18. Enjoyed seeing your holiday decorations, Erika, the yeti were favorites. We did not put up our usual tree as the holiday village takes up all the space and more, but it has a number of Christmas trees in the setting (only smaller). I also have our usual tree outside the apt entry. I liked the Snoopy and your mug as well and that tea must have been delicious too!

  19. Don't mention de cluttering to me. I de-clutter one room only to find I've cluttered up another. Wish i could give up but I must press on with it all.
    You made your own Stollen? I am impressed and not only that you adapted the recipe. Well done. I am in the throes of icing the cake at the moment.
    I do hope your bees winter well, I think of them every time I see your name come up and I have my gold bee ear rings in, cannot find my pendant but I will keep looking (whilst de-cluttering)
    Hugs, Neet xx


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