Friday, January 26, 2024

Faces Around My House

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. It's almost the weekend once again. I hope your weekend is exactly what you want it to be.

Since it's Friday, it's time for Nicole's  Friday Face Off and also Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.  This week I thought I'd share a few "faces" you can see in  and around my house. 

Let me start with a fun cat clock in my kitchen. The batteries in it died a few weeks ago and even though she stopped keeping time, her eyes still moved back and forth and her tail still wagged. There's new batteries in the clock now, and once again she keeps time.

And I like fish. Here's one that my husband found  at the recycle area our "dump" used to have. (Sadly, i the dump doesn't have the recycle area any more.) It was painted all pinks and yellows, and I fixed it up with my own art style.

I bought these ceramic fish at a store in Maine several years ago.

And here's a bobble head Mr, Pete. He's not as lovable as the real Mr. Pete though. 😏

As for birds, here's a few. 

First there's this cute little ceramic owl, and 
also there's also this hand carved crow, which sadly, one of the cats we used to have knocked him over and the beak broke. I decided to leave him as he was because it keeps him looking as primitive as he is. Luckily, he's just wood and doesn't need that beak to survive. 😏

And this sweet kitschy little bird was just a find at Target.

Not in the house, but these 3 mourning doves were sitting out on the back deck the other morning. 

And here's a few little wooden animals on my fireplace mantel.

The giraffes on the mantel came from Africa when my grandmother went there. I was a kid at the time, and I was so jealous she was able to go. My uncle actually lived there for several years, and that's why my grandmother went.  The giraffes were something my parents had in their house, as was this next guy who also came back  with my grandmother in what must have been a very large spare suitcase.

He now hangs on the door to my art space rather than in my parent's old house.

Have a great weekend.

And a note to Gillena. I'm taking off Sunday (fingers crossed we don't get a lot of snow!) for a couple of days away, so I'll be missing Sunday Smiles this week. More about that mini-adventure when I get home.



  1. Is bobble head Mr Pete a labrador? Very handsome face!

  2. Lots of fun faces! That's a terrific clock -- I love that its eyes kept moving even after the batteries died! And the fish is fabulous.

  3. I love the kit-cat clock. It really looks vintage, although I think those were wind-up clockwork.

  4. So much cute faces...I like esp. that cat clock.

  5. Lovely to see all your little figures and the cat clock, so pretty! I have a lot of figures and faces here, too, and I love them, they help to make a house a home. My neighbour is very minimalist, she has nothing anywhere, I don't like it when things are so sterile. Happy Friday, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. ...the Kit-Cat Klock is a flash from the past, thanks!

  7. Awwww! This cat would so go with my sewing machine! If I ever see one I´ll buy one!
    A bobble head-dog! I´ve never seen one.
    My owl says hi :-) So many great faces - to a great weekend, hugs

  8. I remember those clocks. You have the coolest nic naky things. The fish are amazing and I do like dog and owl and of course the raven/crow. What a fun post. Thank you for sharing it with FFO and have a lovely day.

  9. Great face photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. A wonderful collection of faces and a cute clock!

  11. Fun different decorative itemsπŸ˜€, Africans are interesting. I've a wooden giraffe bought in Spain. They bring memories from the countries they are bought πŸ¦’
    Happy weekend Erika ❤️

  12. So many faces! That cat clock brings back memories for me as I used to have one as a child in a black color, but mysteriously disappeared at some point! LOL

  13. Such fun faces. I have a Felix the Cat clock in the kitchen. There was a herd of mourning doves at the feeder on Wednesday. The kitschy bird is adorable. Stay dry today and send thoughts that the storm for Sunday goes out to sea.

  14. OMG you got some really interesting faces there. Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  15. I enjoyed seeing these, Erika, and that cat clock was my favorite as well. I believe another blogger had one similar only in black. I also like the wooden animals on your fireplace mantel.

  16. You've got some fun faces around your home. The owl is super cute! I like how you altered the fish. We used to have a recycle area at our dump as well, but just like at your place that area disappeared as well as the composting site. It's sad that all of this is gone now. Have a lovely weekend, Erika. Hugs - Carola

  17. I recall that cat clock. I wonder what it is called.

  18. Very creative ..enjoyed all of them

  19. What fun faces you have surrounded yourself with, Erica! I have a Kit Cat clock too, only it's black. And it definitely needs new batteries. My favorite is your sweet little kitty bird! I hope that your mini-adventure is lots of fun!

  20. There are many faces around my house, mostly of birds, and that will not surprise you at all. As I glance up though, I can see a hedgehog peering at me through the glass of its frame. The other night a couple who had been on one of my trips to Cuba took Miriam and I out for dinner as a gesture of appreciation, and presented me with a beautiful Inuit carving. What a treasure! It’s a bird with its head tucked beneath its wing, however, so no face there. Miriam will be coming downstairs shortly, and there will be a bright shining face to set the day off right. A way to face the world, one might say. I bet Donald Trump’s face is not too bright this morning! But then again it never is. The local children playing pickup hockey on a frozen pond will have a face-off, and the average politician will continue to be two-faced, and so the world continues - let’s just face it!

  21. Faces galore, fabulous artifacts Erika.. my favourite is definitely Mr. Pete reminds me so much of our Boni (R.I.P) Big Hugs Tracey xx

  22. So many fun faces :)
    Great post.

    All the best Jan

  23. You have a lot of company in your house :) I think I'd end up talking to some of these critters :)


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