Thursday, January 11, 2024


Hi everyone. 

Do you make resolutions for the new year? I don't like to because I never seem to be able to keep them, and I feel like they are just setting myself up for failure. But I do like to make general goals for the year. 

In 2023 I was working on my third and the start of my fourth year of retirement.  I think I am getting the art of a good retirement (my style) down. It was tough retiring in 2020 during the peak of the pandemic and before vaccinations.  At that time I had lots of thoughts of what I wanted to get involved in, but with Covid, I really couldn't do much.

 I love doing things at home, but I didn't (and don't) want my retired life to just be about home. And if you've retired from working all your adult life, you also know  how retirement is a process. And as great as it is, it does require some adjustments too. I'll venture a guess those adjustments were trickier back in 2020 and 2021 they they would be for someone retiring today. (But of course, everyone's retirement is their own journey, so who am I to say?)

 By 2023 I was ready to start finding some NEW things.  I picked the word Venture. Venture implies a bit of risk, and life still felt a bit risky last year. Especially early in the year.  

Every January I draw a page with some of the "plans" or parts of my "goals" on it. Obviously I don't know everything a year will bring, so when I drew this page in January of 2023 there were a lot of things in my year that I didn't know about. Those include the job at the lake I had last summer, Miss Maddie's  accident, much of the travel I would do (both far and local), the people I would get to spend time with, the art I would make, the new people I would meet, as well as all of the adventures with family and friends. ETC.  There was a lot of "venturing" out of the comfort of my home last year, so I definitely feel like I picked a good word.

I haven't shared this page even though I drew it a year ago. Did I succeed in accomplishing everything on my page? No. Did it help focus me? Yes. Could I have added other things to this page during the course of 2023? Also yes. 

This is my page for my It's On The Calendar challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am also linking up to More Than Words. where their January challenge is Open the Door.

In 2024, I'm really ready to continue getting into new things. And I want to be more spontaneous about those new things. My big picture is changing. It doesn't feel so risky for me (personally) to have the type of retirement I planned on having back in 2019 or 2020.  Now that both my immune suppressed husband and I have had covid, and now that we have both managed to get through it,  I feel a little more free of the idea that I might bring home a disease that would  strike him down. 

This year I chose a short phrase rather than a word, mainly because I couldn't come up with 1 word to describe exactly what I want my focus for 2024 to be.  Endeavor seemed too planned, as did undertake. Pursue, strive, and  attempt were also not spontaneous enough. 

So here's my phrase:  GO FOR IT.

I'm working on my drawing for this year too, but as you can tell it isn't finished. It would probably have been if I hadn't come down with covid. 😏

As you can see, my first added pictures have to do with getting my bees to survive the winter, to knit and sew more, to sell some art and not focus on it only as a hobby, to have a functioning greenhouse, and continue to exercise but this year in more focused ways. 
And I'm going for it all and a few other things also. 

Thanks for visiting.


  1. From the moment I retired I have not had even a moment of regret. I have been able to do so many things that would have otherwise been impossible and that continues to be these case. I will die with unfinished projects! All the best - David

  2. What a creative New Year page! I don't make resolutions either.

  3. I love your drawn pages because you drew all the things.
    I remembered last post you talked about what the AJJ theme means and as a regular player I can only tell you that the theme says It's On The Calendar, so to me if it's literally on a calendar then I can journal about it. That includes numbers, dates, days, months, years, plans, goals, to-do's, events, activities, yadayadayada. But that's just me. I am finding that the longer I do art, the more I feel constricted by themes and want to do what I think up. So I'm also becoming less literal and trying to be more adept at stretching my interpretation of the theme to be what I wanted to do in the first place, heeheehee. Hey, so sue me. That's actually one of MY resolutions this year! XOX

  4. Resolutions? Nope. I love your approach though, just go for it!

  5. No. I'll never remember them, let alone be able to keep them.

  6. Good morning, I don't pick a word or a goal for the new year-just want to take things day by day. since pretty much stuck at home these days hoping to be able to get my crafts that need finishing and go back to my slow mail writing-I really miss that If I don't write than no fun mail in my box.

  7. Hi Erika. I haven't made either resolutions or plans. Due to my age and illnesses I just sort of float, do what I can and what I like as I have time and strength of inclination. I want to enjoy the time I have left. Hugs, Valerie

  8. My resolutions don't last long. LOL This year however, I am the Dragon. Stregnth. I do love how you make a new years page. I am wishing everyone the best of 2024.

  9. I wasn't working when I reached retirement age, so it was seamless for me. I don't really make resolutions but am interested in getting back into the exercise habit this year.

  10. Lovely art and proactive words for the year.

  11. BIG WOW on both pages - the looks and the content/meaning!
    Love them!
    Having been unemployed I have an idea of retirement and I sure enjoyed the time-out, even though it did not seem like that for others.
    I love my work but I look forward to retirement, too.
    I really enjoyed this post, have a great day, hugs

  12. great pages, many details to look at.

  13. I LOVE this! Go for it is terrific and I really love how you expressed some of the things you want to go for, like your bees, knitting, travel. You made an interesting point about the "freedom" you feel, knowing that both you and your husband had and got through Covid and so you know you can. I love retirement (apart from no income!) and the things it allows me to do (or not do). It sounds like you are getting to have the retirement you want. Three cheers!

  14. My life certainly changed when I retired and looking back I do feel I achieved a fair bit. The later years have not been as kind, mainly with the back injury, but now things have taken a turn for the better and I am hoping we can look forward to better times this coming year.
    I love how you plan, how you planned last year and your start on planning this year. I will watch your progress, especially with the bees, with great interest. And your artwork. Good luck to you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Oh wonderful venture collages ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I don't make resolutions and unless I am pressed don't have a word of the year, however this year I am hoping to be less stressed and I have to take on a 'Let It Go' attitude and not get so ruffled! I love your illustrations - although we do make plans mostly we just enjoy what we do - in fact we have just started our second Wanderlust pages for this year. I'm not going to worry if I don't do them all though! Looking forward to seeing how the bees get on! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. I'm for all of those things Erika! I could join you in most of them except the bees though I wish I could have them here (did you know there was a 2 year waiting list last time I asked!) I love your page, and your phrase, very carpe diem! Thanks for joining us at More Than Words ~ Elle xx

  18. Oh this is fabulous! I love your idea of drawing your plans and ideas. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at More Than Words.


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