Monday, January 1, 2024

T Stands for the Mugs of 2023 (and the requested recipe too)

 Hi everyone. Happy New Year.  It's 2024. Can you believe 2023 has come and gone and now we're back to January again? 

Did anyone have a crazy New Year's Eve? I had a quiet New Years Eve at home. This past Saturday my husband tested positive for COVID, and now I'm half expecting to get sick myself. Luckily the hubby isn't having any severe symptoms since he is high risk, and we're keeping our fingers crossed he's better soon. And so far, I'm feeling just fine. 🤞

Not only is it T Day but  Tuesday is also time for Second on the Second . Our lovely hosts for both of these events are   Bleubeard and Elizabeth .

Because T day is on January 2 (Second on the Second), I decided for this week's T day I would do a look back at all of the mugs I shared on T days in 2023. They may not be  champagne flutes filled with the bubbly, but we can raise a mug to everyone with  hopes for a wonderful new year.

Last winter I drank a lot of hot coco and whipped cream. You might also remember the 2 mugs I bought while visiting Florida for a week in late January.

On a trip to Belfast, Maine later in the year, I visited a kitchen store and saw all these really cool mugs for sale. I didn't buy any though.

However, while on a long weekend trip to Charleston, SC with my friend Ina in May, I did buy a mug to remember my first trip to Buc-ee's.  I also picked up some tea at the Bigelow Tea Plantation when we took a tour.

Most of the year I just enjoyed tea in my home.

I don't know if  shared this photo, but here's my husband's coffee from a time went out to our local hole-in-the wall breakfast place.

More tea at home in my Red Arrow Diner mug. 

And this next photo is what's left to  a big mug of beer and the remnants of a dinner out.(It had been a  bad day...)

 This past fall I had lunch with a friend in a coffee shop where this cool hand drawn poster was on the wall. 

These next 3 photos are pretty recent holiday snapshots.

I had finished a mug of tea one day and took this next photo, and then I never got around to share it for T.

Now all my holiday mugs are about to be packed away with the Christmas decorations until the next season rolls around.

I'll end this post with the new mug I received for Christmas from my hubby.

I like the trees, the color and the shape. I find mugs with an indented middle are easy to hold onto, as long as the liquid inside isn't too hot. Then I need the handle.  I also must admit, I am a true New Englander and LL Bean fan.

 (For those unfamiliar with LL Bean, it is  a clothing, fishing and outdoor gear shop. The main store is located in Freeport, Maine. It's been around a little over 100 years and was made famous when its founder, Leon Leonwood Bean, made boots with rubber bottoms and leather tops for outdoor use. They were a new thing then, even though now there are all kinds of boots like that. I remember when LL Bean was just a small 2 story shop with wooden floors. Since then it's grown- a lot.  Here in New England we just refer to it as Beans and usually drop the LL.)

Have a fantastic first T of 2024. Here's wishing each and every one of you some wonderful mug, cups, bottles, glasses, flutes, or whatever mode you chose to enjoy your T day drinks this new year. 

Some of you asked for my fruit cake recipe from last week, so here it is.
You should make this cake 4-6 weeks before eating.

3/4 cup (170 g) room temperature butter                            1/4 lb (115) candied orange peel
3/4 cup (170 g) firmly packed dark brown sugar              * a handful of chopped walnuts (or nut of choice)
3 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons of Golden Syrup               * a handful of golden raisins
2 eggs                                                                                  1 3/4 c flour (225g)  
1 1/4 whole milk or cream                                                    bandy or whiskey for drizzling
1 pound (450g) dried currants

* The recipe didn't specify amounts, the handful is more of adding to your taste. I bet you could also add other dried fruit like chopped dried apricots or dried cranberries, and it would be really tasty too

1) Preheat oven to 275 degrees F/135 degrees C. Line a 7 or 8 inch spring-form or cake pan with parchment.  Cut 2 long strips of parchment and lay them under the lining parchment. They will be handles to help lift the cake when it needs to come out of the pan. Be sure to grease your lining parchment.

2) Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add and beat in the Golden Syrup. Add the eggs 1 at a time, beating after each egg. Now gradually add the milk while still stirring or mixing. 

3) Once the milk is incorporated, fold in the dried fruit and nuts. Finally, fold in the flour until it is full incorporated. 

4) Spoon the batter into the pan.  Place a sheet of parchment on your oven rack big enough to place the pan on. Cover the pan (not directly on the cake batter but over the top of the pan) with another piece of parchment.  Then place the covered cake pan in the oven on the parchment.  Bake until a toothpick in center comes out clean. That will be about 3 hours.

5) Let the cake cool about 1 hour and then remove from pan. With a skewer, poke several holes around the top of the cake. Then drizzle 3-4 teaspoons of  brandy or whiskey over the top. Wrap the  bottom and sides of the cake in parchment or plastic wrap and place in a tin you can close airtight. (I used an old butter cookie tin). Cover the top of the cake with parchment. Then store in a cool place. (I used the refrigerator only because finding a cool place with our warmer weather was difficult.) Remove the cake once each week and drizzle with 3-4 tsps of  brandy or whiskey. 

6) The recipe I used said you could either decorate the top of the cake with fruit and nuts on an apricot jam glaze or you could frost it. It didn't mention the type of frosting. I used a white American style buttercream. You could also use fondant, and as Elle mentioned in her comment, you could add a layer of marzipan under the frosting. 


  1. ...does coffee or anything else taste better in a LL Bean mug?

  2. Erika, you have some lovely mugs! And can one ever have too many, I wonder?
    That LL Bean mug is great! I love LL Bean, but when we were in the stores in Freeport back in 2007, they didn't have any mugs. Darn! Otherwise I would have bought one (I did buy a mug in Freeport, though, from Cool as a Moose). Happy T day, hugs - Carola

  3. I like your first mug the best! I am not a coffee or tea drinker, but I do like a good coco! If I were to look in our cupboards right now, I would be hard pressed to find more than 3 or 4 mugs in the entire house!

  4. Some really cool mugs, Erika! I usually use mugs to drink soup or broth :-))

  5. Lovely mugs and drinks today! So sorry your hubby got covid. If you stay in separate rooms and eat separately it is possible you won't get it. -Christine

  6. Cool mugs and boy - you are strong!!! Going out of such a store without one....
    Love the Grinch! And yes, define good! ;-)
    To a great T-Day, hugs!

  7. First of all, thank you for the recipe. I'm saving this one for next year (and making a note on my calendar in late October so I don't forget!) It's gorgeous! And I loved seeing the mug collection, all wonderful.

    Now, sending good wishes that your husband recovers easily and that you don't get Covid, too. Hang in there -- keep your distance, so you can have a good and productive January!

    Happy New Year!

  8. Good morning I loved your post!
    So fun to see all the different mugs and you have some really neat ones. I have bought allot of items from LL Bean over the years, My Mom would also give us gift certificates too over the years.
    I need to get a snoopy mug-he makes me smile and I have been following snoopy groups over on facebook to get through the tough times taking care of Larry.
    Thank you sooo much for the recipe. and hoping your husband gets over covid soon-so thankful we never got that so far.
    hugs from the lake Kathy

  9. I actually checked a while ago since LL Bean has opened a store in Canada, and a great deal of their merchandise is now made in China. No surprise there, but it does dispel the myth of rugged outdoors Maine producing superior quality geared for warmth and long wear. Your selection of mugs looks quite fabulous. My favourite, which I use each day bears a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, and my wife’s a Superb Fairy Wren; both reminding us of a glorious visit to Australia. Perhaps I already extended good wishes for 2024, but in case I didn’t - All the best! David

  10. Wow so many nice mugs. Ohhh yes, give me hot cocoa anytime. The cake looks so good, I'm not a fan of fruit cake but you did a fabulous job on this one. Have a lovely day.

  11. I decided to join today-so Happy T as well-smiles

  12. What a wonderful trip back in time to see all your mugs again! I like the clothes at LLBean too though rarely if ever have i bought any.. usually too expensive....but i can admire Happy T day! and Happy New Year!! Hugs! deb

  13. I so enjoyed looking at all those fabulous mugs, such fun. Thanks for the cake recipe too 😊. Happy T Tuesday and wishing you all the best for 2024! Hugs, Jo x

  14. My favorites were the space capsule mug and the "drippy clock," (aka The Persistence of Memory). I got a laugh out of Santa, define good, too. I LOVED seeing all those mugs. It was a super look back and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks so much for sharing your mugs filled with various drinks with us for T this week and for sharing it also with Second on the 2nd, dear Erika.

  15. Forgot to mention, I hope you don't get Covid, dear. I also hope your husband has the latest shots so his recovery is soon.

  16. I'm sooo sorry about the COVID diagnosis but glad he's not having severe symptoms. I hope you don't come down with it. We had a quiet New Year's Eve even if we did stay up 'til midnight. What great mugs! I like L.L. Bean and have gotten a thing or two from them. High quality clothes! I'd love to go to an actual shop. Happy T Tuesday!

  17. You have some nice mugs, I like to use a different one every day. I can get through a whole month at least! Hugs, Valerie

  18. I love your mug collection! And I loved that glimpse close-up of your christmas tree and ornaments.
    Thank you for explaining about L.L.Beans. When you talked about the boots with rubber, I remember you once showed a photo of the store because I think you went there with a friend.
    Re the fruit cake: Adding dried cranberries will give it that extra bit of 'zing'.
    Happy T-Day and Happy New Year,

  19. So sorry to read that your husband is ill and hope that he recover soon AND that you do not become ill. That was a fun "tour" of your mugs, Erika, and I liked the Snoopy one best as I mentioned in a previous comment. The LL Bean one is nice as well and we have an outlet store here in nashua, but never seen any mugs like the one you showed. It's a favorite shopping place for my husband and myself, so am totally with you there.

    Not sure IF I wished you a wonderful 2024 earlier, and if so, it bears repeating that I hope you have a great year. Thanks for all your visits to my blog last year and your comments as well, much appreciated, my blog friend.

  20. I love all your mugs, I have a Christmas few mugs that come out in December then get put away again, as there's no room in the cupboard. (I need a bigger cupboard.) I had a Snoopy one, but I haven't a clue where he is! Happy T day! and wishing you and your family a very Happy 2024 ((Lyn))

  21. Oh dear, anti-Covid prayers for you and quick healing for your hubby. Interesting history of Bean. I think we've ordered plaid shirts and long johns from them and Vermont Country Store. A nice mug pictorial too. I like big mugs 12-16 ouncers. And I'm currently looking for soup mugs big enough to pour an entire can of Progresso into and microwave. Do they not think these things through? They could make a killing selling those mugs, then who needs a pan and a bowl? LOL XOX

  22. So sorry hubby is suffering with Covid. There are a lot of bad chests about over here and I wonder how many are really covid. I do hop you don't come down with it and that hubby stays safe and is soon free of it.
    Love the mugs, what a fantastic array. We have a collection of gluhwein mugs from the various German Christmas markets we have visited.
    Take care, both of you
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Lovely to see all of your mugs - the Snoopy mug is my favourite! The cake looks delicious- sadly too much sugar for me! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  24. Hi Erika, I hope you and your DH are both healthy now. I remembered liking the space mug at the time and I love the Snoopy mug too. IT sounds nice to bring out Christmas mugs for only this time of year. I don't think I have any, I must look in the mug cupboard. I also spotted my coaster and it reminded me that I meant to make more of them for Christmas gifts and completely forgot! My mum used to make the Xmas cake at least 3 months before Xmas and then feed it with brandy. Sorry for my lateness, it was a crazy week Happy New Year and Happy T Day! Elle xx


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