Monday, January 8, 2024

T Stands for This and That as well as a Day Trip to Salem -part 2

 Hi everyone. It's time for T again. I hope everyone had a great first week of 2024 week.

I spent my first week of the new year with my husband home from work isolating because he had covid. Then I came down with covid a couple days later.  Oh boy. Not exactly a fun way to start the new year, but I am feeling like I am on the mend now. 👍 Worse than covid are the hives that are covering my body. I have moments where I am going out my mind with the itch. 😖 Luckily as the covid symptoms get better, the hives are slowly clearing up too. 

 Some of you asked if my doctor prescribed Paxlovid for me.  Yes, she did, but the pharmacy said it couldn't fill the prescription without contacting my doctor, and since it was late on Friday when I received that message and then it was the weekend, nothing happened.  At this point I don't know exactly what the issue was that held the prescription up, but now that I am on the mend and my 5 days of isolation are up, I don't feel I need it any longer.  (And luckily I didn't get terribly sick either.)

My husband, being immune suppressed, isn't recommended to take Paxlovid, but he did go through a 3 dose anti-viral infusion. That was just as big a mess, because no place in New Hampshire does the infusion, and only 2 places in Massachusetts do it. (Whether this is because of an association with Mass General Hospital who monitors him after his kidney transplant or not, I don't know.) He ended up having to drive 2+ hours  each way to and from Worcester over 3 days to get the infusion. Luckily he was less "sick" than me, and also he was getting bored being home so I think he liked the escape from his isolation. (By the way, isolation for an immune suppressed person is 10-20 days. not 5 days as it is for me.)

  OK, onto  "better" things.

We had our first big snow of the year the other day. (CJ might disagree about this being a better thing-😏) We ended up with around 10 inches/ just over 25 cm.

You might remember that I wanted to finish the sweater I was knitting by the end of 2023, and look, I did. I finished cutting off the yarn ends on New Years Eve. That was before I ended up  sick with covid.

I know these are pretty lousy photos, but I was trying to find a good place to take my photograph. I will share a photo of me modeling it, but the ironing board is still put away from the holidays, and the sweater really needs  to be blocked  so it hangs correctly. Having covid last week didn't exactly make me ambitious to do that.
However, I had so much fun making this sweater, and I was missing this type of knitting at night while I watched TV. I went online and ordered some yarn ( from Web's) to make another one.  It wasn't quite as inexpensive as buying it in Iceland, but now that I am on the mend,  I am excited  for the yarn to arrive so I can get started on it once I feel 100%. 😀 

In last Friday's post, I shared a bit about a day trip my daughter and I took during the holiday week . We had driven down to Salem, Massachusetts, and one of the things we did was visit the House of 7 Gables. If you're interested or want to know a  bit about the house's back story, here's the link to my other post about our day trip (House of 7 Gables )

Briefly, this house was made famous by a novel of the same name. This novel used to be popular school reading back in my parent's or grandparent's school days.  It was written by one of the big writers of American Literature named Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne never lived in the house, but his cousin did, so he was familiar with its layout. He did take several liberties in his novel like adding a hidden staircase. When the house was restored in the early 1900's, the then  owner added in some features from Hawthorne's book and opened the house for tours. That hidden staircase was fun to climb up, although it was pretty narrow and almost claustrophobic.

I thought as my ticket to  T over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog I'd share a couple of photos from inside the house. It was decorated for Christmas, and there were lots of drink related scenes. 

Let me start with the dining room which was all set for Christmas dinner.

In the living room, there was a Christmas tree and some T related pieces also. I thought our lovely hostess Elizabeth would love seeing one of the "gifts" under the tree. I think it is right up her alley.  The living area was up on the second floor.

Our guide actually showed us a photo of the tree taken around 1910 (with the presents) and that's how it looked. 

And not far from the tree was this after dinner tea table. 

Let me end my post with one final photo.  Before I got sick last week I took the dogs down to the beach for a walk. Miss Maddie  doesn't care if the Atlantic Ocean is only around 42 degrees F/ 5.5 degrees C.

After her accident last September and thinking we were going to lose her, I think if the cold water makes her happy, let her wade around in it. 😏  What a dog. 
Have a fantastic T day and week ahead.



  1. The photos of the Christmas tree and the tea table from the 19th century are great, and I really enjoyed your description of the House of Seven Gables!
    best, mae at

  2. I heard Paxlovid can cause a recurrence of Covid weeks later, so good you didn't get it.

  3. Let her wade, you are right, if it makes her happy let her do it. We follow about 2 dozen blogs, and it seems like 1/2 of them had covid in the last month. Hope it is one and done with you two.

  4. ...being retired has helped my wife and I a bite to be a bit isolated from Covid. We have all of our shots and neither of us have gotten Covid. We hunker down!

  5. I'm sorry that both you and your husband got COVID - I read cases are increasing again. I'm quite surprised that the pharmacy wouldn't fill the presciption (what kind of extra information did they need, wasn't the prescription from your doc? Weird) since I read that not enough people who have COVID take this. Hopefully the hives will disappear completely, that must be very uncomfortable. I like the photo of your dog - she really seems to enjoy the water and I also think, let her wade. Have a lovely T day, Erika - hugs, Carola

  6. With the X'Mas decorations, the house looks so welcoming and nice. Wow that's lots of has been snowing here, but nothing compared with yours.

  7. Gack on being sick! So far - just knocked on wood - we are fine.
    How can that amount of snow be better things???? Eeeeek! We have 2cm and that´s enough for my liking!
    Great sweater!
    And oh, the Christmas scenes!
    Miss Maddie is really tough, brrrr - hope you´re superfit again soon, hugs and thanks for the smiles. To a great day!

  8. Glad you are both feeling better, how horrible to have it over the holidays though. Yes the snow is pretty but no thanks, although if I lived where you live and had a working heating system and a warm house then maybe. The doggos look like they are really enjoying it and Miss Maddy in the freezing water, maybe it's good therapy for her too. Love your jumper, it looks really great and lovely and warm. My yarn just arrived this morning so I can get back to finishing my granny square once my arm is better. I think I have that book somewhere, I used to read a lot of classics. My friend was just in Salem for a birthday weekend too. I would love to visit. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  9. I am really envious of all that snow. Winter here has been a dismal affair, grey, gloomy, warm and rainy, I want some snow! I want my winter back. What have we done to deserve this? All the best - David

  10. wow what an ordeal about the covid medicines-the one subscribed for you sounds crazy to have denied you the medicine-and sorry your husband had to drive so far for his. I am so disappointed with our health system it has really gone down hill in my area for sure.
    Your sweater is gorgeous congrats on the finish.
    and I enjoyed seeing all your photos--we missed the snow last night and this morning just rain but this will all turn to ice as the temps fall this week.
    take care hugs Kathy

  11. I am so sorry to read you have Covid AND hives. Simply awful. I hope by now you are both feeling better.

    I started to read the post where you and your daughter went to Salem and the House of 7 Gables. I loved the raised beds at the front of the house. However, the interior was amazing. The dining room was nicely appointed for Christmas with the big turkey and food on the sideboard. I could even live with that wallpaper if I had to.

    Yes, Erika, I love that rocking horse under the tree. This is a style I have seen before in photos, but never in person.

    The tea set on the side table was lovely and the organ was decorated beautifully. However, that gaudy wallpaper would have to go. It was deafening.

    Glad to see Maddie doing so well, too.

    Thanks for sharing all these drink related photos today for T.

  12. This time no rain...and snow fits better to this season. You had a wonderful christmas tree with so many gifts....and your meal looks delicious.
    Have a good start into the new year and all the best

  13. I hope you are feeling much better and I loved, as always, seeing Maddie! Looks like she enjoyed the snow as much as the ocean 😊. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  14. I'm really sorry about the covid and the traveling to get the infusion. We try very hard to stay away from people but when we do go out we wear a mask and I wear medical gloves. I just can't take the chance. I hope you are feeling better by now. Your photos are wonderful. The sweater is beautiful. Have a very nice day.

  15. Wow, I would have called my doc and asked her to call the pharmacy. The pharmacies are pretty scared to do anything now that a few of the big ones got hit with filling opioid scripts (which was really a low blow as all they were doing was filling doctor scripts, hello). So now we all have to suffer because of it. At any rate, sounds like you both got lucky with mild cases. Except for your hives. You poor thing, this is exactly what Covid does, attack your physiological immune weaknesses. Prayers for it to subside soon. Hope you don't have to take a ton of steroids, I hate those so much. And wow to that snow. 10 inches! Really bad windy rainy storms yesterday for us. Reminded me a lot of tropical storms but colder. After it blew through last night, the temps dropped 25 degrees in minutes. Now it's sunny and cold with a hard freeze this coming weekend for us. So, y'all will be getting that too. And the Space City Weather guy says we are on a roller coaster with multiple fronts coming in the next weeks. Guess I better decide to get used to it, LOL. Feel better, xoxo

  16. I'm glad you are recovering. But getting the hives as well was a real bummer.
    I enjoyed the photos of the House with 7 gables. I also went to the link and read your previous post about it. What a beautiful house! And stunning interior.(Only to be maintained with a lot of servants)
    I am in awe of your sweater! Did it come with a pattern? or did you get that separately?
    I smiled at your dog in the cold water. Why not. If she likes it, let her go.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. I'm glad you and Hubby are on the mend. As to the Paxlovid, there's a few day window of opportunity when you can take it. So with the hold up for the Rx and the weekend, you probably passed the window and the Paxlovid wouldn't have made a difference. You're right, a foot of snow is not and never will be a good thing imnsho 😉Your sweater is just gorgeous. Stay warm and dry for the next system breezing through. Happy T Day

  18. It was too bad that both you and your husband fell ill, Erika, but glad to read you are on the mend. Thankfully, we have both managed to steer clear of covid and hope it stays that way. Several friends have become ill with the flu in recent weeks. Staying home for the holidays and isolating felt wonderful and maybe kept us safe. Your sweater looks beautiful and comfy and sure you will enjoy wearing it on these cold NE winter days. We did get more snow in Nashua, NH, then you did and thankfully the major roadways are clear now.

    We visited the House of the Seven Ganles a fwe years ago, but it was not decorated as beautifully as you showed for the holiday season.

  19. What an interesting post! Those photos of the Seven Gables interiors are beautiful -- the spirit of Christmas in that room and isn't that table lovely? I would like to visit at the holiday. I'm glad you are better; that had to be rough. And boy, what a shame your husband had to go two hours for his infusions when already feeling bad-- even if it meant he could get out of the house.

    Your sweater is fabulous. It looks like tons of work and very complicated and all your efforts have paid off. Well done!

  20. My husband was exposed to covid Monday by someone who developed symptoms and tested positive on Tuesday, so I missed T entirely while I was researching covid recommendations. *sigh* He'll test this weekend. I do truly hope he tests negative. I'm sorry y'all got it, and I'm sad treatment is so hard to access, but I'm glad you're recovering.

    They're predicting snow for us for Monday, but we rarely get it when it's predicted. Your snow is so pretty! What a gorgeous sweater! They've done a remarkable job with recreating that interior. Dogs know how to revel in the moment, don't they :)

  21. Glad you're on the mend! The snow does make everything beautiful and you now have your sweater for cold days too - it looks fabulous! The visit to Seven Gables was a good choice. Love seeing Maddie in the sea! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  22. Well, you two certainly know how to bring in the new year. What a shame you both got covid and what a lot of messing hubby had to get his infusion.
    And the snow! To me ten inches is a lot but you seem to accept it. We are not geared for snow over here, never have been and never will be. The whole place shuts down in next to no time.
    Your sweater is gorgeous, well done, look forward to seeing the photo of you wearing it.
    The house looks lovely. The photo your guide showed you is more or less the way they have replicated it, such an eye for detail.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Sorry to read that darn covid caught up with you Erika, I hope you are fully recovered now> I have sooooo much to catch up with, what a year it has been this past 18 days :/
    Nice recycle of the wrapping paper, it makes a grand background for that sweet snowman.. Bleak midwinter always reminds me of church days at school.
    Sending Hugs for 2024 Tracey xx
    P.S Hoping for a catch up this weekend if I get that day off I have been allocated x


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