Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wrapping Up January

 Hi everyone. Happy end of January. I'm not sure I'm ready to say 2024 is already 1/12th of the way through because I'd really like time to slow down a bit. But I guess if time could slow down, I should hope it does it in a warmer, nicer weather month. 😏

I won't be home until tomorrow morning, so today I have a scheduled post.  In this post I am sharing my last page for my  It's On the Calendar challenge at Art Journal Journey.  Before I get to that, let me thank everyone who joined my challenge. Your entries were much appreciated, and I always love seeing how  people approach the same topic in very different ways.

Here's my final calendar page.

My page started with this left over blue paint. I purposely left the sides messy because my page is all about ancient history (as the quote says), and we all know that after years of neglect, old paint does wear and chip. That's the look I was going for on my page. I know it looks a bit messy though-grin.

I found this big flower bouquet sticker in an old issue of FLOW  last year when I cleaned out a stack of assorted magazines. I decided to use it on this page because those flowers do look a bit like ancient history. (Can you tell this post started with the ancient history quote stamp? 😏) Plus the colors of the flowers work really well with the blue background. The colored squares along the bottom were part of the sticker, but I cut those out before I peeled the back off and decided to use them as the base line of my page. 

Then I did a bit of die cutting and a bit of stamping also.
You might ask what this page has to do with a calendar.

There's your answer. Also some of you asked in comments on my earlier March post about where I was going on my girlfriend trip during that month. Now the "cats out of the bag" as they say. Or perhaps a better Greek reference would be the demons are out of Pandora's box.

I hope everyone has a wonderful end to the month of January! And thank you again for all the support at Art Journal Journey also. It was and always is appreciated.  Be sure to stop by AJJ tomorrow to check out  our  new challenge for February. 


  1. Can't believe that Jan. just flew by...the page looks so beautiful and has certainly brightened up my day with all the flowers!

  2. Lovely page! Off to Greece? Teague and I better think of a more exotic destination than Ogunquit! Opa! Have fun!

  3. Love your ancient Greece page! Did I read it right that you might be going there? Sorry I only managed to join in twice this month. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't seem to get it together lol. Maybe it's the weather, and now it's February tomorrow already! I realise you weren't on the T list but Happy T Day! Elle xx

  4. Yes, Jan flew so fast! Happy Feb :)

  5. wonderful final page! I love the mix of images and I always forget to use that extra piece for a left over spot! It makes for some wonderful backgrounds! Have a wonderful time!

  6. I loved your challenge, thanks! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Hello Erika,
    Passing by to thank you for your visit to casademadeira.
    I loved these collages and I want to start practicing here. I'm having trouble configuring my comments.
    There is a new post every first day of every month. You have
    a good entry into the month of February.

  8. I agree, January flew by pretty fast, and usually I think January is a "long" month. Not this year, though. Oh, Greece - that is a great destination!

  9. Ooh Greece - what a fabulous page too! Thanks so much for thinking up this theme! I just ran out of time but you've been a great host and I've really enjoyed making the pages I did get around to! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Wherever the clues had led, it's an awfully nice page to wrap up January with, xoxo

  11. January did fly by, didn't it! Greece?! Sweet!


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