Thursday, February 15, 2024

Fun In The Sun

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you. I hope your day  is/will be a pleasant one.

Today I have a page for Vicki's Keeping It Light challenge over at Art Journal Journey. I'm celebrating  summer  gardens with this page.

The background is  painted with left over pink and  gold paints.  I then used a white ink pad and a flower stamp over the entire background. It's hard to tell they are flowers in the photo, but the idea was to use them more for some texture.

I couldn't quite get the sun image in the upper right hand corner to work like I wanted it to. I stamped it, water colored painted it, stamped it again, embossed it, watercolored painted it again... you get the point. Finally it ended up like this, and I decided that's how it was going to stay.

The flower-bee image was stamped multiple times in various directions. I used water color paints and markers to color them in. I also stamped the image on some scrap paper and cut out the bee that you see flying in the middle of the page. Finally I stamped the quote and added it to my page.

It seems like it's been a long time since flowers were in bloom. We're having chillier weather this end of the week, but luckily we missed Tuesday's snow.  However, last Saturday it hit 56 degrees (13 degrees C), and it was definitely warm enough to lift the lid on the beehive  just a bit and insert a pouch of bee fondant.  Fondant is a solid sugary square of bee food, used when liquid food would freeze and when natural food isn't available. 

And it was quite an exciting sight when I lifted the lid and bees came flying out at me.❤

This first photo is not great, but if you look carefully you can see some dark spots on the plastic and on the blue blanket. Those are the bees. Although it was a little disconcerting to have a small swarm come at me (note to self-light the smoker next time you do this), it was exciting to see the hive was doing so well. ❤

Since it was a gorgeous February day, some of the bees decided to fly around for awhile.  Here's one lady that landed on my husband's bright yellow jacket.  Since it was a warm afternoon I brought a chair outside and sat outside soaking up some sun and reading a bit. And I loved hearing some buzzing around me. 

And here's something that might be new to you. I  haven't  ever seen this before, but I've heard about it. See the brown spots on the snow? The bees have come out to relieve themselves . This photo hardly shows all the brown spots around the hive. That means a lot of bees came out, and that means there is a good sized colony in the hive. And the fact that they now have extra food in the hive, hopefully means they can get through any or all of the cold spells we might get in the next few weeks. 

You can also see  the black spots which are a few more dead bees that the living bees cleaned out of the hive.

I mentioned earlier in this post how I pulled out a chair and sat on the deck reading for a while. Sitting there I could also watch the birds at my feeders. Most of them wouldn't come into the feeder with me so close ( both dogs as well as my husband were also on the deck), but there was a pair of fearless bluebirds. Here's the male who I managed to get a photo of with my phone.  

Mr. Bluebird  is sitting on a snow gauge my son-in-law built us. It has a solar charger on the top so it can light up at night. As far as bluebirds go, I've only had the occasional one up until this winter. It's exciting having them at my feeders on a regular basis. I hope a pair will nest in the bluebird box I have come spring. 🤞

Enough said. That's all for me today.  


  1. The bluebird certainly does look fearless. Noone would sit outside in the snow voluntarily.

  2. So glad to hear that your bees are doing so well. Cold and sunny weather is actually really nice. Today we just have some rain, more rain later...

  3. Wonderful news on your bees, Erika. That’s the sort of good news story that can get my day off to a very successful start. I would think that by mid February the worst of the winter is behind us and cold snaps should be infrequent and less intense, so there is good reason for continued optimism. I have never had a visit from a bluebird, so this morning I am a green bird with envy written all over my face. I will be off to Cuba on Saturday; no bluebirds there, but several blue birds, including the enchanting tiny male Bee Hummingbird. I will even have my birthday while I am there. All the best - David

  4. ...I love your bluebird, I rarely see them. Let's hope that your bees are a buzzing success.

  5. Wow, such a summary lovely bee-page!
    Beneath grrrr how very cold icy 'home' ;)

    Erika, have a great rest of the week xx

  6. What a great post, Erika! I love hearing about the bees and I learned a lot about them here. I'm glad there were no stings! Also glad you didn't get the predicted snow. It's snowing here this morning -- not unusual for February but we have been having the same weather as you so ... I guess it's time.

    So glad the bees are doing well, Erika. After last year, so disappointing and this is just making me smile!

  7. So happy that your bees are busy buzzing, well done. You looked after them so well. Gorgeous journal page, too. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Love your journal page.
    Oh bees! I sometimes go out with a beekeeper to tend hives in
    different seasons. Bees are remarkable.
    Have a happy weekend, Erika.

  9. I have to say that I think it super cool that you have a beehive you're keeping! How exciting to see the living things around us and watch what they do! I don't blame you for being outdoors with this unseasonably warm weather as we're experiencing here as well. We love to do those things too! So thanks for sharing that.

    The AJ page is beautiful! I love the different texture you've created in your background along with your corner sun peeking out! I love seeing a bee on our flowers in the looking forward to that! It's always great to think about what's coming next! :)

  10. I do like your journal page, lovely colours.
    So pleased your bees are doing well.
    Beautiful photograph of the bluebird.

    Happy Thursday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Lovely page! Glad the bees are happy.

  12. Love your new(?) banner. And YAY on the page and news!
    I had a beer called BeezNeez, super-yummy and off tab in no time.... it really tasted of honey! Hugs to that! To what bees give us!

  13. Your page is beautiful Erika!
    And great photos too, I'm glad the bees are doing well. I've seen one or two lately as we have had some unseasonably good weather.
    Have a great weekend,

  14. Love your journal page and your site header! Great news about the bees, glad they are surviving the winter OK and have plenty of food. Love the bluebird, though I can't really tell he's blue I was looked at the red breast and wondering what kind of bird he was. I have been feeding blackbirds in the garden, ryvita and apples lol. Our temps have "shot up" to a high of 9C haha but my friend in Holland told me yesterday they had bizarre weather of 18C - that's crazy for February. Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Love this post. The bee page is so pretty. I enjoyed being a beekeeper vicariously, and I'm so glad the hive is doing well this year. We had a dusting of snow last night, and the sky was beautiful this morning. Even though the sun was out, the wind was brutal. I hope your weather is more mild.

  16. A happy Spring page and good news about the bees.
    Love the bluebird sighting and I hope they nest in your birdhouse.
    Just noticed your blog header change, very pretty stitches!
    Hope you have a great weekend, xoxo

  17. Fabulous to get a photo of Mr Bluebird. But how exciting is the news about your hive.
    I was fascinated by the photos showing how the bees had relieved themselves in the snow, sorry to see some dead ones but again exciting to know that they were the results of others cleaning out the hive.
    You were awfully brave peeking in as you did, I would have been frightened to do that but then you know about them and I don't. It is fascinating learning all this about the life of bees. Thank you.
    Oops, I almost forgot in my excitement to say how I liked your journal page. The pink came as a pleasant surprise when I am sat in a grey world for the most part, roll on sunnier days. Your painting made me feel warmer and gave me an outlook into what is to come, blossom and bees.
    Thanks for a fascinating post
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Beautiful artwork. And I'm glad your bees are doing well. I like that snow gauge, but not how high the numbers go. :-( I got the Tuesday snow that luckily went south of you. You never know what the snow will do: there was a previous storm where it stayed north of me, and you and CJ were in the heavier snowfall area. Mother Nature's "pot luck" snow. ;-) I'll ask again: is it Spring yet?

  19. First of all - I do love your journal page but the rest of your post is so fascinating I almost forgot that it was in the same post! Bees on! Hubs, Chrisx


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