Monday, February 5, 2024

T Stands for Harry Potter

 Hi everyone. It's good to be back for T  day over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  after missing it last week.  I wasn't around last Monday night/Tuesday because my friend Deb and I decided we wanted a short little winter break. We're both Harry Potter fans,  and since Harry Potter World was on our bucket lists, we decided to go to Universal Studios down in Orlando, Florida for 3 days to check out their 2 Harry Potter areas. We were able to get a direct local flight out  of Portsmouth (New Hampshire) on one of those "budget" airlines, and Costco had a great package deal for park tickets and a hotel room (especially when we shared and  split the cost of the room). 

I know not everyone is into Harry Potter nor might not be an amusement park fan, so I hope you don't get bored with my post if that's you. And if you've seen all this before, then please bear with me also. 😏

It wasn't all that warm, at least the first day, but I missed a snowstorm at home, even though when I came home the snow was still on the ground. My poor hubby had to deal with the snow knowing I was away where it was a bit warmer. 😏

We only went on a few rides in our 3 days in the park, but we did spend a lot of time walking around the 2 areas that were made to look like scenes from Harry Potter's world. One was Diagon Alley, and the other area was  Hogsmeade. For those of you who aren't familiar with the books or movies, Diagon Alley is in an area of London and Hogsmeade is the town near the wizarding school  (Hogwarts) where much of the stories in the 7 books takes place.

The artists who created these areas certainly managed some fantastic details. You really felt like you stepped into a scene from Harry Potter. Diagon Alley was my favorite place in the park, and on day 3 we still discovered some things we'd missed in the 2 earlier days.

Here are a few views from Diagon Alley. That dragon (on the top of Gringott's Bank) was amazing.

It was fun seeing so many Harry Potter fans dressed for their visit too. You can just see a few robed people  in this photo. 

The owls in the owlery here were hooting  and turning their heads too.  

I loved the dragon. Here's a close up. We didn't even notice until day 2 that every 10-15 minutes the dragon spit fire from his mouth. Underneath is a photo from a different angle of the fire.

And here's a few views from the other Harry Potter area of the park called Hogsmeade.

 And here is Hogwart's, the school where Harry, Ron, Hermoine  and others attend.

And here are Deb and I again.

I had a lot of fun taking photos, but in order to not make this post too lengthy, I will share more some other days. However, I do need a drink for T this week.

And what do you drink in Harry Potter's world? A woman we met on the train (The Hogwart's Express) that connects the 2 areas of the park recommended the hot butter beer, butter beer being the drink of choice in the Harry Potter books.

It's a non-alcoholic hot butterscotch flavored drink, similar to hot cocoa. And it was, as this lady called it, foods for the gods.

Now I'm home, and it's still winter.  We're into the second half of winter, and it's good that the days are noticeably longer (hurrah). As fun as it is to go away, it is always good to come home.  That's all for me. Have a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    One of our sons and family went to the London Studio Harry Potter Tour last year and had an 'awesome time' ...Grandsons words :)

    Happy T Day.

    All the best Jan

  2. Looks like so much fun! -Christine

  3. I admit, never saw/read it but it is fun to see you having fun!
    cimtis smell/are made with cinnamon so your feet always smell nice. Winter as summer-soles/inlays! Ingo, though, gets super-dry feet from them, but he has the same problem with his hands - buy only one and check. I love them- pic to follow, have a great T-day, hugs

  4. ...I would have been happy staying home and enjoying your winter wonderland. We are having spring weather in February.

  5. We would love to visit Harry Potter world! We have enjoyed both books and movies, esp. my husband. That's quite a bit of snow.

  6. We would love to visit Harry Potter world! We have enjoyed both books and movies, esp. my husband. That's quite a bit of snow.

  7. Like Iris, I know nothing about Harry Potter, but I enjoyed the photos. Nice to see you and your friend having a good time, too. Ive always wanted to try butter beer. It sounds delicious. Thanks for taking us to Orlando and the HP park, while sharing your butter beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika. BTW, I was surprised how cold and crowded it looked in those parks.

  8. Hi Erika, I wish I had been with you at the Harry Potter experience, it looks wonderful, but my budget doesn't allow it these days! But I loved all the books and films. Diagon Alley looks fantastic, and the dragon is great. What a fun trip you had! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. I have not read Harry Potter, know nothing about him in fact, not out of any aversion, mind you. It just has never happened. I can’t even imagine going to a theme park and the crowds would cause me to head for the exit in a hurry. I am glad that you had a good time. All the best - David

  10. I am not a Harry Potter fan and I did try when the movies came out-I made it to the third movie I think. I enjoyed your post though, loved the photos and what a very fun getaway and far awary from snow too-smiles.
    The drink sounds delicious Looks like allot of people enjoyed the parks too Happy Tuesday hugs Kathy

  11. Your photos are wonderful! Our whole family have been Potter fans from the beginning (our grandchildren were born into it, but we read the first book in 1999). We (the grandparents) haven’t been to the theme parks, but the next generations have definitely been there. What fun!
    best, mae at

  12. This looks like a great time. I've only read one Harry Potter book but it looks like they did a terrific job on recreating the environment.

  13. oh how fun! Yes I would loved to have been there with you too, big fan! It looks great, they do so well with all the buildings and creations don't they. There is one here too but I have not been yet. Butter Beer of course! I used to have a Butter Beer candle, it smelled amazing! All that snow! That must have been a shock to come back to! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  14. I'm one of those people who are neither in to Harry Potter nor into theme parks, Erika, nevertheless I enjoyed your photos very much. That dragon would be my favorite part, I think - I love that he even spits fire! I can see that you had a good time, and I must say that this park looks really good and seems to capture the atmosphere of the books. I read three or four of the HP books, but then got bored because I felt they were kind of repetitive - all that quidditch! Happy T day - hugs, Carola

  15. Wow, what a brilliant post! It looks like you had such a wonderful time and I loved seeing all your photos - amazing how they bought it all to life, love it 😊. That butter beer sounds just the thing too, I'm all for a hot butterscotch drink - yum! Happy T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  16. OHHHHHH how flippen fun!!!! I want that dragon on my house. LOL So nice to share all this fun with a friend. Sorry hubby has snow to shovel. I hope you do have more photos to show. Have a great day today.

  17. This looks like you both had a fantastic visit, I've just been watching a re-run of the film series on TV and enjoyed all the films.
    I'm enjoying my catch up visit here.

  18. Like some of the others, I’ve never read the books or seen the movies but it looks like fun. I remember I liked all that make believe stuff at Las Vegas so I would probably like this too.
    That dragon spitting fire! How cool is that!
    Happy belated T-Day,

  19. Thank you for this post, I love Harry Potter and long to go to the one in London.
    The photographs are amazing and I love Diagon Alley when it is featured in the films. You two love like you are having a great time.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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