Monday, February 12, 2024

T Stands for This, That and a New Mug

 Hi everyone. It's time once again time for T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I hope everyone had a lovely week since last week's T.

Last Tuesday (after I'd posted my T Day post) I received some fun mail from our lovely T Day hosts.

Thank you dear Elizabeth and Bleubeard. And I shouldn’t forget Squiggles either. too. The postcards are great, especially the saguaros in the Arizona card.  Saguaros are some of my favorite trees, and definitely not anything we have in New Hampshire. Your ATC is lovely also. And grin, with the way time flies it won't be long until we'll be celebrating year 11 of T Day. But I'm NOT trying to rush time.

Last week I had a mix of quiet days and very busy days. It seemed like a week's worth of eventful days were squeezed into 2. 😏 We also had sun for several days, and even one day the temperature hit 56 degrees F (13 degrees C). It was fantastic to see blue skies and the sun for so many days. It was also especially nice to have a day when I didn't need to wear my winter jacket  either.  ❤

For T there is some light snow in my local forecast, but originally they were saying heavier snow so I hope the latest forecast is correct.

My drink this week for T is some new tea and a new mug.

I was at Costco last week, and they had jars of this jellied peach oolong tea. Everything is mixed together in the gel, and you just need to add a spoon or 2 to some hot water, stir until the gel dissolves, and you have your cup of tea. I've had lemon tea like this before, which gives you a delicious and intense lemon taste. And seeing I am ready for spring, the idea of peach tea sounded very tempting. It was so tempting I bought the jar, even though it is huge and I would have to drink peach tea every day for months (if not longer) to finish it. But it does make a nice cup of peach flavored tea, and I can also use it in the warm weather to make peach iced tea. ❤

And did you notice my new mug? Mr. DNA is from the original Jurassic Park movie, and since  I'm into Biology, I love this movie series. I probably wouldn't have bought the mug on my trip to Universal Studios  except we went on this  killer roller coaster ride.

I don't mind roller coaster rides in general, but what I didn't know, is quite how INTENSE this ride was. Thankfully I didn't know before the ride, or I would have chickened out. This one was too much for me.

It hits speeds of 70 miles per hour (112 km/hr), has this intense drop you can see in the above photo, and you're only held in by a waist lock. There are no shoulder locks. 

And you are upside down  over open water and the boardwalk  that leads into Harry Potter world too.

Oh boy. I was shaking when I got off of it, and luckily, it was the last day of our 3 day trip, because I was done with rides at that point. 

 I was so relieved when it was over and also so pleased with myself that I got through it, that I could have bought up the whole Jurassic Park store to celebrate. I settled for the mug to remember the event, which I will NEVER do again. 😏

So cheers to all of us who step outside of our comfort zones and go for it.

Have a happy T day and a great week ahead too. And for those of you who I don't see during the week. Happy Valentine's Day to you also.


  1. Of course you were shaking when you got off. Not only was everyone way up in the air on a spindly rail, but they were all upside down!!

  2. 13C, "brrrr" ;-)
    But snow sounds unimaginable right now!
    WOW on your cool cup!!! And the tea sounds very interesting, too.
    No. Just no way I'd entered that coaster- Ingo would! (I asked)
    Thanks for the laughs and CONGRATS to being so brave, happy T-Day and BIG hugs

  3. I got on a ride at KC Worlds of Fun after being prompted to do so. When I went to Disneyland (CA), it took me at least three hours to be convinced the ride wasn't that scary. It was to me, but not as bad as WOF. I can't begin to imagine how scary that ride must have been. I applaud you for your bravery and new mug!!

    Wow. I've never heard of that gel, but I don't go to Costco and Sam's has never had it that I know of. I hope we see more of it one of these days, dear Erika. Thanks for sharing the scary roller coaster, the new mug, and your new tea with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear.

    I forgot to tell you, I got the postage stamp upside down, but I see the PO didn't cancel it. It reminded me of both DNA and a shell. Each person got a stamp I thought they would like.

  4. ...years ago I love coasters like this, but not today.

  5. Just read your comment. The most famous pancake race is between Olney, in England and Liberal, Kansas. I was going to mention it, but ran out of time in order to get my post together on time.

  6. I have always hated fast motion downward like on roller coasters and other carnival rides, so your description really creep me out! I’m glad you survived to buy out the shop or at least get one cool mug.
    best, mae at

  7. I am not familiar with your tea have not seen it here-sounds good. Um no, I can't do roller coasters at all, I get soooo ill, I get motion sickness on a regular swing for some reason-that coaster looks scary too. Love your new mug hugs Kathy

  8. Nice tea and mug -Christine

  9. Interesting that tea in jelly form. I am not a fan of roller coaster rides...too dangerous for me.

  10. As regards Saguaro, is it a tree? It is certainly treelike but I would have thought it still a cactus, giant though it may be. As for mugs, I suppose that during your teaching days you received many. I read a piece the other day where teachers were asked what they would prefer as a year-end gift from their pupils and the universal response was “No more mugs!” We too have a cupboard full, and I think we need to give most of them away since we never use them. My favourite is a mug sent to me by Sue Goldberg (Elephant’s Child) with a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo emblazoned in it, an Australian bird of which I am inordinately fond - and she knew that. She also sent Miriam a mug featuring a Superb Fairy-Wren, her personal favourite - and they are the two we use. All the best - David

  11. Your tea sounds like fun! And I love your new mug! Have a fun day, look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  12. I've never seen jellied tea before, looks interesting. Also don't remember Mr DNA from the movie, oh what, was it in the information video they watched about the park maybe? And nope nope nope, I would never go on that ride lol You're braver than me. Although my main reason is due to my back issues, last one I went on, I really hurt myself so never again, but that one looks insane! Happy T Day! Elle xx

  13. I loved roller coasters when I was young. the most intense one was at Knotts Berry Farm in California. The coaster had a double cork screw! Now? Nope, I'm done. Happy T Day

  14. Ohhhhhh you are one brave girl. I could not do that ride even when I was young. Hats off to you my friend. Hmmm jellied tea? That is a new one on me. Have a very nice day today.

  15. The jellied tea sounds interesting if for nothing else no tea bags to have to mess with. And your mug was well-earned. I used to ride the one at Astroworld in Houston decades ago, but the last one I rode at WDW was my finale. I can still remember the feeling of exhileration, near-fainting and nausea though. My second favorite Super Bowl commercial was the DunKings, lol. I loved last year when they did the DD video of JLo pulling up to the drive in window and catching Ben "working" it. LOL Hope somehow the snow misses y'all but I think I saw you are going into colder and colder days for awhile but also sun? Have a great rest of week, xoxo

  16. Jellied tea? How interesting! I have never heard of that. And a 2kg jar! That is a lot of tea.
    That rollercoaster gives me the creeps. Never in a million years would I go on that! You are very brave. People are held only by a bar? Has nobody ever fallen out? Yuck. I don't get motion sick, and I'd quite happily go in one of those glass fronted helicopters, but not a rollercoaster.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. Your choice of a new tea and mug for T sounds delightful! There's something special about trying out new flavors and sipping from a fresh mug. Here's to cozy tea moments and the simple joys they bring.

    I am inviting you to read my new blog post.

  18. Oooh! There's no way I would have got on that ride but then there aren't many rides I would get on! Well done to be only shaking when you got off! I think hubby would enjoy your tea! Have a good week, Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

  19. I've never heard of jellied tea, that sounds interesting and it seems to be tasty. And peach flavor is always good.
    You are very brave to have gone on that roller coaster ride, I would have chickened out. Years ago I did a ride at the Stuttgart Oktoberfest that had loops, short upside downs and intense drops - that was the last time I did something like that. Never again.
    Very cool mug though! I would have celebrated surviving that ride as well!

  20. EEP!!!!!

    Just looking at that roller coaster is enough to make me shaky. I just could not. I bow to your courage. Glad you got a mug although to me it seems you should have at least gotten a Gold Star.

  21. YAY for you and that you made it through this experience. :) Happy T Day!

  22. The tea sounds interesting! And I love your new mug.

  23. I like your new mug but I'm not a fan of roller coaster rides, well done for going on it.

    All the best Jan

  24. Wow! I don't think I could handle the ride like that any more! I feel queasy looking at it! LOL That tea actually sounds quite delicious and how fun to have received some happy mail especially from fellow crafters! :)

  25. An ice cold drink of Peach flavoured tea sounds lovely and refreshing in the sunshine but I am not sure the taste would be strong enough for me on a cold day.
    Oh my, that velocicoaster ride looks and sounds scary. No wonder you w4re wobbly when you got off it.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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