Monday, February 19, 2024

T Stands for Walking and the Shorelineat

 Hi everyone. Here's a big hello to the T day ladies since it is time once again to share our drinks and lots of other things too. And of course that hello goes to everyone who stops by.

Last week I had a fun week. I was home for a few days with no place I had to go. ❤ I made good use of my  time and made a lot of art while listening to a couple of different books. It was the perfect way to spend a few windy and cold February days especially since the spare bedroom (now my art space) gets lots of wonderful sunshine.

On a couple of other days  last week I met up with some friends and went walking. Between mud, ice and snow, we can't trail walk right now, so one day a friend and I walked around the outside of 2 back to back shopping malls. But later in the week the tides were finally right at the beach so Thursday I had plans to meet my  friend at the beach.

We had a fun surprise for our beach walk too. Just before I reached the beach I stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom (since there is none during the winter at the beach). I was back in my car getting ready to drive when I heard a lot of horn beeping. I looked up and  who had pulled into the space  next to me but 2 other friends.  They also had planned to go to the beach to walk and were taking a  pre-walk potty stop. It worked out great that all 4 of us could walk together and catch up, and then we all decided to go get lunch afterwards.  I love these kind of spontaneous events. 

This photo is looking down on the beach from up on the road.

The storm surges had been rather rough at the shore lately.   Storms have been hitting during the very high tides (spring tides) that happen when there is a full or new moon.  I think I've shown the remains of this shipwreck before, but the other day it was more exposed than I've ever seen it.

These houses lost a bit of their " front yards" in one of the recent storms we've had. You can see just above the stone retaining wall some erosion.

I'm guessing the high tide surges went as far as where the erosion is, but maybe some people even got a  bit of water into their houses. I'm not sure.

And someone lost part of a walkway that led down to the beach. 

A couple of recent  ocean storms really wracked a bit of havoc on the  road that runs along the beach also. It's a state road, and it was closed for over a week.  Now there are still signs of the mess, including these debris piles all along the edge of several  miles of the road.  These piles are a mixture of sand and mostly small rocks that the waves brought up and then left behind when they receded. They all were plowed off to the side   using snow plows or some type of heavy equipment.

This next photo is a pull off where you can park and watch the ocean. Right now it's still a big  mess.

I'm just sharing these views, but  for those of you who might point out what's going on other places, I know  this is small damage compared to some locations on the planet.

After our beach walk the four of us went and had lunch. You can see my glass of water which is my ticket to T day this week over at Elizabeth"s and Bleubeard's blog . You can also see my sandwich which was a pulled pork grilled cheese. I could only eat half of it, since the fries were pretty tasty. I managed to devour them.

But that meant I had  half a sandwich for later. 😏 

That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a super T day and week ahead.


  1. Wow that looks like a lot of storm damages, big jobs cleaning up.
    How fun to run into your friends too. so cool to have the beach nearby to walk. Here there are no paths in front of homes to walk a long the lake shore.
    Your lunch out looks delicious too.
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. What a nice post. Meeting friends out of the blue to take a beach walk. Ohhh and time home to create. Sounds good to me.

  3. The first pic made me smile BIG!!
    To happiness!! And the water no matter if cold or HOT!
    The houses look so romantic! To have the money and live by the beach, I would never get tired of (either ;-) ...)!
    To us half-eaters!! Happy T-Day and hugs

  4. Your walk with friends and the spontaneous lunch afterwards sounds exactly like I love it - no plans, but things just work out beautifully. Your pulled pork sandwich looks delicious and you're making me hungry (I will start cooking dinner soon).
    That's quite some damage along the beach. Granted, other places have more severe damage, but this is still happening and for the people affected it's just as bad. We're having another stormy weekend with renewed flood warnings, and it looks like the entire week will bring more rain. I'm actually okay with it since I'm sure the next drought is just around the corner, however, it would be nice to have a break in between so that the soil can actually take all the moisture. It is very saturated right now.
    Happy T day, Erika, enjoy your sunny craft room! Hugs - Carola

  5. So nice would be able to walk on the relaxing and beautiful.

  6. ...waterfront property seems so romantic, until a storm hits.

  7. So pleased to see your photo, you looks so happy 😊. Lovely to have sunshine in your craft space too, it always cheers me up. Wow, the beach has taken a pounding with all that debris and I've always loved those beach houses. Thanks for the memories and smiles! Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  8. How fun to meet up with your friends at a potty atop! There is really a lot of damage, the storms must have been bad. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. How fun to be able to go walk on the beach and even more so with friends (and extra friends). It looks like winter hasn't been kind to that part of the shore. That lunch looks great!

  10. How fun to meet up with your friends for a walk at the beach and lunch after. Between walk and art, it sounds like you had a super week. Sunny days predicted for this week. Happy T Day

  11. Always fun to meet up with friends.
    That looks like a lot of storm damage, hope it can be cleared up soon.

    All the best Jan

  12. I was about to leave a comment last night when I got very sick. Still feeling bad, but MUST be a good host.

    I love the "selfie" of you in your studio. So lucky to have all your supplies and tools nearby.

    What a mess from the beach. Those storms were news worthy, but they also are so much worse when you see them through your lens. The one great thing is you got to spontaneously meet friends on your walk.

    Your meal looks good. Leave the pork off and I would love the grilled cheese and fries. I see someone had coleslaw instead of fries. I'm with you, though. thanks for sharing your selfie, time at the beach, and lunch with water with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

    BTW, even though I have never read a Harry Potter story, I enjoyed seeing the photos you shared from the park yesterday.

  13. A simply fabulous photo of you, Erika, a framer for sure!
    That walk looks fun and glad you had a group and lunch.
    That food looks delish. Pulled pork on hamburger buns down here is a staple but I've never ever had it in a grilled cheese. We don't put cheese on it down here but I'd definitely try it!
    Hope the rest of your week is great, xoxo

  14. Fun to see you so happy in your studio, Erika, and how wonderful to have a place to escape to and listen to books and make art on less than perfect days outside. That unexpcted meet-up was a happy coincidence and thanks for sharing the beach walk photos. It does look like some damage from the storm surges but as you said nothing compared to some other places. I found the remains of that old ship interesting and had not seen it before (or remembered).

  15. What a great photo of you! Must be so nice to have your own craft space.
    The beach photos are wonderful. But so much damage! It will probably get worse with global warming, as you will know.
    How wonderful you met up with your friends and had a great walk.
    That meal looks yummie. I would join you if I could.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. You look so good and so happy on that photo - it is one to treasure and brighten yourself up with on a not so fun day.
    Wow, there is some storm damage there in those photos. I remember staying with a friend of my father's in Scotland when the sea came in through the window. Mum and dad were awakened and ended up using the curtains to help mo up.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. Forgot to say how lovely it must have been to meet up so unexpectedly with friends in that way, share a walk and then a lovely lunch. I'd have eating the chips/fries first too.
    Hugs again Neet xx


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