Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Rest of My Harry Potter Journal

Hi everyone.  It’s just about the end of February, but as you know,  we do get an extra day this year. I thought I’d save my end of the month final   Art Journal Journey post for tomorrow, the 29th.

I am linking up this first page to Vicki’s Keeping It Light challenge at Art Journal Journey.  This page, even though it is on a black background,  is again a contrast between light and dark. It may not be the most creative nor varied media page I've ever made however.   😏

I used mostly stickers as well as die cut spoon for this page. But the ice cream circle is the actual top from my little personal sized tub of butter beer ice cream. (And it was very yummy!❤)

And here are some other pages not for AJJ. Let me start with the cover. I've shown this before, but my friend Deb had the idea that I should add some actual Harry Potter quotes i my journal, so I added one to the cover to finish it off.

Dobby is one of the house elves in the HP books. House elves are more like a slave than a servant.  I made a house elf page and created another window view because they had some house elves in windows around the park.  This time the window lifts up.
The background is made with sponged on paint glaze.

We went to the Hard Rock for lunch one day, and I had a sandwich. We chose the Hard Rock because it was located in the City Walk area (of the parks) which is quiet during the day. It was nice to have a little crowd escape and to sit down at a more private table.  I made a page about that meal.

My background  started with a napkin I brought home. I gave it a spray of some liquid ink, and then I used some stickers, die cuts and the little flag that was in my sandwich.  

One night we went over to Disney Springs and walked around the shops. I hadn’t been there in close to 20 years and boy has that area gotten huge. I picked up this post card ( you can see it above) at the Coca Cola store. I also picked up a free Mickey Mouse sticker  at the world's biggest Disney Store and grabbed a menu from the ice cream shop where we had dinner. You can see those in the photo below.  Dinner was that hot fudge brownie sundae shown on the right hand page.  (And boy was that yummy too. ❤)

And who doesn’t love a minion? If you're not familiar with them, they are from some children's movies, and they're looking to work for the most evil person there is. I had a blast making this page.

You might remember my post about my new mug and the insane ride on the Veloci-coaster. I had to make a page for each of those.

I should have drawn in some upside down riders on my page. I might go back and do that.

And next here's a page I made with the saved tea packages from some mugs of tea I had in our hotel room. One thing our hotel did not have was free tea (what hotel doesn't have free tea?), but luckily my friend Deb brought some from home.

Then it was time to get ready to go home.

I made this (above) page using the inner packaging from some Hogwart's Express tickets I bought as a souvenir.  I liked the gold border around  the packaging. Above, I added the polka dot paper and the stickers.

Below I just attached the Hogwart's Ticket.  My ticket package had 2 tickets, one for each direction. I used the going to Hogwart's ticket in the front of my journal, and this one in the back.

And finally, the back of my journal. 

The final page was stenciled before I made a sticker collage. 

And on the inside of the back cover, I used some stickers and painted some buildings. I also used another quote from the Harry Potter stories.

I have a couple more pages I haven't shared. If I have time I might share them on another day, and if not, you basically saw all of the journal.
I hope it wasn't too boring.
Have a great day.


  1. The image on the cover of your journal is breathtaking!

    The Twining's tea bag brought back memories! We used to drink a lot of Twinings Irish Breakfast tea and I loved Lady Grey, too. When we lived in Fairbanks, we couldn't always get it in the grocery stores, so we used to order it from the website (this was before online shopping was as big a thing as it is now) and we'd come home to find a giant box filled with both kinds of tea waiting for us.

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. ...Erika, you put a lot of work into this.

  3. Happy midweek. I think you must have really enjoyed putting together your Harry Potter journal. Good memories and very fun. the tv has been re running allot of Potter movies. I remember when they came out on dvd's I bought the first two and enjoyed those but third one and after I just couldn't get into. Great scenery and specail effects though.
    We reached a high of 80 degrees yesterday and then the t storms and high winds arrived-all night and still strong. I never liked listening to all that wind for long periods of time makes me nervous.
    enjoy your day hugs Kathy

  4. Such a fun way to chronicle your trip. I had to laugh about the rollercoaster page. I might have shouted the same thing! 😸As to tea, I've been to lots of hotels and there's no tea. Plenty of coffee. No big deal for me, I have a small bag of tea that I always take with me. I hope you got to enjoy outside yesterday. Looks like the warm weather tease will be gone for a few days.

  5. Such a fun way to chronicle your trip. I had to laugh at the rollercoaster page. I would have yelled the same things. 😸 I've found lots of hotels don't stock teabags in the rooms. No matter for me, I have a small bag of tea I always travel with. I hope you got outside yesterday to enjoy the weather. Looks like the warm weather was just a tease.

  6. I know you had fun with this. You are the H.P. queen. Thanks for sharing your trip in other posts and this beautiful art.

  7. You inspire me to read the Harry Potter books! You must have HOURS into this -- it shows!

  8. I have to say that I've so much enjoyed your wonderful journey using the Harry Potter theme! I love how there are so many different things to inspire creativity! Of course I see "light" in several of these pages, but the top one is fantastic for light and dark, when I'm feeling dark, there's nothing better than a dish of ice cream to lighten me up! LOL I want to keep commenting how much I love each one, but I don't want make a book here in your comments! LOL Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful inspiration with my theme for AJJ, but also your Harry Potter series! HUGS

  9. Erika, it has been fun traveling along with you through your journal pages. I don't expect that we will ever visit this exhibit, so it was like going there through your posts!

  10. Fantastic pages Erika, and that final quote is my favourite!

  11. Thats a lovely light and dark page for Vicki's AJJ theme! I love seeing your travel journal Erika- it's certainly jam packed with memories! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Just fantastic.
    You had such fun doing this.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oops! My comment seemed to disappear too quickly!

    This is fantastic.

    All the best Jan


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