Monday, March 4, 2024

T Stands for Celebrating All Weekend

Hi everyone. It's the first T day of March. I hope everyone had a great start to the new month. I can't believe we're in the third month of 2024 already.

My post is a bit long today-warning you and apologizing in advance.

Last week there was  spring, a lot of mud and wintery cold in New Hampshire.  

It's not very pretty outside right now at all. ๐Ÿ˜’ 

I did buy some daffodils at Trader Joe's the other day so at least they brightened up inside.

I never managed to get to the ocean to walk last week, but I did a bit of baking. This next photo is also my first ticket to T over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog this week. You can see my Diet Coke. It takes me 2-3 days to get through a bottle this size.

I was making myself a birthday cake because my daughter and her husband came last Friday evening for an early  celebration. This cake was a new recipe for me, and I tried 2 new things in cake baking with this recipe. First of all I have never made a cake with self-rising flour. Self-rising flour is something that for years you could barely find here in the parts of New England where I've lived. Now that I can easily find it, I was ready to try it.

The other thing I tried was using freeze-dried  powdered strawberries.  When I opened the package they smelled great, and they did make the cake taste like strawberries.  I think when I use them again I will add a bit of red food coloring just because I think some people (like my husband) expect strawberries to be red. I know smell affects taste, but I think color can and does also.

Before we had birthday cake, we went out for Mexican food. I haven't had Mexican food for a long time, and it was yummy (but I forgot to take a photo). With dinner I had a margarita too. That's drink number 2.

The photo in this angle makes my margarita look gigantic. It was the same size as my daughter's which you can also see in the photo. And you can see the water I drank after my margarita was finished.

We were too tired Friday night to have my birthday cake  so the next best thing was to have it for breakfast on Saturday. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

The layers go (from top of the cake to bottom) strawberry, vanilla and then chocolate. There was homemade whipped cream and red berry jam in between each layer.  Some of it squeezed out when the cake got carried upstairs from the garage. I had it in a cooler out there because  the whipped cream it needed to be kept cold, and since I didn't have room in the fridge, a cooler in the garage was the next best thing.

Here's me with  morning hair ready to blow out the candles.

I actually celebrated all weekend.  ๐Ÿ˜

 This past weekend my husband and I also went out tractor shopping. The hubby has been stashing money away for many years (we all are sick of hearing him tell us he wants a tractor), and finally he found a used one that worked for his budget and what he wanted.

Yes that's me on the tractor at the dealer. It's the first time I've ever driven one. I'm actually excited he finally found one because I have a few projects I want to work on. A little more practice with the bucket, and I'll be ready to use it myself. ❤

Since he bought the tractor in Maine, we headed a little further east to go visit his Mom. She was not having a great day, but her assisted living is near one of our favorite pizza places. After our visit we went and had pizza for a late lunch. This diet Pepsi is another drink ticket for T day, even though I forgot to take a photo with most of the pizza.

Since this post is getting long, I'll end it here. 

I'm hoping everyone has a great T day and first full week of March. 


  1. Happy Birthday Erika! The cake looks yummy and diet coke works. Hubby has to be happy with his tractor. -Christine

  2. Baking a cake is fun, and I haven’t done it in ages. I had a bag of self-rising flour during the pandemic when there were shortages. Somehow I did use it up, though it didn’t work for my husband’s bread baking. Happy birthday!

    best, mae at

  3. ...Happy Birthday, Erika. Big boys never outgrow their interest in big toys!

  4. Happy birthday Erika! The cake looks great - I'm never able to create something like this. If it tasted as good as it looks it must have been delicious. The margarita looks yummy as well - it's been quite some time since I last had one. You look great on the tractor!!! What kind of projects do you want to do with it? I'm sure you will quickly learn how to use the bucket and then we better watch out! Have a happy T day - Carola

  5. Happy Birthday Erika!!!! wow Now that's a birthday cake! :-) I haven't drunk any soft drink in like 40 years...Thank God that I grew up drinking plain olong tea and water. Now I only drink water and eat meat.

  6. Happy belated birthday, Erika. Why do I not have your birthday for my calendar???? Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend filled with birthday love.

    That's a great birthday cake. Lots of layers and a flavor favorite for everyone. Too bad you had to bake your own, but I know with you, it's a labor of love.

    What an amazing tractor. Seems like it has an attachment or two, also. I can envision you completely rearranging your gardens in the spring.

    Thanks for sharing your birthday weekend and all your drink references with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    I forgot to mention that Miller Park, as I mentioned in the post on the 1st, is in Milwaukee, WI.

  7. Wow that cake looks delish! I'm shocked self-rising flour was a rare commodity up there for so long. Maybe has to do with altitude? Because down here, we practically cannot live without it, lol. I Googled "is self-rising flour a southern thing?" and SURE 'NUFF it is! Leanred something new, lol. Anyway, I hope your cake tasted light and fluffy! Also skimmed your book post and happy to see some Cather being read. Love her! The shark book sounded interesting because of the bathing history, but I've read a huge amount on that already because of our Galveston history an hour south of me. I was studying all these old photos of bathers at the beach right after the 1900 hurricane and began reading about the various attires and laws prohibiting women's wear. Thank god for cotton is all I have to say, otherwise I would have been sweltering. xoxo

  8. Happy Birthday Erika, it looks like you had so much fun ๐Ÿ˜Š. Those margaritas are fabulous and I'd happily join you for a Mexican meal - yum! That cake looks awesome too - it's massive, did you enjoy it for breakfast? Wow, a tractor now my hubby would love that too, can we both have a go driving it pleassssse. Take care and Happy T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  9. Happy Birthday! I haven ever used freeze dried foods sound good in cake.
    Awesome tractor-enjoy using it-hugs Kathy

  10. Happy birthday Erika!
    Your cake looks amazing! Self Raising flour is very common here but I have noticed in most of my American cookbooks that it is not used - always all-purpose flour - which I guess we would call Plain flour here. Your new tractor looks very cute if tractors can be considered cute lol.

  11. Happy ๐ŸŽ‚Birthday to you, Erika, and who doesn’t like cake for breakfast? Your birthday celebrating weekend sounds like it was delicious and fun and did you or your family provide the gifts? My husband, Patrick, saw the photo of Dave’s tractor and wanted me to let him know that ut brought back memories of his own tractor-owning days, also a similar John Deere. Enjoy using the bucket too! And, thanks for the left justified paragraphs too.๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Many guys have a fascination with mechanical things it seems! I remember once waiting at the counter in our local deli, and I was wearing a tee shirt with a bird on it. The woman next to me, who had a heavy German accent, asked me if I loved birds, and I said I did. She replied, “My husband only likes things you put diesel into, and it stinks, and makes noise. We call him Chitty-Chitty Bangbang. I wish I had married you!” Since you share the fascination for the tractor you are all set, Erika! All the best - David

  13. Happy Happy birthday. That is a fabulous cake. I told Mr.M. last night that I wanted a margarita. LOL Yours looks so good. Ohhhh I really enjoy driving tracktors. You will have so much fun with this one. Have a great day today.

  14. Here's wishing you the happiest of birthdays! LOVE that tractor, now I want one, too! Your cake was surely delicious! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  15. Happy Birthday! ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽˆ I love the idea of cake for birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration. Happy T Day

  16. ohooo what a cake!! Looks soooo yummy. and happy Birthday to you! its my birthday soon...another year older! I still feel about twelve. I've often wondered, when do we actually grow up!? Love the tractor, you'll have fun with that, and hubby won't even get a look in! Happy T day! ((Lyn))

  17. Happy birthday, Erica! Sounds fun to celebrate all weekend. So, your hubby got a tractor for your birthday? LOL. Fun post. Happy T day.

  18. Happy,happy belated Birthday, dear Erika!
    Yay for the tractor!
    Ingo told me into ice-cream yesterday so I was too full for pizza,argh!!!!
    Yours looks yummy,hugs and to a great new year in your life!

  19. Happy Birthday! That looks like a huge cake! Yum!
    In the UK they use self raising flour so I have used it while living there, but here in Spain it is not available (apart from the English shops). I have never heard of freeze dried strawberries. Here we are having the strawberry season, so lot of strawberries at the mo. I eat them every day. They have grown in the sun and so they taste really nice (in England we had strawberries from a greenhouse and they don't taste of anything)
    Now I know why in America you call a packet of butter a stick! It has a long shape! I never knew that.
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. (Busy week)

  20. I nearly forgot: Hurray for a new tractor! My hubby wanted one too but they are sooo expensive so we never got there. Congratulations to your husband for finally being able to buy one. Every man's dream it appears. (Happy husband, happy wife).

  21. Happy Birthday Erika, how strange it is mine on Sunday. I love fruit cake and when I made my Christmas cake I made two. Decided to keep one for my birthday but now with this accident it is awaiting icing and I cannot see it being done. Maybe it will keep for next Christmas?
    We always use Self Raising 'Flour for cakes and I used to find it strange that i could not buy it in America. Well in CA when i visited my friend so I used to take some over with me so I could still bake.
    Your cake looks awesome - such height to it. Looks so good too.
    Love hubbies tractor and I can well imagine you driving it across all that land by you. Enjoy yourself.
    Here's to pizza and Margarita's.
    Hugs, neet xx


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