Tuesday, April 30, 2024

It's Time Again for a New Challenge

 Hi everyone. It's time once again for a new challenge at Try It on Tuesday.

     Before I get to that let me thank Anita from Beads, Charm and Wire for sharing her fabulous tag with us during our Inspired By a Song challenge. And thank you everyone who joined in also. It was fun seeing all the songs people picked out.

Our new challenge that starts today is


I had recently been rereading one of my childhood poetry books that I came across, and one poem inspired me to make my fantasy page. 

     The poem is Lochinvar. It’s written by Sir Walter Scott, and it is all about a knight’s romantic journey. I loved this poem when I was younger. (And I still like it today also 😏)

     Sadly the glare  from the metallic elements and also some glossy paper on my page, along with the blue, meant it wasn't the easiest to photograph.

     My page started with the inside of some craft packaging. I liked the background, and  I attached it to some watercolor paper. Then  I rough stamped the background design and used  blue and a bit of black ink on it.  On some white paper I stamped this ancient Magenta image, and I added it to the center of my page.  I also decided not to color it in so the image would stand out more from the background.

     I used gold paper and a edging die to make the trim that goes across the page, and I used silver paper and some crown dies to make those embellishments. I decorated the crowns with paint dots and also a couple of little decorative gemstones.

     The dragon was stamped twice, first on some white paper that I fussy cut, colored and added some glitter glue too. Once that dried I stamped the image on acetate, fussy cut it again and glued it down over the top of the paper image.

     And finally to finish my page, I photocopied this poem out of a childhood poetry book. I loved the poems Lochinvar as a kid, and thought the title and a couple of lines from this long poem worked with my image. 

      If medieval fantasy doesn't excite you, be sure to check out all the lovely pieces from the rest of the design team.  There's all kinds of directions you can go with this challenge. Also remember, we accept all types of art at Try It on Tuesday, and you have 2 weeks to to join in for this challenge.

Hope to see you there!


  1. Wonderful page and theme, I loved all of those verses and books as a kid, too! They provided great inspiration for dreaming and playing. Have a great day. Hugs, Valerie

  2. ...it looks like you were up to the challenge.


  3. Dear Erika, your work really appeals to me, I love the nostalgic touch and the color!
    All the best and a good start into May, Traude

  4. Such a beautiful page, Erika. I really love the blue tone.

  5. Beautiful page and like you I love to reread my childhood books too


  6. Wow, this certainly looks like one of those fantasy/fairytale book page illustrations for sure! I love the special added touches with the metallic crowns and border! I always loved those medieval fantasy things! Very nicely done!

  7. The image is beautiful Erika, reminds me of an old book plate along with the verse. Love that you chose to use a favoured poem so romantic. The crowns are a grand addition to detail, very pretty embellishments. I wish I could recall my favourites from time gone by.
    Thank you for inviting me to be Guest Designer for the Fantasy theme, I feel honored to have been asked... always a pleasure.
    Sending creative hugs your way Tracey xx

  8. Strangely if I was going write a book. I think my genre would fantasy.

  9. As I mentioned in the next post, I am out of my element. I've never heard pf that poem Lochivar, but I HAVE heard of Sir Walter Scott. That's a lovely image you chose. Is Magenta even still around? Regardless. this is a true beauty and a lovely fantasy entry. I can't believe those crowns are dies. Just fabulous.

  10. This is such a beautiful page! The poem is wonderful and I love your depiction, the stamps look fabulous and I bet the metallic elements look amazing up close 😊. Wishing you a happy May! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Ha! You had me from the very first view of this! Such a fantastic medieval scene- sheer magic! Huge, Chrisx

  12. Thanks for the prompt about the poem Erika. The page you created looks fantastic, wonderful images you used as well.
    I've had a catchup and thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Thanks for the prompt about the poem you had in mind creating this fantastic page Erika. It looks fantastic great images and scene.
    I enjoyed my catch up as well.
    I hope this posts as its my 3rd attempt, I kept on getting an error issue,
    Yvonne xx

  14. I'm late in commenting (as usual) but have had a lovely catch up on your newer posts. Sounds like you had a fabulous time in Greece.
    Love this page with its medieval knight, great details and those metallic crowns and dragon look fabulous.
    Avril xx

  15. Fabulous fantasy page, Erika.


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