Tuesday, April 9, 2024

T Stands for the Eclipse

 Hi everyone. And Happy T day to the ladies who join in over at Bleuebard's and Elizabeth's blog for our weekly T day.

     It seems like last week's T day was a long time ago to me. We had a big snowstorm last Thursday which made last week feel like it was 2  different weeks, before the snow and after the snow. And then yesterday my husband and I took a road trip to go see the total solar eclipse that was heading across the country and went through far northern  New England. 

     Neither my husband nor myself had seen a total solar eclipse before. I've seen eclipses where the sun is partially blocked by the moon (in 2017 and then back sometime before that), but since this total eclipse was close enough to get to in a day's road trip,  we packed a lunch, some chairs and even the dogs (not that they cared about the eclipse) and decided to drive north.

    We had a couple of choices, including going north right here in New Hampshire, but we decided to drive just south of Burlington, Vermont. The problem with the northern part of our state is that there are not a lot of connecting roads in northern New Hampshire  due to the thick forest and low population base. Plus those roads are only 2 lanes, one going in each direction.  By going to Vermont we could take the highway which although wasn't moving super fast on the way home, at least can handle a whole lot of cars.

     Plus, Vermont has a great park and ride system where you could pull off and watch the eclipse. 😏

    We left quite early and managed to get a great parking spot before the park and ride filled up, as you can see in the first photo. Here's my husband making himself a sandwich for lunch. It is also my drink photo for T day as you can see we had a gallon of water on the right hand side for our drinks.

     You can also see it was a beautiful day. We hit 60 degrees F or 15.5 degrees C. By the time the eclipse started the lot was full as you can see in the area around my car in the photo below. 

I bought a solar filter for my camera and did some playing around during the eclipse. I got a few good photos, although I really should have brought my tripod. 😞

Here's a couple.

And then it got dark. That was one of the most amazing things I have seen.

You can see that the streetlights in the park and ride came on (which is the glare on the right side of my photo as I haven't had time to do much editing). And it got noticeably colder. 

It seems strange there was not enough light to get some color in the above photo even at total coverage. At that point we could not only take off our eclipse glasses and look at the sun, but I could take the filter off my camera. In this next photo I digitally added some color to give you a somewhat approximation of how it looked.

Then we started what was a long drive home. Traffic didn't stop, but it was very slow in spots.   However, people were patient and driving through Vermont is always beautiful.

And that's all for my latest adventure.  I hope everyone has a happy T day and week ahead too.


  1. ...you had a fabulous experience. Our overcast sky made it overwhelming.

  2. We watched some of the eclipse on Youtube at my work yesterday.

  3. You guys are really lucky! Some great eclipse pictures, Erika.

  4. Wow. Big thank you for sharing, what a trip and outcome!
    I remember a half-eclipse a couple of years ago - all birds went silent!
    To a great T-Day, hugs!

  5. this is very cool that you could see the eclipse with other people. I forgot about looking for the special glasses you need to protect your eyes so we didn't watch it this time. I have seen a total eclipse a couple times before-it is amazing. I did check the weather channel and they had some amazing photos too

  6. Great shots and a wonderful experience. Glad you had a good day.

  7. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos, wow, what a great trip you had. I'm sorry we couldn't see it here! Happy T day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  8. I'm so glad you got to see it and you got some great shots!
    The clouds here parted for about 30 seconds and I got one shot of it at the beginning. Then, that was it, didn't even get darker! Honey sat out there for a long time and then got tired of it. So for us a bust but I hope all the science geeks who truly wanted to see it got to! xoxo

  9. I'm so glad that you actually went, Erika, and saw this amazing celestial event. Isn't it fascinating? You pretty much describe it similar to how I experienced it in 2017. I will certainly never forget the solar eclipses I witnessed. Happy T day - Carola

  10. Amazing photos! We tried to get glasses from the library, but they were all out. I watched the event on television. Wasn't the weather yesterday and today spectacular. What a difference a week makes! Happy T Day

  11. How lucky to have experienced something like this.. Thanks for sharing and giving us a full picture of the place and time.

  12. I've only seen one other total eclipse and it was in the late 1980s. I bought some glasses, but of course, I didn't bother this time, as it was only 83%. I remembered the first time how much cooler it was. This time the temp dropped at least 10 degrees F. You got to enjoy a wonderful experience and it was a perfect entry for T this Tuesday, dear Erika. I like that solar filter you purchased for the event.

  13. You got some great shots, Erika. Well done! All the best - David

  14. Your photos are terrific, Erika. And it looks like you had a grand time finding the right spot and enjoying it in style. I'm so glad the weather held well!

  15. What a fun time! We were only at about 87% totality, so we didn't get the full darkness. Something to remember for a long time!

  16. Wow! You took some great photographs, what a wonderful experience.

    All the best Jan

  17. Fantastic photos Erika! It looks like a great day out for this very special event.

  18. What an amazing experience! I saw a total eclipse many years ago and I was also surprised by the cold. I didn't think the temperature would go down that quickly.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. I love, love, LOVE this post! Such good energy. And those pictures are killer! I enjoyed the eclipse too. Really a fun day. Huggs and Bugs, Me.

  20. How wonderful that you got some great shots of the eclipse and the chance to experience it.
    I remember being in France when we had the last one, at Mont St Michel. The thing I remember most of all was the silence that descended over us as it began, the birds all stopped singing and it made it almost eerie.
    Hugs and thanks for the great photos, Neet xx


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