Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weekend Art-Yellow

 Hi everyone. I hope you're having a happy weekend. 

     Today I have a bit of art to share. My first piece is a page for Valerie's Geometric Forms challenge at Art Journal Journey. I was back to using the postage stamp idea. 😏

     I started by putting down a  page out of an old book. All you can see of it now is the edge, but the  color from old yellowing book pages is hard to reproduce with art supplies. It makes a nice contrast between the white base paper and the white around each image.

     Several years ago I bought a sheet of collage images from  Art Chix. Their collage sheets used to be very popular, and I'm not sure if you can even get them any longer.  The images were of dogs and cats, and they had lots of colors of them.  I wanted the images but not in the colors that were on the sheet. I played around and was able to print them off with some bold yellows. This also got rid of the reds and even most of the blues.

     Then I changed my mind and didn't end up using any of these images. I came across them recently, and I decided that since each faux postage stamp was a rectangle, I would use some of them on a page.  I chopped off a whole block of them and attached them to my page.  I cut the large kitty out of another sheet of paper. She looks like my Emmie did. I also had the paper scrap from a die  that didn't cut very well, so I added bits to the top and bottom right of my page.   I finished by adding a few words.

I also have a tag today for Sandie's Anything Goes challenge at Tag Tuesday.

     I tried something different for the background, and I really like how it came out. I took a white cardstock tag, an embossing folder and a sheet of yellow marking paper. I stacked them so the marking side of the paper was up against the actual tag. Then I rolled them through my Big Shot several times. That pressure from the rolling caused some of the marking paper to actually stick to my tag, not just leave marks.  I peeled away what I could, but I really like how the marking paper didn't just color the flowers.   I used some matte medium on the tag to keep the marking paper intact.

     I then used a vintage image I cut off of a sheet of paper. I did enhance the colors on that image by matching some markers to the already colored in parts. Finally I added a bit of dark blue die cut trim (at the top) as well as a yellow button and some craft string in it (at the bottom).

     I'm also linking this tag up to Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge.

     And since my post has a lot of yellow today, let me share some photos from Greece that in some way feature that color.

peeling yellow paint and
canned squid

a duck with a very yellow beak

Too bad the sign has a reflection down the middle of it.  I can't remember, but I don't think it flat up against the window. 

A cool partly yellow house  that looks like it has a lot of potential. Can you find the black cat in the photo?

I wish I could remember what type of tree this was. The flowers were big, and yes, very yellow.

And here's another yellow wall.

limoncello bottles too

Another yellow building. Can you notice the metal street art?

A bee busy in a yellow flower.

Yellow nets on a dock by the ocean.

And finally, as I wrap up this post, a beautiful yellow setting sun.

And as they say, better late than never, I am also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. I like that yellow building or wall as you said...the Cheery Hallo is really nice.

  2. ...Erika, thanks for the cheery post this morning.

  3. Those postage stamps remind me of an era that has passed into history, when we used to take pen to paper and write a real letter to be mailed to someone far away. There was an excitement about receiving mail, especially brightly-bordered airmail envelopes with exotic stamps. Makes we want to write to somebody! Email is efficient, but not quite the same! All the best - David

  4. Lovely images. Happy Sunday. Love.

  5. Postage stamps and the tag are just so cute. All that sunny yellow is perfect for today. Enjoy!

  6. Lovely page and tag. Love the yellows in Greece. Never noticed canned squid here

  7. Textübersetzung
    Hier bin ich wieder, liebe Eileen! Es begeistert mich ein ums andere Mal, wie viele Bald Eagles du bei deinen Ausflügen zu sehen bekommst! Wir haben bei unserer aktuellen USA-Reise keinen einzigen gesehen - weder in Kalifornien noch in Utah, keine Ahnung, ob es dort überhaupt Vorkommen gibt ... (und auch nicht in New York City - aber dort hätte ich es auch nicht erwartet.) Es freut mich, dass von diesen Vögeln so viele existieren. Turkey Vultures und Black Vultures habe ich in Costa Rica kennen gelernt. Sie sind nciht "schön", aber in der Natur nützlich. Dass sie auch the rubber off of car windows essen, wusste ich nicht - das habe ich bisher nur von Keas gehört (die wir in Neuseeland leider nicht gesehen haben.)Herrlich auch der Anblick der Great Blue Heron rookery!
    Ich wünsche dir ein angenehmes Wochenende!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    Alles Liebe nach meiner Blogpause, Traude

    Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Ich weiß nicht, ob du es schon gesehen hast, aber ich habe deine Frage unter deinem Kommentar beantwortet :-)
    Hab eine schöne Zeit voller toller Erlebnisse!
    Alles Liebe, Traude
    1.651 / 5.000
    Dear Erika,
    I really like the color of yellowed book pages - it goes really well with the white of the stamps and the overall composition looks great! Your tag is also very pretty. All the sunny yellow in your post is very uplifting, including the pictures from Greece. I wouldn't have seen the black cat near the yellow house without your hint, I had to enlarge the picture first.
    The large yellow flower on the tree is most likely an angel's trumpet (Brugmansia Arborea)...
    Thank you for your lovely welcome! You recognized the American Robin well. The other birds were difficult to see - they weren't puffins, but Australian pied cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius) :-)
    I wish you a pleasant start to the week!
    All the best, Traude

  8. Beautiful yellow, and love the journal page and the tag, hanks so much for both. Hugs, Valerie

  9. Great idea to concentrate on yellow walls and houses!

  10. Clever post Erika, I used to struggle with the colour yellow along with purple too but now find I can't live without them. I agree the stamped images do look like stamps from a time gone by. Your tag is really beautiful, great idea and technique, would make a fabulous bunting. Your yellow themed post is delightful, will have me dreaming of Van Goghs yellow house now... Hugs Tracey xx

  11. How ironic. I also have some of those Art Chix stamps, but mine are all cats. I have them in my bag waiting to be used. Cindy McMath sent them to me. I'm not sure Art Chix is even around anymore.

    That old paper background reminds me of the crumbly pages I used in my background today. Great for YOUR beautiful background contrast, but NOT for MY project. This turned out great and is an absolutely purrfect entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    What a great tag. I really like the bird. But how you got that background was very unusual and unique. That tag has so many items on it, you could use it at Creative Artiste. I especially like how you tied the button with the baker's twine.

    Goodness you got a lot of yellow in Greece. Yes, I saw the cat at the old house. That metal street art was unusual, too.

    You asked what I am doing tomorrow. I am going out with two of my No Name, No photos allowed friends. We are going to a very expensive restaurant. Glad I'm not paying my share of the bill (grin). Then I'm going to take a nice long break and shut the computer down. Hope your cold is now gone.

  12. This was such a cheerful post, I enjoyed it.
    Thank you.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and may the week ahead be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

  13. Good evening, I really enjoyed this post-from your art to all the yellows captured in photos. Happy new week hugs Kathy

  14. I love all the yellow! So pretty. I've never seen those stamps before. Pretty cool. I always put purple and yellow together. They are meant to be.

  15. Nice doggone page and not complete with the cat. I had to look at my ArtChix folder and wow, I could spend a year making stuff. Forgot all about them. And also Alpha Stamps.
    I love using different shapes of dies for tag bases, in fact I prefer it. Your tag is so vintagely lovely!
    Hope you are feeling better and the sun has come out. XOX

  16. Love especially the bird-tag - and such interesting techniques!
    Huh, squid, I could never eat that, LOL.
    Interesting there is a lot of English now in Greece and yes, I saw the cat, but only asyou pointed to it!
    Love all the colors - and the metal street art! That bee is busy indeed - great shot!
    As I am late again: Happy new week, hugs

  17. Yes :-))) I was also in yellow fever and had a lot of fun sewing my bright yellow T shirt.
    Great photos you show. You did some nice work.
    A hug for you. Have a happy week.
    Many greetings from Viola

  18. What a fabulous tag, adore the vintage image of the bird. Your technique of embossing and colouring via the embossing is awesome, certainly perfect for your tag, its gorgeos.
    Thank you so much for playing along with my theme at Tag Tuesday x

  19. Wonderful post! Love your postage page and the sweet bird tag! Great photos and thanks for sharing your adventures!

  20. I love your art piece and I especially love all the images from Greece. I love that yellow. It's so rich and so very beautiful and it shows so well in every single image. You had to be in seventh heaven on that trip!

  21. I totally adore your tag with the wee birdie on it, Erika!! I like your results with the marking paper--I do like 'imperfect' backgrounds, and yours has turned out just great! Thank you for sharing your tag with us at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. xo

  22. I love how you did your journal page Erika and all your yellow themed photos are amazing. I love the texture and shape to your gorgeous tag too! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  23. What a super idea for your page Erika and a multitude of rectangles for Valerie's AJJ theme! Loving the yellow pics, hugs, Chrisx

  24. Great page and tag, Erika. I love that old icon with the Madonna and Jesus. Great photos from greek buildings and a lovely sunset. Let me talk to you about the tree that you like: It is called Brugmansia, also known as datura or angel's trumpet, it gives particularly impressive flowers. It reaches a height of 2-3 meters and stands out for its huge trumpet-shaped flowers that spread over its stems and reach a length of 15-20 centimeters. Its flowers have various colors from white, cream, yellow, pink to purple. Angel's trumpet thrives in subtropical climates that are both humid and warm. We prefer semi-shaded positions as it suffers in the strong midday summer sun. It is sensitive to low temperatures, as well as to strong winds, so it is important to secure a sheltered position for it. Kisses, sweetie.


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