Sunday, May 19, 2024


Hi everyone. I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    Today I have a page for Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey.  This month, as you probably already know, we're celebrating Poetry.  My journal page is all about the color green. Along with blue, green is my favorite color. Plus, with all the leaves bursting forth in my area, I am very inspired by that color right now.

     The background is a painted and then while still wet, I used a wet rag  and a stencil to wipe away some of the paint. I also took some bright apple green paint and used that same stencil to make the design which I thought looked a lot like green leaves. The actual leaves, the moon, and the circles along the bottom are all die cuts, and I used a couple of ancient paper punches to make the apples and the stars. I did stamp with a darker green onto the die cut green leaves. I added the printed poem.

     I also added some green confetti bits to the circle border at the bottom, colored in the moon, added a bit of glitter glue to give the stars some sparkle, and then I finished my page with a bit of white splattered paint. I also used a marker and outlined the edges of my page.

     I  am also going to share my page over at Creative Artiste Mixed Media Blog. Their theme is always Anything Goes, as long as you use at least 3 types of media. And last but never least,  I am also linking up to Gillena's  Sunday Smiles .

     And since I am on the subject of green, let me share this page I made in my Greece travel journal. One of the hotels we stayed in during our trip had a card about housekeeping. I snagged the card and cut out the feeling green words as well as the thank you phrase at the bottom of my page. I drew in the rest of my page using all the ingredients in a Greek Salad, which I enjoyed with many meals on my travels.

     The veggies are drawn, painted and colored using markers. They're outlined with a Sharpie or other markers. The drizzle of olive oil at the top is made with some yellow translucent paint in a drawn in bottle. I need to learn how to make glass look more like glass. It would be very useful. 

That's all for me today. Have a great rest of your weekend and/or start to the new week. 



  1. As you say, Erika, it is a wonderfully green world right now. Let’s all rejoice in it and enjoy every moment. There is poetry in that. All the best - David

  2. Dawn is it? I have never seen it. The page is lovely!

  3. ...there are so many shades of green now.

  4. Both pieces are fabulous, but I must admit that I like the first one best. I Love the poem from D.H. Lawrence, I have never heard it before, so that made me happy. The page is gorgeous, too, I love green. And a another lovely memory for Greece! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Green certainly is the color of the day especially after all the rain. Nice page. Love that moon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  6. I especially like your journal offering. Yes, we save stuff like that!

  7. Your skill level continues to amaze me. You have more talent in your left thumb than I do in my whole body.

  8. Both of these are fabulous. Yes, it is green right now. Have a great day today.

  9. Good morning, I love your journal pages wow we are having a summer day today-90 and high humidity Happy Sunday

  10. Great entry Erika for AJJ.
    But your second page is equally beautiful
    with memories from Greece!
    Have a nice Week Erika!

  11. Green is a great color for spring 🌱

  12. Today art I use some green to represent...Irritated,smooth, disappointment and
    Fern green.

  13. Beautiful.

  14. I like both pages but I really like the second one and am sitting here clapping and applauding your drawing and painting! It reminds me of something the old abstract impressionists would create, someone like Gauguin. Brava! Love it! xoxo

  15. Lovely journal pages. 😊Thank you for linking to SundaySmiles; Erika


  16. Springtime is green time and it's lovely to see.
    I like both of your journal pages.

    All the best Jan

  17. I liked both your green journal pages, Erika! But I particularly liked the first. It lifts me up and makes me feel hopeful. I am continually amazed at the work that goes into creating multimedia page like yours!

  18. The other day as we were driving home from the clinic I uttered the words "isn't everything a wonderful green now" and it seems as if I almost anticipated your pages. Looking through the French window now all I can see are shades of green from the various trees and bushes that skirt the lawn at the back of our home. Nature is indeed wonderful and your page celebrates it. Several lovely shades of green and the touch of golden sun illustrates your poem today.
    Love your Greek Salad too. Great salad ingredients you have drawn.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. A fabulous celebration of green. We have had so much rain the countryside is awash with green. It’s one of my favourite colours as well. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Wendy.


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