Monday, May 13, 2024

T Stands for Spring Excitement (well only if you like gardening)

 Hi everyone. And hello to all the folks who stop by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog for T day.

     Last week wasn't the most exciting week for me as I was finishing up a few projects which really meant reorganizing and cleaning up a few messes around the house. I'm happy I got them all completed, but I'm sure you don't want to read about them.  😏 I had some garden time too. Everything is getting green  which is very exciting. 

    It's amazing how between morning and evening leaves have popped out more, and the gardens have filled in more. I actually even need to do some dreaded weeding.

     I really had hoped to get this wall painted. This is one side of my  husband's workshop, a structure that was on the property when we bought it.  The garden has grown up so much I'm afraid I'll squish plants if I put a ladder in there right now, so I guess painting it will have to wait until late summer or fall. (I'm not holding my breath my husband will get his shop cleaned up by then however-😬)

     What's also exciting is that we opened up the screen porch this past weekend. Some of you who stop by frequently might know how much I love my screen porch.

     This year I washed all the doors before my husband put them up. That took a while, and I was pretty wet by the time I finished. 

     The 3 screened walls of my  porch are made by using screen doors. In the fall my husband puts up plastic, we put all the yard paraphernalia into the area, and then he puts plastic over the doors and closes it up until spring. 

      Yes, my porch is still a mess. Mostly what's pushed up against the wall is my porch furniture. Cleaning the porch will be one of this week's projects. I want to repaint the floor here also, but I'm going to wait for the weather to (hopefully) dry out a bit before I tackle that project.

     All this work means I need to relax a bit too.  You might remember last Mother's Day weekend I went to Charleston, South Carolina with a friend. We visited the Bigelow Tea Garden, which is the only large scale tea plantation in the United States. During that visit we were told that the first cut of tea leaves for the year made the most delicate black tea. I tried some last year, and I had to agree. A couple of weeks ago  I received an email  that I could pre-order some of this year's first cut tea. I ordered myself a bag. It arrived at the end of last week, and you can see, I was about to make myself an evening cup of tea. 

That's all for me this T day. I hope you have great T day and week ahead. 


  1. I would like to taste the tea from Charolotte. And I would love to do it on your screened in porch. Happy t day.

  2. Weeding is a huge job, and I’m totally shirking any responsibility while my husband does it all.

    Your porch looks beautiful — I hope you’ll soon be enjoying nice weather there.

    best, mae

  3. Lots of spring chores! -Christine

  4. Glad we have but a balcony! I planted bee-friendly flowers, though, wish me luck... i´m not the "best" gardener.
    Oh, I really do love seeing your porch!
    Have a tea-y happy T-day, hugs

  5. Love the garden areas. You certainly have a lot of area to cover. I really like the looks of the gardens, and I feel for you on painting that wall.

    Looks like you have your work cut out for you on that porch. I don't envy you that job.

    I hope you enjoy your tea from Charleston. I'll gladly join you with a cup pf coffee, though.

    Thanks for sharing your gardens, the porch, and your Charleston tea with us for T this Tuesday dear friend. I promise to catch up on what I've missed soon.

  6. The tea sound really good. I don't do gardening anymore, but still LOVE spring!

  7. It seems that spring is coming to your place, Erika. The garden is already green and I can see your flowers. Your porch with the screened walls looks amazing. I would love to be there, drinking a tea and staring at the yard. You live in paradise, my friend (I live in the city). Sending you a big hug.
    PS: Please see my email.

  8. You are always working hard! Your garden is beautiful! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Spring does bring its chores, doesn’t it? We have just about licked the backyard into shape, but it seems that it doesn’t take long before we have to start again. As my wife says, “The garden is great; the gardening not so much!” All the best - David

  10. Every time I read and see all the house projects and gardening chores that fellow bloggers and friends share and talk about, I get nostalgic about those projects we used to do at our NJ and VA homes. But, then I get over it, Erika. Your porch will be very enjoyable to sit and enjoy that cup of tea and maybe iced tea in Sumer months. We did enjoy our porch time.

  11. I love the space you have for gardening and what you have done with it. That porch! I'd spend all my time out there ❤️

  12. So many things going on. I love seeing how they are all coming along. The garden and grounds look wonderful. Uuuhhh leaves and weeds. We have to paint the north wall of our house too. As soon as the weather allows. Have a great day today.

  13. Are your temps getting up to the 70s today? A perfect day to clean an open the sun room, but I have diplomas I'm lettering and I have to teach class tonight. I hope you can get the screen porch done with the fine weather today. Happy t Day

  14. It looks you have a very nice and peaceful area for your garden! This would be so lovely to work in! You will be so happy when it's finished! TFS

  15. The fenced area I call 'the graveyard' is looking good and your flowers blooming in the other beds too. I'm surprised - painting the porch again so soon? Seems like you just did that, but time does fly! Down here people stain and seal their wood porch floors (underneath too if it is raised) and paint the ceilings but most are concreted floors. The big thing now is to epoxy the concrete porch and garage floors. Honey said that will chip quicker than a wink. Painting your floor does give it a fresh look every year but is a big job! Have fun whatever you do and happy new week, xoxo

  16. No matter the garden there is always work to be done.
    You have been busy, nice to take time to relax with a cuppa.

    All the best Jan

  17. Well done you for starting your chores. The work to get the porch ready is hard work but it is exciting as it means summer is coming!
    The flowers look lovely. I love daffodils.
    That tea looks interesting. I have never tasted the first leaves.
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. Life gets in the way sometimes,
    Happy T-Day,

  18. Building the porch that way sounds brilliant. Yuo've been a busy woman and it shows -- looing good in your world!


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