Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Animal Fair Poem

Hi everyone. I hope you are having (or had) a nice weekend.

     Today I have another page for Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey. As I've said before, the theme is Poems. I made my page around a poem from a children's poetry book that I thought was silly and fun.

     I am also linking up to GIllena's  Sunday Smiles  also.

    I love the background I made, and I thought it would be fun for the poem. However, I think it's a little too busy unless you look close up. Of course, by the time I realized that my page was well on the way to being finished, so I decided just to keep it. The great thing about art journaling  is you're allowed to make mistakes because journaling is all about the learning, planning and practicing process. ❤

     The elephant is a Pink Ink stamp that I stamped, colored and fussy cut.  And I forgot I had this silly monkey die. (Is this what happens when you have too much stuff? 😏) I had been doing some supply reorganized again a few weeks back, still trying to get things to their optimal places, and I found this die. It was perfect for the poem and for the elephant because I could even get the monkeys to be hanging off the tusk and trunk. I just love their his silly expression and the banana too.

I'm not sure who wrote this poem, or even if it is just part of a longer poem, but I copied it out of my childhood poetry book as is. When I went to look it up I found many things by that title, and one thing I did find was that there is an old children's song by that title, but the words didn't quite match up.

And speaking of animals, look what I saw sitting on a telephone wire while driving home late one morning last week.

It's a Barred Owl. The owls are really active right now in my area. They are nesting and  calling out all hours of the day. I love owls,and I love living where they are plentiful. The one looked like he/she was considering whether a squirrel would be a good dinner, and they weren't too happy when I pulled the car over. I'm still trying to figure out how they would actually eat the squirrel unless they pulled off bits like hawks do.  But he/she sat long enough for me to snap a photo before they flew off. 

If you're in the US I hope you enjoy the long weekend, and for everyone, thanks for visiting and enjoy this day (or what is left to your day). 



  1. No, I am not in the US - but I am enyoing every weekend....and they are as long as we want. We are retired. Nice post around the poem.
    Have a good time and all the best
    ...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. What a terrific bird to notice on the wire as you were driving by. If they have young to feed a squirrel would make a fine meal to take to the nest. Any day with an owl is already a good day in my book. All the best - David

  3. I remember singing that song about the animals time and time again with my grandchildren when they were young. As soon as I saw your lovely page I started singing, and it probably will last all day. Your page is fab and funny, I love it! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. ...thanks, I've never seen an owl in the wild! Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. A lovely page. The monkey are too cute and sweet.

  6. I have seen owls on tv and in films, but I don't think I have seen one in real life. Yet since there are some species that live in Australia, it is possible that I simply didn't recognise what I was looking at.

  7. Lovely page and poem. Oh wow, usually don't see an owl on a wire!

  8. So much going on there on that page. You are right, you really need to slow down and study it to appreciate it.

  9. Without failures you cannot learn - I love your page!
    And the owl... To a happy late Sunday or great Monday, hugs!

  10. Well first those monkeys make me smile! I love the fun poem and you're so right about AJiing! This is why I love to do it because it's all about how you're feeling at the moment when's very freeing and relaxing! Wow, that is such a cool looking owl!

  11. Dear Erika,
    nothing is too busy at your journal page and I don't see any mistake - I think it's wonderful! Do you know these “hidden object books”? ("Wimmelbücher" in german... - I think you can translate it with "hustle and bustle picture books") Those books are full of things to discover - and it's the same with your wonderful and funny page.
    Oh, how wonderful your sighting of the Barred Owl! We saw a nesting owl near Salt Lake City, but although they exist here at home, I never see any...
    All the best and a good start into the new week, Traude

  12. I like the background. "Busy" isn't how I'd describe it at all.

  13. Wow your poem page is so much fun. I luv it
    Happy Sunday
    Thanks for linkinh yo SundaySmiles


  14. Very beautiful page and poem.
    The owl in Ancient Greece was considered the bird of wisdom.

  15. Fun page! I remember singing that ditty as a kid. Didn't know it was a real poem. Just something we sang. Beautiful pic of the owl. I hear owls at night, but haven't seen any during the day. I hope you had a nice weekend. Today is a good day for art. Stay safe. Sounds like thunderstorms can be wicked tonight

  16. Such a lovely page and I've always liked that poem.

    Animal Fair is a traditional folk song and children's song, it was sung by minstrels and sailors as early as 1898 ...

    All the best Jan

  17. And even better, you can make an art journal page with a busy background all day long cuz it's your art journal. You were meant to do it, no mistake. It's cute and the perfect compliment to your poem.
    Wow, I'm the daytime? We have lots of those owls year round here. We call them hoot owls. But I only ever have seen them at dusk or dawn, never in the full daytime!
    Hope your week is going well.

  18. What a beautiful page, Erika. The silly monkeys are fabulous. I love owls too. In fact, I love all the birds. Nice photo, my friend.


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