Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Time for Another Challenge

 Hi everyone. 

     The last 2 weeks flew by, and it is already time for another challenge at Try It On Tuesday.  Before I get to that, I want to thank Alison at Craftytrog's Art Adventures for having been our host for our small things challenge. And thank you everyone who joined in with some great small things. It's always fun to see how people interpret a challenge.

This time around our challenge is


You can use any type of embossing for this challenge. On my piece  I used 2 embossing folders, but if you prefer embossing powder and heat, that works too.

Here's the 2 embossing folders I used:

     The jar is an old Sizzix die cut that comes with the embossing folder. I die cut and embossed some plastic from the outside of a craft supply package.  Then I embossed some paper with the TH typeset letters. I inked them with a yellow ink pad,  which didn't really show up too well, and then I went over them with black ink. After that I cut them apart. Some letters went underneath where the jar is so it looks like they are in the jar, and some letters went on the background.  The background is some Deli sandwich paper that I stenciled, glued down and then used gesso over so the colors would be more faded.

      This challenge at Try It On Tuesday goes for the next 2 weeks, and be sure to check out all the embossed pieces my design teammates have created. I hope you're feeling like embossing because it will be fun to  see what everyone creates.

     The quote on my page comes from a poem I had written. I am also linking up to Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey. For the next few days (until the end of the month) our challenge is Poetry.  Here's the poem the quote comes from.


Behind the walls

In our secret thoughts

The letters make the words. The words come out.

We speak them

We write them

We dream them

We draw them

We read them

We hear them

We sound them out

We symbolize them.

They are good

They are bad

They are mean

They are sweet

They make us sound smart

Or not so smart.

They mean something,

And most of the time

Once they form and come out

You cannot take them back.

That's all for me today. I hope to see your art over at Try It On Tuesday with some embossed art.


  1. A wonderful page Erika! I love those embossed letters spilling from the jar, and that poem you used.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Alison x

  2. ...I hope that your day is filled with pleasant challenges.

  3. Wonderful page Erika!
    (Hand slowly improving thanks for asking.x)

  4. I've never done embossing, and it looks so pretty. It adds a special touch.

  5. A fabulous page Erika, I love the brick embossing folder you used, its a lovely poem you added as well.

  6. Wow. first of all I just love your poem, I love words ! have a bit of an obsession about them so that really resonated with me. Also love how you made the mason jar, how clever, think I have a jar die lurking somewhere so might try and steal your idea if I may. Loveley page'

    I'm also on a use old stamps trip at the moment !

    Joan x

  7. Fabulous page, love the glass full of words, and the poem is wonderful, so true. Thanks for another lovely page for our challenge at AJJ. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Lovely page for the new challenge!

  9. I love the cute design of letters spilling from the jar..a really beautiful page, Erika.

  10. Great page and poem.
    Yikes, yes, Ingo´d bought me such a heating gun, maybe I find ideas and time to do something (but I won´t promise, the customer stands on my toes....). Have a great day, hugs

  11. Great effect with the jar and the letters for a nice page. And I like the poem too. Hope your weather pleases you. We've several days of clouds and rain ahead but it's keeping our temps in the low to mid 80's, so I'll gladly fight skeeters! 96 on Memorial Day was a shock to my system! xoxo

  12. Very interesting page, Erika. I love how you used the embossing folder with numbers on your page. Great inspiration, my friend. Thank you.

  13. A fabulous page, very clever with the letters coming out of the jar. Love your poem and the embossing. Hugs Wendy K

  14. Such a fabulous embossed design 😊. I'm loving all those letters captured in and bursting out of the jar, such a great die cut too. I hope you are having a great week ❤️. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. I have that embossing folder, I must get it out and use it again. Love the way you have cut the letters out and let them fill the jar and then spill out all around.
    One of my favourite stencils is a brick wall and it looks so good on here with the letters. Great to see the beginning of the poem you wrote and well done on writing it, It really got me in the rhythm when reading it.
    Hugs, Neetxx

  16. A fabulous page Erika, love the embossed jar full of letters with some escaping onto your background. The poem you wrote is fabulous.
    Sorry for the late comment, a hectic week.
    Avril xx


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