Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

     Today I'll start my post with a bit of poetry. Here's a silly piece I made for Valerie's and my Poetry challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I wrote a poem about my page using some words. These words came in a  box of  assorted words that I thought would be useful, but mostly were kind of a "pain" to dig through to find what you wanted. 😏 (That's why they've been sitting in my happy place for at least a decade.)

     To make my page I started with a bit of sheet music. I glued that down and then colored my entire background with yellow, red and orange inks. I stamped the couple, colored them and fussy cut them out. I stamped the instruments and fussy cut them out.  I added a strip of striped paper vertically to give me a place  to add all my cut outs. I also added the couple, but before I added the instruments, I put down an acetate frame and used a white paint pen to color in that area so the couple will stand out.  Finally I used some pre-printed words  to write a poem about the couple.

I'll finish my post with a few views from the 4 mile (6.4 km) walk my daughter and I took on  Mother's Day morning. How about some sunbathing turtles?

This Canada goose was busy eating.

This sky speaks for itself.

This next one is not a great photo, but there was a small group of Eastern Kingbirds a long one stretch of the trail. This one was the only one brave enough where I could get even slightly close for a photo. (I just had my phone with me that morning.)

And can you see this spiky guy sitting in the tree?  I’m glad we didn’t have the dogs with us because I’m sure one of them would want to check out this porcupine.

I love seeing fern fiddleheads popping open. These look like they will continue to unwrap even in this still photo.  (Just a note, not all fiddleheads are edible.)

And our turn around spot is this beach. We went early, and except before we just returned to the car, the trail was quiet and empty.

Have a great middle of your week. 


  1. Hi Erika, thanks fo your fun page today, you got me at his meatballs, too funny! Glad you were able to have a lovely walk with your daughter, it looks lovel. I had a nice walk today, but only to my docto and back - at least I got my daily steps done! HAVe a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. ...Erika, thanks for taking me along on your nature hike. Keep the music playing.

  3. It has been man years since I saw a porcupine, Erika, so I am really quite envious. Better not to get too close though! All the best - David

  4. Love the page, so happy!
    And a great walk, too, thank you for sharing, hugs and to a great rest of the week, hugs

  5. That spiky guy looks cute. What was he doing up there? The page looks sweet and cute.

  6. What a great walk with your daughter! The porky sighting is pretty cool, not every day you get to see one of those.

  7. Fun page. Love the dancing couple. Beautiful walk. Cool that you had it all to yourself. The sky reflected on the lake is gorgeous. I heard it got to 80 in Manchester yesterday. I hope you enjoyed some of that heat. We're back to grey skies, cooler temps, and rain.

  8. Good morning, I really enjoyed your page Happy mid week
    Hugs Kathy

  9. Really fun page with the bright colored background and music sheet! After reading the words and looking at your couple, it reminds me of that movie "The Mask"...if you know what I'm talking about! LOL I love it and thanks for the smile today!

  10. Lovely art and poetry. Peaceful photos.

  11. I like the art piece. I hear it singing to me, inviting me to dance ☺️

    Nice wildlife photos.

  12. This is a super fun page. I really like the people -- they have great expressions. And the orange is so happy! Beautiful outside pix too! Yes, I think spring MIGHT really stick around.

  13. Great page and photos Erika! I love your poem.

  14. Seeing a porcupine is really neat. I’m sure they live around here, but I’ve never seen one. Your walk looks really lovely.
    best, mae

  15. You got me at meatballs too hee hee... what a super image, the orange really gives it that extra spice ;)
    Nice way to spend Mother's Day together with your Daughter, sorry I've not been able to get online and come visit it's been a very difficult week with my own Mom's care :(
    Thank you for the extra pics Hugs Tracey xx

  16. Fun page and poem. I LOVE your photos, Erika. Especially those with the sky. Hugs, my friend.

  17. I so enjoyed your page this morning, it really brightened my day. Love the colour and the music and the couple are fantastic. What a great stamps that is.
    Thanks for the photos from your walk - very interesting.
    Hugs, Neet xx (I'll be late this week)

  18. Oh I dunno, you could probably do an entire journal with those words as entertaining as this page is! That should use them up, hopefully.
    Lots of wildlife and a nice walk.
    Have a great rest of your week, xoxo


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