Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wrapping up May at AJJ

 Hi everyone.

    May is quickly winding down. I don't know what has become of this month, but I think my month has been mostly about my garden. I might be weird, but I love all the work it takes to get it going. However now I am definitely ready to sit back and just enjoy it. Well an occasional weeding will probably be necessary and hopefully I'll have some harvests too.😏

     As we are reaching the end of the month, Valerie and I will be wrapping up our joint challenge at Art Journal Journey. I had a lot of fun sharing this month with my friend Valerie. Thank you for inviting me to be your co-host. And thank you to everyone who joined in. I loved reading all the poetry everyone shared, and it made me want to move my  poetry books  off of the top shelf of my bookcase.

      For my last page I have a quote from something Friday Kahlo wrote. I knew when I saw this magazine photo exactly what I wanted to do with my page, and luckily, I even had this stamp to do it.

And yes I know this lady is not Freda Kahlo, but I like  how she is facing. That's why I put the quote where I did. It looks like she had just said it.

     I'm not sure this quote is actually a poem, but it is a very poetic line, and since poems can be very short, I am going to call it a poem. 😉

You have until the end of the month to join in to our challenge.  
Thanks for stopping by my blog. 


  1. ...perhaps this is Freda in a younger day.

  2. Lovely page! -Christine

  3. I will join you in your challenge, but only visually and live vicariously through your skills.

  4. Freda was poetry! I love your last page, I have one more for tomorrow, a d I need to finish the one for the new challenge! I have a temperature and a lot of pain just now, so I am resting in bed. Hugs!

  5. Nice collage.
    You implemented the little “poem” wonderfully.
    I wish you a happy last two days of May. And then June... it will be wonderful.

  6. It's a lovely page.

    I do agree May has zoomed by so quickly, make sure you sit a while in your garden during June :)

    All the best Jan

  7. I'm with you, I love getting the garden ready. There is work to it and I really like that. Your art piece is really lovely. Have a great weekend.

  8. So nice you enjoy your garden (work) - and I love that page, too!
    Frida Kahlo sure is still everywhere :-)
    On murals, on bags, on posters - she was quite a woman!
    Have a happy last day of May, hugs

  9. I'd call it a poem too, and I love the way the woman looks at it. Very nice theme this month, got my mind to think poetically. I know you had so much fun out tending to your beds after such a long winter. I mean, ya haveta when ya haveta, as we say down here. Nature's on its own timetable and Nature is such enjoyment when we pay attention. Enjoy the fruits of your attention, xoxo

  10. A beautiful page, I love the quote and all those feet Erika.
    Enjoy your garden. I love all the colour in ours this time of year.
    Alison xx

  11. Fun composition.

    May has flown, hasn't it! I never did get some of my garden tasks done *sigh*


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