Friday, June 14, 2024

By the Ocean in Greece

 Hi everyone. I am posting today for Nicole's Friday Face Off   and also Gillena's  Friday Lunch Break . I hope you aren't sick of Greece photos. 😏 Sorry if you are. I'm not quite done yet, but getting there. Today's photos take us mostly along the shore on our way back towards Athens. Our destination was Delphi, but our plan that day was to take a leisurely drive down along the coast after leaving Corfu. We had  spent the previous night  in Igoumenista, the town where the Corfu ferry came into.  On our drive we had some beautiful views along the way. 

And sometimes those views included boat basins or harbors. 

And sometimes we came across little towns nestled along the water.

I don't feel that every trip photo has to be perfect, because every photo tells a story. You'll have to excuse these next few photos since I was sitting in the backseat of the moving car when I snapped them. There was no place to pull over otherwise I would have shared that view.

And for some faces for Friday Face Off, we had some fun at a beach we stopped at.

We decided to stand in a triangle and take photos of us at each corner. I'm not sure what we expected them to come out like, but whatever it was, it wasn't very exciting. 😏

But they work for Friday Face-Off.

That's all for me today.  Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. The coast is gorgeous. I think you needed more time there to take advantage of all that Greece has to offer. Perhaps one day you will return. All the best - David

  2. ...thanks Erika for the fabulous mini tour. I wish you a a wonderful weekend.

  3. I love the little towns nestled along the water, and the photos of the small ships tied up in port. That would be an ideal lifestyle for families where the children have moved into their own homes, or when retirement is calling.

  4. The beach views are amazing and I am totally with you about the perfection of travelling pictures though yours are GREAT! (You are being too modest, Erika.)

  5. You always make me happy with your lovely photos, so keep them coming! I thought I could symell the sea as I looked at the pic, strange but nice. I'm staying home today as I'm very shaky and it'ss a good excuse for a feet-u-and-read afternoon Hugs, Valerie

  6. Erika thanks for sharing these wonderful photos at Art For Fun Friday


  7. Greece is a place I’d like to visit, but doubt that will ever happen. Your pictures are the closest I will get there. Keep the pictures coming. Sounds like some storms rolling through later today. Stay safe.

  8. Your trip continues to be very entertaining — nice photos!
    best, mae at

  9. I've really enjoyed seeing your photos and I'm so happy you've done a great job taking them and so many...I'm never that great at remembering to do this as I think I'm fully involved wherever I go and forget about everything else! LOL Thanks for sharing!

  10. Great photos Erica!
    Thanks for sharing them.
    Corfu has a lot of green,
    so does Igoumenitsa!

  11. Gorgeous photos...thank you very much. I was pleased to see.
    A hug for you.

  12. LOL - I still have heaps of Perth and Freo and... "area" pictures to share and I will NOT get sick of holiday pictures from anywhere, either!!

    And especially Greece as my doctor is from there and such a nice and honest man! He´s more like a little Brother!
    Also love boats (two uncles as boat-engineers) and the ocean (too far away).

    I have a pic somewhere where Ingo took a pic of Grace and I taking pics of each other :-)

    Keep on sharing, please, hugs and to a great weekend!

  13. Beautiful photos of Greece ~ what a great trip for you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Thanks for sharing your lovely travel photos, Erika! I, too, shoot from a moving car ~ lol! The beach photos of good friends having fun are heartwarming. Have a happy week!

  15. Just gorgeous. I love all of these photos. Thank you for your support and joining FFO.

  16. Beautiful views every single one. I love your stop at the beach when you were standing in a triangle taking photos - even if the outcome might not have been very exciting, I think you had fun doing this and that is what counts, isn't it? Have a lovely week, Erika. Hugs - Carola

  17. What a great time you had. I'm glad you stopped at the beaches!

  18. Thank you for the little tour. Looks lovely and as I have never been there it was lovely for me to see.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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