Monday, June 17, 2024

T Stands for In the Garden

      Hi everyone. It's time for T once again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. Last week I had some friend time but forgot to take any photos. I went to my cousin's funeral and saw a lot of family, but I don't have photos from that. I also had my 2 mornings at the lake, but I don't really have to show anything for that either. I do have garden photos though, so that's what I'll share this week. 

My roses are usually in full bloom around July 4th, but this year they're a little early.

I've also got something going on with some of the leaves in a couple of my rose bushes. I finally got a hold of a spray that is bee safe. It's tougher to find, but since my bees visit the rose flowers, I don't want to kill them off. Most insect pesticides don't discriminate between bees and any other insect.

I have a patch of wild blackberries next to my driveway. The flowers are just about done, but you can see the blackberries starting to form.

The milkweed has gotten tall and will flower soon.

The garden plants are HUGE and have filled in nicely this year in my gardens.

And my second year bee hive is doing fantastic. This is the view from the top box, and the bottom one looks similar (but sorry, I didn't get a photo of that one). It's great to see what's going on in an established hive rather than only new hives.

I picked up some unpainted wooden birdhouses, and they've been painted. This past weekend my husband put them up for me. I'm also training my grape vine to grow onto my arbor. 

For my drink this week for T, I made a pitcher of cold tea that I'll put in a thermal jug and bring to the boat ramp with me.

We don't drink our well water which is why there's a jug in the photo. The cold water infusions aren't actually tea but dried fruit combinations. I let them soak overnight in cold water. 

That's all for me this week. I hope you have a super T day and week ahead. 


  1. Your garden looks lovely and the tea looks refreshing! -Christine

  2. Good morning your garden is sooo lovely. I have not tried to grow roses my Grandma always had some.
    I love the painted bird houses, and loved seeing your bees-so glad they survived the winter. perhaps honey this year?
    Have a good new week Hugs Kathy

  3. that a Fiestaware pitcher?

  4. You should open up your garden to visitors like Tower Hill. It's beautiful and looks so peaceful to walk around. Glad the bees are doing well, and I love the bird houses. Stay cool the rest of the week. Happy T Day

  5. Wow, you are having so much fun with your garden, love it!
    Hope y'all don't wilt this week. Saw the heat wave in the Northeast for the week, 95 in Manchester! I know that's a summer baking temp for y'all (here it's a merciful day time high), gosh I hope you have central a/c. We are at least getting a break on the temps with this tropical system thingy and the wind feels nice. Good week, xoxo

  6. Your garden looks wonderful, and a bit wild and natural, just lovely! Hope you find a good solution for your roses. Lovely that the bees are doing well! Look after yourself! Hugs!

  7. Mr. Bigfoot cannot hide ;-)
    Wow, looks like you have summer! Yippeee! (here still on hold)
    And to the bees! The houses look great, too.
    Here you would want hot tea... brr, my legs are cold.
    Either way, to the water and happy T-Day, hugs

  8. So happy to know that your bees are doing great! Your garden looks so nice.

  9. That reminds me I broke our teapot the other day, so it’s time for a visit to the thrift store. I am not a big fan of tea, but my wife is, so better replace the pot! All the best - David

  10. Your garden looks lovely. I’m amazed that everything grows so fast. One minute you have snow, the next, your garden is green and flowering.
    I’m glad the hives are doing so well.
    Those cold infusions are great. I have some in my bag now I’m travelling. I just put one in a water bottle.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. I'm enjoying time in your garden. What a great space! Your bees make me smile as do those colorful bird houses.

  12. Your garden is looking colorful, Erika, and the bees look like you will get s good supply of honey. Thanks for showing the cold infusion tea bags which I plan to look for on the ext grocery store outing. Boiling hot water to make ice tea is so time consuming and then I need to wait for it to cool. our way looks way easier!

  13. Your garden looks amazing and I love the fact that you have a bee hive. I should look into doing that again.

  14. It's great to see your garden and those busy bees! Hoping to get back for a catch up very soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. Love your beautiful garden. Serene and relaxing

  16. I am SO very sorry about getting here late. I truly intended to visit sooner, but I have been in so much pain, the only thing I've managed to do is use the toilet and sleep. It keeps the pain at a minimum when I sleep.

    Not only have you made art that has put mine to shame, your garden is absolutely stunning and puts my little patch to shame, too. I love the look. It reminds me of an English cottage garden.

    It's great to see your bees are doing so well their second year. Such a great difference from last year.

    Here in Wichita, we are under a water advisory. If we use too much water, we will be fined. Or if we use too much on the wrong day, we will be fined. However, my neighbor has a well and he set me up with an extension to his well. Now I can water my herbs to my heart's content with his well water. Not drinkable, like yours, but great for watering plants and such. Well water is good for something at least.

    Love that tea pitcher. I think Halle has a set of Fiesta ware. Nice to see you made tea with botanicals. Thanks for sharing your garden, roses, bees, and tea botanicals with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika. I'll play catch up later.

  17. Your garden is fantastic,
    these houses are very beautiful!
    Your roses are lovely and the bees are working.
    Your tea looks delicious!!

  18. It was lovely to spot Bigfoot as he stomps his way through the wooded area. Gorgeous photos of the flowers in your garden and I just love the pop of colour with the bird houses on the arbour. It must be a pleasure to walk through your garden and woodland area.
    Good to see the bees are thriving and they look very busy making lots of honey for you. It's nice to know after all that work in trying to keep them warm over winter it paid off.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Lovely selection of photographs showing your garden.
    So pleased that your bees are thriving, that is good news.

    All the best Jan

  20. My dad was a bee keeper and was often called on to go save a swarm, scarrry when he brought them home in the back of his van with nothing between me and them! Lovly pictures...if I had a bigger garden I might concider adding a monkey too!Sorry I'm so late not at home this week...Happy late T day ((Lyn))

  21. back again... sorry I meant Big Foot, of course! I Googled Fiestaware pitcher, and they are lovely but a bit pricy for me! Something to put on a wish list maybe! once again, Happy very Late T day ((Lyn))


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