Thursday, June 6, 2024

These Things Make Me Happy

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. It's raining today (or should be at some point at least) which is OK with me because I need an inside day! 😏

Today I'm back with a journal page for Matilde's What Make You Happy challenge at Art Journal Journey

This page makes me happy for several reasons:
1) I love the sunflowers just peeking up over the bottom of the page. Sunflowers are one of my favorites.
2) I hand drew in the rolling fields, and I'm really pleased with how they came out
3) I'm also pleased with how the colors worked. This page (other than the plane, clouds and flowers) are painted with watercolors.
4)Many years ago  I  was able to go for a flight in a little vintage open cockpit plane. It was really amazing, and I don't even like heights. I even was able to take the controls for just a couple of minutes. The plane on my page reminds me of that happy adventure. 
5) I love beautiful scenery and flowers.
6) And I love stamping words on a page.

I also want to share a tag for Valerie's Colors challenge at Tag Tuesday. Color makes me happy, so I think this tag works great with the title of my post today. 👍

I tried not to add too many images because I wanted to keep my focus on all the colors in the background. I used watercolor paints, some green die cut trim and some various colored rhinestones.

That's all for me today. I hope you have a good one.


  1. I am quite sure that flying in an open cockpit plane would scare the daylights out of me! Glad you had the experience though. All the best - David

  2. I had a friend in high school whose father had one of those old crop duster type planes. I got to go up in it and it was fun and scary at the same time. Lucky you! I can see why this made you happy and it is great for Matilde's theme at AJJ, too.

    Wow, that's a coloprful tag. Lots of great colors!

  3. Both pages are beautiful. Flying with an open cockpit plane probably would scare the $hit out of me...LOL You are very brave!

  4. ...last night we finally received some rain, life is good. Erika, stay happy.

  5. Rain? Wow. It's been hot where I live.

    BTW, I like your new blog header.

  6. Rolling fields make me happy too! -Nice tag. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot .com

  7. Love that bright tag. Also the thinking behind the page in your journal. Yes, the rolling hills are great, sunflowers should make everyone smile they are so sunny even on a wet day. Not sure about the plane bit as it made me remember my first (and last) parachute jump. I think there was a roof on the plane but there was no door and I had to step out onto a kind of step. Perhaps the broken leg had something to do with my not so happy memory.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Wow on your page and wow on steering a plane! Or even going on it! Chapeau!
    To having colorful fun!!! Hugs to that

  9. Your scene turned out fantastic! I love the colors on your tag as well as they cool background! Nicely done!

  10. Hi Erika, love your colourful works today- The field and sunflowers are lovely, but I would not want to sit in that plane! The tag is colourful and GORGEOUS, thanks so much, I love it. Enjoy your inside day, I think I will try for an inside weekend, that would be great! Hugs, Valerie

  11. I like your happy making art! Aloha

  12. There's a lot to bring happiness there. I'd give that plane ride a try if I had a chance.

  13. LOVE your colors. And sending good wishes for Maddie.

  14. If I were to pick a favorite flower, I think it would be the sunflower. Love seeing fields with thousands of them. An open cockpit plane ride sounds exhilarating. That would be an experience of a lifetime.

  15. You should be pleased, great job on those hills and your page. Also your tag. You are braver than I as far as the plane riding goes. I guess the rain left us and went to visit you. Right now at 5:30pm it's 92F but thankfully only 54% humidity so not too bad. XOX

  16. So many things that make you happy! You described them so wonderful and made such a beautiful page!

  17. Your calendar page is amazing!! It is very good to recognize what makes us happy!! The plane ride remained a beautiful life experience, the sunflowers look at the sun (here the top of the page), the words you stamp.. all this and so much more makes you happy!!

  18. Wow well done you on the journal page, you are so talented Erika! I love the colours on your tag. So pretty! Thanks for joining us this fortnight at Tag Tuesday.

  19. A lovely page and colourful tag :)

    All the best Jan


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