Thursday, July 11, 2024

Buttons, Lace and Flowers

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday  to you.   I hope you are having a nice week. I was hoping my week would be quieter than last week was,  and it is, but only a little bit. However, today I actually have a whole day open-hurrah! 😏

Today I also have another journal page for Halle's "I've Got a Notion" challenge at Art Journal Journey.

    I started my page by first embossing the image in the center of the page. I embossed on brown paper, and then I rubbed both black and then gold ink over it to highlight the sewing notions on it.  I also die cut the dress form, and then I stamped that piece with some flowers using some white pigment ink.

     I stamped  the page with the same flower image in pink, and then  I took a scrap of some printed paper and attached it on the right. I added the embossed image and "stitched" around it with a white pen. I also added a couple of tiny little die cut thread spools and a die cut needle and thread.  I took a scrap of some yellow flower trim and glued it down, then added the die cut dress form. I die cut  some white paper to make the lace along the bottom.  I added some actual buttons, and then, after digging through some of my stash, I found this ancient cloth clothing style label.  I remember buying a package of these labels (that had various words printed on them) back in my scrapbooking days in the late 1990's or early 2000's. I think an old company called Making Memories produced them. 

     And how about a few garden photos to finish off this post?  I'm really happy with my gardens this year (so far), except for 1) the Japanese beetles invading my roses (and I can't spray because my bees visit the plants and bug sprays don't discriminate between beetles and bees) and 2) some bulbs I planted in my shade garden that the chipmunks have totally eaten.  But at least no woodchuck (so far) this year mass destroying plants. 👍

Don't look too close because it's time to weed once again, but our temperatures have been too hot for too much garden time.

My lawn doesn'r look great, but you can see the whole garden here. The building is my husband's workshop that came with the house when we bought it. It needs a new roof and a paint job too.

My one rosebush that seems to be untouched by anything is my climbing rose. It is a very happy plant. This year I planted some creeping thyme underneath it. 

Even my potted asparagus fern is flowering this year. I bring it inside every winter and put it out during the nice weather. It looked pretty scraggly a month ago, but even in this close up photo you can see it has filled back in. 

Have a super day.


  1. Japanese Beetles can be a problem, of that there is no doubt, but not spraying is the right decision. I hope that your bees deliver a bumper crop of honey as your reward. All the best - David

  2. Good morning-so beautiful wth all of the blooms
    hugs Kathy

  3. Your garden looks really great now! Have never seen asparagus ferns pretty!

  4. ...your astilbes are the stars of the show.

  5. Cute page. I especially like the button. Your garden looks so lush. This tropical weather certainly has made gardens take off. Stay cool and dry today

  6. Love your page - and your garden - so wonderful!!!!
    This is the time of the year, yippeee! Hugs to that!

  7. Your garden is totally rocking it! I never see that many blooms anywhere in "real people" gardens -- and yours look so healthy and tidy and well tended. Well done, Erika!

  8. Your page is wonderful Erika!
    And your garden is looking beautiful too.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Alison xx

  9. Lovely embossed page and gorgeous garden! I love free days -Christine

  10. I love you page Erika! I've been digging deep in my old supplies as well, deciding what is even worth keeping and trying to incorporate into my current style. Growth is good but I still hate that I have so many supplies that I could a, would a, should a used.
    Your gardens are just lovely...and I appreciate the rustic character of the workshop.

  11. Erika, I can't find your email address in your profile and I will leave the bread spice question you asked on my blog here. (you don't have to publish this comment) I think you can even find it on amazon, but I am not sure. It's very popular here in Germany adding the spices to the hearty bread and sourdough.
    Recipe of Brotgewürz
    2 tbsp cumin seeds
    2 tbsp anise seeds
    2 tbsp fennel seeds
    2 tbsp coriander seeds
    Grind them together!

  12. It's a good thing chipmunks are so cute else we'd be at war with them. Your flowers are lovely. I know your bees are in heaven having all this so close. I like how well planted your space is. I gave up on asparagus fern. It dropped so much during the winters inside it was just more than I wanted to clean up after.

  13. Love the way the pattern looks against your page and the wonderful dimension you added to this! Great inspiration you have for this prompt at AJJ! Your flower garden looks beautiful!

  14. I love your journal page, ad the embossed panel in the centre is a great idea. I have that die, too, but where?! Your garden is beautiful, it must be a lot of work to keep it up! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  15. What a fabulous embossing folder that is, perfect for this challenge. I bet it has come in useful over the time you have had it. Love the way you stamped the flowers on the dress form and then repeated the, in the main part of your page. A lovely entry for AJJ.
    Love seeing your garden and a selection of flowers. How lovely that hubby has a shed so big to escape to. We all need somewhere to shut ourselves off at times. Glad you are having to be mindful of your bees, they are so precious and need looking after. I don't see that many, well, that I know of.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I don't think I have heard of gold ink before. It worked very delicately and well.

  17. You went all out on this entry!! From embossing to a die cut, this page oozes charm. It's a great entr9y for Halle's theme at AJJ.

    I am SO envious of your beautiful gardens. I would give anything for even 1/4 what you have accomplished. You truly rock when it comes to gardening,

  18. What a fabulous post Erika - your journal page is a joy to see! I loved reading about your problems- sorry, but woodchucks and chipmunks sound great to me, although I suppose they must cause quite a lot of damage, hugs Chrisx


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