Friday, July 26, 2024

My Greece Travel Journal

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. I hope everyone has had a great week and will have a nice weekend ahead. Today I am linking up to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break and Nicole's Friday Face Off.

Last week I finished up and bound my Greece travel journal. Some of you already know, but for those who don't, I save lots of scraps from my trip, and when I get home I like to make a journal about my trip. It's not exactly a scrapbook, and I rarely include photos. I try my hand at making scenes; I do a bunch of collage, and there's also some stamping too.

Let me show you my cover and bound journal first.

     I used a blue fat quarter of fabric to cover an old book cover. I cut the cover boards off of the book by removing the spine and pages, then I added the fabric to both cover pieces. After the matte medium dried, I stenciled on some Greek letters, added a die cut of a wreath (to mimic a laurel or olive wreath), and then I added this evil eye applique. I found the applique marked down on a sale rack after I was home from the trip. The back is similar to this front except for there is only the stenciled blue fabric cover. 

I tried something different for the binding this time. It's a little  flexible, but overall I like it. I took some more of the blue fabric, folded it over a few times and added some rigid sewing interfacing to it. All that is sewn together. It's a little shorter than the front and back covers, but I did that on purpose because I thought it would look nice to have the edges of the pages sticking out on the top and bottom. I used some super sticky tape to attach it to the front and back covers, and then I took some blue bookbinding tape (which I bought for this project) to hold it together. If you've never used bookbinding tape it is great stuff. It is very sticky fabric  tape, and it can be used for a book binding by itself.

You can see from the binding that this journal is quite thick. You can also see where I stitched in the signatures of my journal (using wax book binding thread). Then I stitched in this blue and white "bracelet that I got for free in Athens. On one end, where you would tie it around your wrist, I added some beads from my stash.

     Since I am linking up to Nicole's Friday Face Off, let me share some "faces" from this journal. These are mostly snippets of pages and not the whole page. These first few pages include some postcards I bought or snippets of postcards that I cut apart.

On this next page I added this stamped image after I found the rubber stamp in my stash (I forgot I even had it). Of course I had to add him to the book. 

And this bakery bag came from a breakfast treat in Corfu. The owl is from a bookmark I bought.

And more postcard creations.

Here's an image I printed off the internet. I learned about St. Barbara when I visited Meteora.

Does the Starbucks face look familiar to anyone? My daughter wanted one of their mugs that said Greece. This is off the bag it came in.

The tour groups in this next photo were not at the Acropolis when I visited. I cut this photo out of an old book because it worked well.

And finally, a patch I did buy in Athens, but I added the little glass pieces to the eyes.

I still have some Greece photos to share which I will hopefully get back to soon.
Have a super weekend ahead. 



  1. I am sure that it’s a fine repository of memories from your trip, to be taken down on a snowy winter’s night to relive the pleasure. Well done! All the best - David

  2. I can tell that you have invested lots of work in this journal. Excellent job, Erika.

  3. Hi Erika. A very interesting handmade book. Great over with the stencilled greek letters, lovely pages with greek gods, and I certainly love your greek/roman stamp. Santa Barbara is very respected in Greece, her body is in Italy. If you need a mug saying Greece, or anything else, just let me know. Big hugs, my friend.

  4. You have made another wonderful album, and I am sure you will enjoy reading them again in the years to come! Love the binding, too! Hugs, Valerie

  5. That is quite a memorable and creative travel journal, Erik, as so many of your usually are and this one is sure to bring back many happy memories when looked at in future years.

  6. Very interesting journal pages

    Thanks for linking to AFFF


  7. This is a great and very creative way to preserve your memories of a beautiful and exciting trip, Erika. I like the cover of the book, but I like the inside even more! I'm sure that whenever you look at it, all the memories will flood back. I usually put all the memorabilia of a trip in my regular journal. Have a lovely weekend, hugs - Carola

  8. Unique creations and fun post ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Great traveling journal, interesti and fun pictures together šŸ‘šŸ¤©
    Enjoy a weekend my friend šŸŒ·šŸŒæ

  10. This is just beautiful. What a wonderful way to keep the memories. Thank you so much for sharing it all with FFO.

  11. Big, big WOW! That book cover is amazing and the content is wonderful!!! You are so creative, I went through this with delight! Thank you for sharing this!
    Have a happy weekend, hugs

  12. What an amazing journal Erika! The cover and pages are all beautiful, and such a lovely reminder of your trip.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  13. Fabulous book especially the cover. I love that Evil Eye and the way you sewed the binding. Another glorious day. enjoy

  14. This is a beauty! Well done, Erika. It looks beautiful and you can tell the great amount of work that went into it. Might it be one of your best? It's certainly looking that way to me!

  15. I was impressed with both the cover and the gods you shared. I had NO idea there were so many. I absolutely love this.

  16. Very creative! And timely with the Olympics starting today.

  17. Wow, your book looks awesome and I'm loving all of the different pages you've made for it! I'm sure this was so much fun to put together and going over it again to remember the happy moments too! Thanks for sharing!

  18. The perfect shade of blue for the cover and that eye is fabulous along with the lettering.
    You have put a great deal of effort into making this travel book and I am sure you will have many happy times opening it and reliving the journey.
    Love the guy in the toga and the little bird sitting on top of the Grecian column. These little humorous touches are great dotted about.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Your travel journal looks so wonderful, Erika! The blue is beautiful and the cover art is just perfect. Such a creative way to keep all the bit and pieces of souvenirs together.


  20. I love that binding, and the pages are all wonderful!


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