Sunday, July 7, 2024

On the Ocean

     Hi everyone. I hope you're having a great weekend.  Last week with my husband off from work, we went out a few times in his boat. I always try to remember to bring my camera with me, because I never know what we'll see. On a rare occasion we've even seen whales  (but sadly we missed the humpback in one of the coves we often go into that has now headed back out to sea)  Sometimes we even take little excursions to another harbor or out to the Islands off the coast called the Isles of Shoals. We haven't taken any excursions so far this year, but today  I have a few photos that I took that I like.

The colors and reflections in the water one day caught my eye.

And it's not unusual to see bald eagles out on our journeys, but usually they are too far off to photograph. This one was just about all my zoom could capture.

The same for this osprey.

And I always like watching the tugboats at work. There were a couple of ships last week that came up the river

including one that was so large it needed 3 tugs.

And ha ha. Would you love this statue of Neptune in your yard?

We counted 19 cranes at the Naval Shipyard.  Here's a few.

More tugs back in their dock.

And some peaceful views to wrap up this post.

I'm linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles. Have a great rest of your weekend.


  1. ...Erika, thanks for showing me this beautiful part of the country.

  2. Looks like you had a great time out in the boat. I am amazed that I don’t see a single gull. All the best - David

  3. This is wonderful.I would love to be by the ocean again. The first photo with those wonderful colours is my fave, so beautiful! And to see Eagles, fantastic! Have a great week to come, hugs, Valerie

  4. Good morning-I enjoyed your post-
    Happy Sunday

  5. That's plenty of cranes. You for sure had a great time!

  6. Amazing photos! I love the eagle. How lovely to get out on the boat!
    Have a wonderful week.
    Alison xx

  7. Great photos. It looks beautiful there. (I like that nautical statue.)

  8. By the ocean is always such a happy place. So much to see. Love the tugboats. I hope you're staying cool this week.

  9. Really gorgeous photos! I love the reflective sea waves! Glad you had a nice peaceful time on the boat ride!

  10. What fun! And I can see why you always want your camera with you.

  11. oh what lovely scenes. Thanks for linkibg to SundaySmiles


  12. Great photos, the tugboats are nice too but I really like the last photos with the sailboats in the calm ocean!!
    I also like the eagles and the deep blue of the ocean!
    Have a nice week!

  13. Great photos Erica...i want to see a beautiful ocean like this too...have a nice week ^^

  14. Interesting shore places, thanks for sharing.
    I got lot of old memories, when my husband and I took long sailings far in the ocean. That is long time ago.
    Have a wonderful new week ahead xx

  15. I love it when the tugs snuggle up to help the larger ships move in or out of port correctly. The bigger ships should be very grateful for all that tugging and sweating.

  16. Super photos from your away times on the boat, I've enjoyed my catch up Erika.
    Have a good rest of the week.

  17. The waves on that open photo are so mesmerizing. It looks like you've had wonderful weather and I'm so glad you can get out on the boat. You saw some wonderful stuff and just being out on the water is so much fun! I miss a boat!

  18. Dear Erika,
    I always like harbor and water atmospheres. The tugboats are great photo subjects. It's a shame that it didn't work out with the whale, but it's good that you were able to photograph the birds. Very nice, your pieceful views, especially the first one really appeals to me!

    All the best, Traude

  19. Ohhhhhh, wonderful!
    I love the ocean! Thank you for sharing (we are too far away).
    Hehe, I sat in Neptune´s hand, see here, if you like.

    Great trip, I enjoyed this, hugs

  20. I was impressed by the tugboats and the Neptune sculpture. What a fabulous way to relax. I love the open water.

  21. Great photos Erika.
    Yes, the sea photo (1st one) is beautiful and I can well imagine using a print as a background. In fact it would have been ideal for a little book I have just done.
    Love the tugs especially and I do like how you take us out, we see lots and then you bring us back to peaceful waters to calm us down.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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