Monday, July 22, 2024

T Stands for Some Snippets

 Hi everyone. Happy T day to everyone who stops by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  for our Monday T day.

    Last week was another busy week for me, and I'm slowly catching up on blog comments. Much of of last week was also quite hot. I'm writing this Monday, and we're back to normal summer weather where it's hot but not so terribly humid.  I feel like I can get back to my "normal" summer activities and not have to stick inside where the AC is. 👍 I hope this weather lasts, but it looks like we might get a lot of rain and some more humidity this week. (Which means I can catch up on blogging and art making too. 😏 Plus it's so dry, my garden would love the extra water.)

Here's some snippets from last week.

Look at this cute little fawn and their mama. They were on the road on my way to work at the lake one morning, and they posed long enough that I could stop the car and take their photo.

This 7 AM photo from my spot at the boat ramp (where I work a couple of mornings during the week) shows that it was going to be a sunny and  hot day. 

           Also last week my sunflower was blooming.

And I went for an exciting boat trip. More about that another post.

     And if you read my Sunday post, you might remember that I mentioned that we had a small family get together and brought my mother-in-law over to her house. She lives in an assisted living now as she doesn't maneuver around very well and needs a lot of care.  Her house is now in a family trust, and the 3 kids (of which my husband is one) are now sharing the house and taking care of it. 

      Although my mother-in-law gets confused about things (like she thought  we were celebrating her birthday, which we were not), she had a glorious day and asked me if we could do it again next weekend. I told her we would see, but I think since it was a good day that maybe it will happen again this summer. It does take several people to do this because she can't get into the house or around without 2 people due to the steps.

      One of my mother-in-law's favorite meals is lobster, so that's what we decided to have for dinner. And she still has a great sense of humor, as you can see in this photo when she is imitating the lunch lobsters. 😀

           For T day drink this week, here's my lobster, and you can see a Diet Coke that I'd been working on for a couple of days. I also had some yummy potato salad  that the chef brother-in-law made, as well as some corn on the cob. And it was nice enough to eat outside too, which the day even more pleasant.

As you can see it was a good week.
That's all for me. I hope you have a super T day and week ahead. 



Tom said... live in a neat neck of the woods!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

If I don't water my herbs every day, they get stressed. I know what you mean by humid!

Sweet photo of mother and fawn. I would hate to be at the lake in extreme heat like we had last week. You are brave.

Looks like your MIL had a great time, even if she thought it was her birthday. Nice she still has a sense of humor, something many dementia patients do not have.

What a feast. That was a meal; fiot for a queen. I don't understand how it takes you two days to down a diet Coke, though. Mine would be gone in a flash.

Thanks for sharing your week with us, as well as your diet Coke, for T this week, dear Erika.

Christine said...

A yummy lobster dinner! So glad your mother in law enjoyed the occasion

Divers and Sundry said...

Love the "snippets". The deer made for a pretty pair for the photo. You have such a beautiful place to work and play. I'm glad your mil and the family had such a good time.

It rains all around us, but we're not getting much of it. Summers are humid here anyway...

Mae Travels said...

You are very good to your MIL. She seems to be totally enjoying her day at the lakeside house.
Lobster sounds delicious.
best, mae at

Angie's Recipes said...

Lobsters!!! I want some too :-)) The 7am lake view looks stunning, Erika.

Iris Flavia said...

Cute pic of the fawn and Mom!
And such a wonderful scene by the water. I keep smiling here! Wonderful sunflower.

Good you all take care of your MIL.
To another great week!! Happy T-Day, hugs

Let's Art Journal said...

Loving all your snippets and it looks like you've been busy! How lovely to spend time with your MIL, and that lobster dinner looks so yummy 😊. All your nature photos look so peaceful, loving the little fawn with it's mother and the lake looks perfect for a hot summer's day. Take care and sending you Happy T Tuesday wishes! Hugs, Jo x

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I should check for fresh corn locally. I’m sure it is available by now, and we have already made potato salad a couple of times. I’m happy that your mother-in-law had such a good time and I hope that you bring her out to the house again soon. All the best - David

CJ Kennedy said...

The Mama and her fawn are so pretty. So cool she waited for you to take her photo. Sounds like a wonderful get together with your MIL. So nice that you all gave her a lovely outing. Rain and humidity most of the week. Sounds like the weather will be great for the weekend. Happy T Day

Soma @ said...

Glad you hear that your mother in law had a great time. That is a beautiful photo of mom and the baby and the sunflower is so lovely!


Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed your snippets post and lovely photographs.
That little fawn and mama is just beautiful.

Jeanie said...

This sounds just wonderful, Erika, and I'm so glad your MIL could enjoy her own home and space (and favorite dinner, too!) In fact, that would be MY favorite dinner! It looks like a perfect day and I know it did her good, even if a bit confused.

jinxxxygirl said...

Erika it looks like you had a Super week! I'm so glad you all had a good time with your Mother in law.. She looks happy to be there. Lobster yum! Hope you had a happy T day! Hugs! deb

Lisca said...

How wonderful that your M-I-L had such a good time. I must admit that lobster looks amazing!
Good to hear you had a good week too.
Sorry I'm late. I have visitors and hardly a moment to myself.
Have a great weekend,

Neet said...

How wonderful to catch that photo of the fawn and her mother.
And how wonderful to see your mother in law enjoying herself, birthday or not.
I am always amazed at the amount of lobster I see on your blogs. I love lobster but here it is quite expensive, and that is 'when' you see it on the menu. How I envy you with those lobster rolls I see you relishing. Oh Erika, wish I was up to travel these days.
Hugs, Neet xx