Tuesday, July 2, 2024

T Stands for Wrapping Up June

      Hi everyone. Happy new month to everyone. We're into the second half of 2024-wow! And it 's July, which means (at least here in New Hampshire) summer is really here.  And happy T day to everyone who stops by with their drink related photos at Bleubeard’s and Elizabeth’s blog.

      June was another fun and busy month for me. Besides my usual keep-me-busy activities, I had a few fun adventures last month too.

    I went to the beach one morning before my dentist appointment. (My dentist is about 10 minutes away from the beach.) I went early in the day, took a beach walk and sat and read for a while.  

     It still wasn't super crowded when I left for an 11 AM teeth cleaning, but a couple of hours on the beach is all I need.

     This (above) is not a very good photo, but I only had my phone with me. While walking and reading on the beach I was watching a couple of badly eagles feeding and then chilling out on these rocks just offshore. No one else seemed to notice them.  The week I went to the beach I saw bald eagles on 4 different days. It was pretty awesome to see so many eagles.👍

      We finally put my husband's boat into the water last month too.  On our first trip out we went fishing. We started fishing for mackerel which we put into the live-well in my husband's boat. The live well fills with water and pumps oxygen to the fish to keep them alive. We used a couple of these fish for bait, and after we finished for the day we released the others back into the ocean. 

    We then went striped bass fishing. I skunked my husband. 😀 ❤👍 Grin.  This guy is just a juvenile; the adults can grow as tall as me (60 inches or 152 cm), or  since I'm pretty short, even taller. He went back into the water because in New Hampshire (I believe all of New England) you can only keep fish who are 28-31 inches (71-78 cm) in size. It's part of the conservation program to protect the population. I probably would have released him anyhow, even though they are very tasty to eat.  And by the way, of all our mackerel, the one on my line was the only one to lose his life because this guy had him for dinner. 

One Saturday morning I dragged my husband strawberry picking. Not his favorite thing, but he does love fresh strawberries,

    We weren't even close to finish our picking when I took this photo. And below, part of the field we were picking in. I will say it was pricey this year to go picking, but these strawberries are way better than the grocery store variety.

This next picture is the photo I almost forgot to take. One Sunday for a late lunch I took my husband to Pop's. It wasn't very wonderful weather (but not raining), so we ate in his truck. But the weather meant there weren't any lines, plus it was like 2 in the afternoon so it was past the lunch crowd and before the dinner crowd. And no, my Diet Coke was not floating, I was holding it next to what's left of my lobster roll, the first of the season. They're still pricey this year although even grocery store whole lobsters are pricey this year so-far too. We brought our own drinks. 

   That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a lovely T day. If you're in the US., I'll wish you a happy early July 4th. And since I missed posting on Monday I hope my Canadian friends had a lovely Canada Day. And everyone, I hope you have a super week ahead.

    Just an FYI- I might get a bit behind commenting this week since my husband is on vacation. We're not going away anywhere, but I know he wants to go boating and do some other things, so therefore I might not have much computer time. 


  1. ...I'd love to spend as few day in you part of the world! Have a Jolly July.

  2. Ohhhh, your beach! A bit crowded, but so nice. Your fishes are huge!!!
    Ingo once got a mackerel in Carnarvon, Western Australia. He liked it. Me.... not at all...
    You look happy and Pop´s... take any chance, I´d say!

    If boating is not a holiday, I don´t know what - enjoy!!!! Hugs!

  3. Your beach photos are wonderful to see from a landlocked spot here in Michigan! When I was a child (growing up in landlocked Missouri) that’s how I imagined a beach would look.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Wow -- well done on the berry picking and fish. That fish is fantastic. I don't remember the last time I was fishing. And your lobster roll - sigh. If only I could jump into the photo and steal it from you, like some hungry gull!

  5. You always have some fun things going on! I so love strawberries! YUM!!

  6. I enjoyed your beach photos, and wow very nice fish! I used to do a lot of berry picking too so much cheaper as well and kinda fun. nothing near us anymore. enjoy! Hugs Kathy

  7. LOL if hubby likes to eat strawberries, then it only fair he go picking.
    Well, congrats on your fishing success. I know more than a few who always throw back but enjoy it anyway. And think, no cleaning, haha. I always made Honey do that outside and then his dad would go all the time and cleaning and fillet and bag so much that we got plenty of fish for years. I miss it.
    And yay for Pops, life loves a lil splurge now and then! Good week, xoxo

  8. I want a beach 🤣 but I'd have to travel far to get to one. Your photos will keep me smiling. You just can't beat fresh fruit.

  9. You are so lucky to live near a beach and water. It must be great to walk on a nearly empty beach like CJ did. And you have the advantage of seeing bald eagles, too. But you also have the advantage of owning a boat, so you can be ON the water, too. Lovely fish capture.

    Strawberries! I know you like to make a day of it, like shopping for a Christmas tree each year. These look so pretty.

    Your first lobster roll of the year. It looks lovely. I suspect it went well with your diet coke. Thanks for sharing your end of June with us and your lobster roll and diet coke for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  10. Picking fresh strawberries is wonderful! Those berries are so flavorful. I never buy strawberries in a grocery store, I get them at the farmers market from local farmers and they're delicious. I usually like the smaller ones and "my" Mexican señora has some lovely ones. You did well with your fishing! And lobster roll - yummy! Have a happy T day, Erika, and enjoy the vacation week with your hubby. Happy Fourth - Carola

  11. Lovely beach photographs.
    It's always fun to pick your own strawberries ...YUM!

    Have a happy month of July.

    All the best Jan

  12. Well done you having your lobster roll! I know you live them.
    Walking along the beach, going out fishing with your hubby and going strawberry picking. All fun things to do.
    When I was young my parents took us on a camping holiday. They didn't have much money so we stayed on this campsite at a strawberry farm. If you picked 4 baskets a day, you could camp for free, So we sat in the straw in between the rows, picking the berries and slowly moving back down the row with our bums, picking one basket each. Easy peasy. We had a transistor radio playing our fav music: 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. Happy days...
    Happy T-Day,

  13. Going to the beach early in the morning was the best time, Erika. We have talked about getting a license and going fishing, but just in a local river and that hasn't yet happened, most likely won't again this year. Patrick is very involved with ham radio events. We have never picked our own anything, but your haul looks like it was on the way to being a good one. Happy 4th to you and yours. A blog break is always a good thing, so no worries about not catching up.

  14. Beautiful beach,
    you caught a big fish!!
    Thank you!

  15. I wish my dentist was a stone's throw from the beach. It's the best feeling to walk along the beach and practically be the only person there. Congrats on your striped bass though I did feel bad for the mackerel that were used as bait. First lobster roll of the season. Yum! And the strawberries, too. Enjoy your vacation. You have a couple of days of fine weather. Happy T Day

  16. You are such a tease, with that lobster roll! I want one! Lovely photos of the eagles. I am so glad we don't have to pick our strawberries. We just get them from the store, and I am really enjoying them this Summer. I am eating them as we go, not even freezing any. So good on my cereal, and in our salads. Because I am so late, instead of wishing happy t day, I wish you a happy and safe 4th!


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