Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Already

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday (again) to everyone. Today I am linking up to Nicole's Friday Face Off  and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break .

First I want to share some Gelli printing I did. I was inspired by Lin who shared some pieces for the last couple of weeks. Thank you Lin for  explaining how you made your prints. It was much appreciated.

These wild strawberry leaves were my favorite leaf to work with. Here's a few other better ones from the big stack I made.

And besides these Gelli-pints, a few weekends ago my husband and I went to an antique boat and car show. There were more boats than cars,  but here's a few cars and yours truly too. This first car  really fascinated me. It's an early limo. Look at the length of that hood. I can't imagine trying to park it.

I also wonder what the driver would do when it rained and/or snowed.  I'm guessing there must have been a top over the front also?

Here's me with a car I wouldn't mind zipping around in during a beautiful summer day. This is my Face for Friday Face Off.

And this last car made me smile because  when my grandmother learned to drive at age 53, she bought herself a Chevy Chevelle. Not this convertible version, and hers was red with a black interior. It was her only car ever, and she drove it for over 20 + years. Seeing these always makes me think of her. ❤

That's all for me today.  Have a super weekend ahead. 


  1. What a fortunate to see so many vintage cars! I love how you played with the colours on those pages...very beautiful!

  2. I never liked those huge cars - too expensive to run and too much a boy's toy.

  3. I love your leaf prints. I have a Gelli plate but have never had great luck printing with it.

  4. Those prints are quite stunning. A very pleasing result indeed. All the best - David

  5. Love those leaf prints. Great idea.

  6. I LOVE your geli prints, especially the 2nd one as it has autumn colours. And those cars are dreamy! I would love to go for a drive in one! Hugs!

  7. Your gelli prints are gorgeous! The antique cars are fun. Most of them are so long, I would avoid parallel parking altogether. Pouring buckets here. Stay dry today

  8. Your gelliprints are really beautiful 🤩
    It seems to be a great show of old vehicles 🚘
    Enjoy the weekend 🌞

  9. Your prints are amazing! and Gorgeous-beautiful! I have never tried out the geli print method. These would be lovely framed to enjoy.
    Looks like a fun car-boat show. Have not seen a limo like that one before-happy friday

  10. I just watched some you tube videos about this using gelli plates-what size would you recommend to get? thanks and do you use acrylic painting papers for this?

    1. Thank you Erika for your reply. I was leaning towards the 8x10 I have a set of acrylic paints here already so I will try those. I watched a video today and she did not clean her plate either-and I watched another video-that wanted hers absolutely clean and she used packing tape to pull off the paint-that seemed like a costly expense not needed. I have seen some posts here but I didn't care for most of what I saw too modern for me--but I love your leaf prints so you have me inspired-thank you

    2. sorry one more question did you use leaf stencels or dried real leaves thanks

  11. Those gellis are fantastic. I have done this before and like it but never used the leaves. They're a make for a fabulous print. I can't wait to see what you do with them. All I could think when I saw that limo was "Where do the people sit?" Definitely not a party car!

  12. Dear Erika,
    your gelli prints look great - so beautifully natural. An interesting technique.
    And with classic cars you have me straight away. In my current post there is a link to an older post about my relationship with vintage cars, but I'll give it to you here too if you're interested:
    It's touching that the Chevy Chevelle reminds you of your grandmother. A fantastic vehicle! As for parking in the old days - I think there was more parking space and fewer vehicles, so it wasn't a problem with big cars either.
    All the best and happy weekend, Traude

  13. Some of those cars make me wish cars were less boring today. All the big trucks and SUVs and they all look alike.

  14. Loved seeing all these vintage cars. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Using leaves to print appears to have beautiful results. Your artistry really shines through all the prints. I love the use of colors, especially the way each image has just a few colors.
    best, mae at

  16. I know all those cars are out of my price range.

  17. Thank you so much Erika I appreciate your "how to" I ordered a gelli plate and the brayer this afternoon

  18. ...have Super Sport weekend!

  19. You should see my sea of strawberries - they multiply like crazy! They are from a wood near my hometown from 1974!
    I let them grow, right?
    LOVE that car (as long as I don´t have to park it, I agree!).
    All those vintage cars are cool!
    To a great weekend!

  20. LOVE the cars. Wow, what amazing old ones.

    Glad you love your gelli. As you know, I am NOT a fan. Must get mine out and make some leaves, though. That is inspiring, since now is definitely the time of year to collect leaves. Have a super weekend.

  21. Wow! Those geli prints are amazing! How fun a combo boat and car show. Looks like fun. Thank you for sharing with FFO.

  22. Lovely gelli prints and great photos of the vintage cars too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Your leaf printing came out nicely! And those cars look nice, top tier! Our local shows feature lots of muscle cars so that SS would fit right in. Love that you Grandmother drove one. I'm blogging again so please come and catch up, I hope you continue to visit me. XOX

  24. Wonderful art and photos. (This year is flying by.)

  25. Your Gelli prints out mine to shame - they are fabulous. I do like the effect you got from the strawberry leaves but all are equally lovely.
    The cars are fabulous - wow, yes, how do you park that one! Hard pressed to choose a favourite.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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