Monday, August 26, 2024

T Stands for a Flowers for You

Hi everyone. Happy new week to you, and a big hello to everyone who visits Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  for T Day.

     Last week was busy for me, in a good way with some outings and a few other things going on. My summer lake job wraps up next Monday, so when this post goes live I have only 2 days left of work for the summer. But after last week's cool down I am thinking fall. Especially being at the lake. One morning last week it never got over 58 degrees F/ 14 degrees C, and there were clouds and some wind, so to stay warm I sat in the car for almost my entire 5 hour shift. Luckily I didn't need to run the engine, but I did need to escape the wind off the water. Of course my only boat was 5 minutes before my shift ended 😏. However even with that chill, it doesn't seem possible that by next week we'll be into September.

     For Today's T day post I want to share a few photos from a trip to my local botanical garden last week. A friend and I went on Thursday, and this friend, unlike the ones I usually go with, has a real eye for seeing easily missed things. And seeing I haven't been there since opening day back in May, it was a great visit.

    I thought today I would share a few views because I'm guessing flowers and other gardeny things might make you as happy as they do me. We brought a picnic lunch with us, so I'll share that at the end of my post.   

     We stopped on our way and picked up sandwiches to have a picnic lunch at the garden. We also got this flavored seltzer water which we split.  It was not too sweet and really fruity. I'm going to keep my eyes open to see if I ever come across it again, and I'll definitely have one if I do. What is also interesting about the can is it doesn't scream at you who makes it.

Cheers to T Day, summer gardens and flowers.

Have a super T day and week ahead everyone.



  1. Just lovely --Christine

  2. Your nature photos are gorgeous! The flowers are holding up beautifully. Ours all look faded

  3. You took some really beautiful pictures of the flowers!

  4. A visit involving flowers is a welcome respite from the routine of daily life. We make our own picnic lunches and enjoy them immensely. It’s become a bit of a tradition that whatever else we have, a boiled egg is always part of it. We are planning a visit to a provincial park tomorrow (still trying to decide which one - three are under consideration) and Miriam will make focaccia bread today. Tomatoes are succulent this year, cucumbers are crisp and refreshing, and we have good cheese. Does it get any better? I don’t think so! The birds are starting to migrate so it should be a great day. All the best - David

  5. I refuse to think of fall. 24 C here!Sunny - oh, and such lovely pics - hugs and have a happy T-Day!
    And enjoy your work days, hopefully in better weather.

  6. Your flower photos are all just beautiful! You capture a special spirit for each one. I hope we have more nice summer weather this year.
    best, mae at

  7. Wow, you captured some beautiful flowers in the botanical gardens and your drink looks so refreshing - perfect 😊. Take care and happy T day! Hugs, Jo x

  8. The picnic sounds great and I love your flowers. This has been our weirdest summer of all time. Yesterday (finally) it was around 90 (which to be honest was pushing the envelope!). But at least it felt like summer! I want a warm September!

  9. So beautiful.

  10. Fall is nowhere to be seen here! Still very hot, although slightly cooler than before. (Still around 30 degrees C).
    Your flower photos are really beautiful!
    Happy T-Day,

  11. ooh! Blackberry jam, drink! never heard of it, but I bet it was yummy!! Happy Late T day!

  12. Nice flower captures at the garden center, Ericka, and I am ready for fall and fleece jackets. But as we're going to Tuscany in Oct, there will still be warmer temps.

  13. So lovely, Erika! Beautiful colors. They certainly made me smile.


  14. What are the flowers with orange petals and a black centre? They are perfect!

  15. I cannot believe it is September at weekend. Summer seems to have been and vanished in the wink of an eye. Lovely to see all the flowers and the foliage you treat us to today.
    The drink looks lovely and reminds me of a miniature gin I bought yesterday. Firstly because I saw a use for the bottle but then I did take a sip and it is delicious.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Beautiful flowers. So nice to see so much color still around.. Amazing how fast the wind comes off the water. A couple of hours ago, it was so warm and then the wind picked up and got breezy and I had to get my sweatshirt to sit outside. Happy T Day

  17. Fab shots! We're having a wet but nice week, temps have gone down to mid-80's highs and they are even talking about a cool front next weekend, I'll have to see that lol. Enjoy! xoxo


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