Monday, August 12, 2024

T Stands for My Week in Photos

 Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. It's once again time for T over at Bleubeard's and lizabeth's blog.  

Since last week's T day  the weather at my house was a few gorgeous days and a few pretty wet days. I enjoyed the gorgeous days outside, and the rainy days I spent inside.  Here's my week since last T day in photos, but I didn't take very many so this won't be that long of a post.

Monday morning I worked my shift at the lake. It was still pretty humid. Tuesday it rained most of the day and I spent part of my day painting this  unfinished cabinet we bought for our kitchen-dining room area.

Wednesday and Thursday were gorgeous. I took long walks both days.  It was also our week to have my mother-in-law's house at the lake. Wednesday morning I took the dogs for a  walk on her road (it's private for the residents along that side of the lake so there isn't much traffic) and went for a dip in the lake. The air temperature  only hit 72 degrees F /22 degrees C that day (❤ these perfect temperatures) so it was warmer in the lake than when the sun dipped behind a cloud.

Thursday I walked a local rail trail with some friends and then afterwards we stopped for an ice cream. The only photos I took were these 2. If you enlarge them you can see the mama deer and her spotted fawn crossing the trail in front of us.

 Friday it poured as the remnants of hurricane-tropical storm Debby moved through. Luckily we didn't have any flooding in my area. I spent most of my day making some art. I have a few clay molds in a box up on top of a cabinet, so I pulled them out and played with a package of paper clay that I bought maybe a year ago off a mark down rack. 

And finally this past weekend the hubby and I were busy doing a few small chores and going back up to my mother-in-law's. Saturday night on the way home we got pizza from the general store in my town. It was a particularly good one, and you can also see the glass of milk I had with my slices. This is my ticket for T this week.

And that was my past week. 

I hope everyone has a happy T day and week ahead too. 


  1. Ohhhhh, Halloween clay, painting, pizza, outdoors. This post has it ALL! Love that.

  2. Yummy pizza after a busy week! -Christine

  3. Your week looks like a good one!
    best, mae at

  4. What a fab week! Loving the green you painted your cabinet, I bet it looks great in your kitchen 😊. The lake looks beautifully and I'm glad that you got out for your walk too, and how lovely to see the deer with her fawn. The molds are perfect and I love the Halloween images, have fun making them! Yum, I haven't had pizza in forever, it looks yummy - cheers and wishing you a very Happy T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  5. I've never used or owned paper clay. You find the best things on clearance. Looks like Halloween is in the offing.

    Lovely shots of the deer and her fawn. What a gorgeous place to walk.

    Your pizza looks great and I bet it went well with your milk, too. Thanks for sharing your week and milk with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  6. To go for a walk and come across a doe and fawn is the stuff of real happiness. It doesn’t get much better! All the best - David

  7. The cabinet look lovely! and to answer your question...yes Erika, its The Barbados Green Monkey on a tea towel I thought it was the Gibraltar moneys as I know I've been there. So I'm sure it was given to me as a gift after someone went to Barbados! Not sure we did. I thought it might look better, seeing I have my breakfast there most days, if I had a 'table cloth' to cover the top, I chose this teatowel as it had never been used... lovely pictures! Have a great week, Happy T day ((Lyn))

  8. Hi Erika, love the photos of your week, you got. Up to a lot! Love the new cabinet! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  9. ...that looks like a great pizza from a general store!

  10. wow I wish I could bump into some deer while taking our daily amazing is that! The new cabinet looks nice.

  11. That looks like it was a good week all around, weather=-wise, spending time with friends and going out for pizza.

  12. How wonderful to meet some deer on your walk! Very special!
    You had a fab week by the looks of it. The lake really looks lovely. (But don't think 'd swim in it) At 22 degrees, I'd be reaching for my cardigan, lol., not swimming.
    That cabinet is amazing! Well done! Show us when it's in situ please.
    Happy T-Day,

  13. Great photos. And I love the color you chose for that unfinished wood cabinet that you're adding.

  14. What gorgeous photos of nature! We've had a few cooler days over our way as well and enjoyed it! Now I can't wait to see what you do with those paper clay molds! The pizza looks yum!

  15. I like the color you painted the cabinet and it's a wonderful shape. Too bad about the rain but good news that you had noleaking or flooding. I love stuff from molds and will look forward to the finished product. And the lake -- lovely!

  16. the lake and area look so pretty. I bet the Pete loved a dip in the lake. Paper clay Halloween things look like fun. I hope we get to see what you do with them. Yummy pizza though I'd have to pick off all the pepperoni. 😺Happy T Day

  17. Your weather looked so nice in your photos! Glad you weathered Debby okay. Pizza looks yummy, xoxo

  18. That pizza is making me hungry and I never thought of having a glass of cold milk with pizza but now I will. Bet it balances the hot pepperoni out.
    I see we are getting ready for halloween - not far away and I can't wait to play with my stamps again.
    Lovely photos, how lucky to see the deer and her baby.
    Love the cupboard.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Between the lake and the trail I'd be in heaven :) The pizza looks tasty.


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