Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.  I hope you're having a nice week so far.

Today I have some more art to share. Once again I'll start with another journal page for Jo's Wonderfully Wild challenge at Art Journal Journey

    I really wish I hadn't used  matte medium to glue down the branchy border at the bottom. At first I thought the page needed it, but now that a bit of time has passed since I made this page, I don't think the page needs it. Oh well, it's there now and unless I trash the page, I can't get it off.

    I started my page by spraying quite a bit of pink and green liquid inks onto it.  I swirled them a bit, and then I took some scrap paper and laid it over the page and rubbed my hand over it. I really like how it combined the inks. Once dry I added this fussy cut bird that came out of  an old bird book. I stamped the quote in white and used a heat gun to dry it. Why is it that the only good white ink I've ever found is white pigment ink that needs to be heated to dry?  White must be tough because even with white pens so few are actually any good at being seen over bold colors. 

    Then I added the  branchy border.

     I also have another tag for Sandie's Vintage challenge at Tag Tuesday.

     Yesterday I went with vintage feminine, so today I'm going masculine. I like to think this gentleman is a reporter, traveling the globe back in the day of steamships. Of course he needed to bring his trusty (and probably very heavy) typewriter with him so he could work during his spare time on that novel he wanted to write. 

     I used some old stamps; the man comes from a Claudine Helmuth  set which is at least 20 years old, and the globe and the typewriter are from a not quite so old but still old clear set. I used a couple of chipboard gears which were painted silver and then inked brown. I do wish I had trimmed the globe a little bit closer because the white on the top of it is bugging me, but I could go back and color it in some to hide it more. 

     That's it for me today. I hope your day  is going well. 


  1. I like the quote and the bird. And I have steam today, too, fun coincidence and nice tag!
    Wishing you a great Thursday, hugs

  2. ...yes, listen to your soul.

  3. A wonderful quote and the page looks beautiful, Erika.

  4. I think the branch blends into the background so it's not really the focal point. It looks a bit like the bird's nest. Very nice page. I loved the story you created about your reporter. Especially lugging the big typewriter with him.

  5. Wow, that background is stunning! I do love seeing those birds outside and your quote is perfect for AJJ theme! Very cool tag with the cogs in metal and your colors! Love it!

  6. These are two very beautiful and tasteful artworks again, dear Erika. Your bird page with the wise saying really appeals to me with its color scheme and the beauty of the bird, and I don't know what could be wrong with the matte medium that you used to glue down the branchy border. It all looks great to me.
    I also like your tag motif AND the story about the reporter who writes novels. I didn't notice the white edge on the globe until you mentioned it. Now I know what you mean - perhaps a touch of coffee on this edge would be a good tint. (Or you can stop mentioning it, then no one will see it 😂😅)
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your husband retires next year and that you can go on a few dream trips like we did. New Zealand is definitely worth a trip.
    All the best, Traude

  7. Such a stunning page! I love how you created the inky background, the colours blended so beautifully and with the pretty flowers and bird image 😊. Maybe you could colour the branchy border white or black so it blends more with the other colours you used, then it would look more like a garden fence line. Thanks so much for the inspiration over at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Oh wow I absolutely love your tag today Erika!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday.

  9. Divine art creations ~ stunning for sure ~ thanks and hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Both images are eye catching, Erika. I think the white above the globe balances the white beneath the typewriter, and the whites make the globe and typewriter stand out. But that's me, and they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ❤️

  11. Awesome Tag, perfectly vintage. Love the man, isn't it amazing how long stamps last, made me think just how long I have had some of mine, back in the day they were all rubber, no acrylic in those days.Thank you for playing with us at Tag Tuesday x

  12. I love these pieces Erika! Great quotes on them too, I love the found book text.
    Alison xx

  13. Such a nice inky background and collage. Those Strathmore Visual journals have been pretty decent at handling wet media. And nicely stamped tag too. I also like the background of that one. XOX

  14. What a fabulous background you created with the inks. Perfect foil for the bird and the quote. I don't mind the bit at the bottom, looks like a branch so I think it works fine.
    Great tag!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. I like the branchy border down there under the bird. I think your first idea was best :)


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